Single Mom Takes 7-Year-Old to AA Meetings: Heroic or Harmful? 😲

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Diply | Diply

Being a single mom is tough, especially when you're trying to overcome your own struggles. A 31-year-old mother recently quit drinking and is committed to the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program. However, she faces a dilemma: she has to bring her 7-year-old son to AA meetings due to her schedule and lack of childcare options. She believes it's good for her son to be around people trying to better themselves, but her ex disagrees. Is she doing more harm than good? Let's dive into the story. 😮

A Mother's Struggle 💔

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Single Mom Life 😓

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Small Town, Limited Options 🏘️

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

No Babysitting Options 🚫

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Son's Attendance 😕

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Ex's Disapproval 😠

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Defending AA Members 🙌

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Positive Influence? 🌟

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Seeking Outside Opinions 🧐

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Edit: Appreciating Responses 🙏

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Considering Alternatives 🤔

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Possible Solutions 💡

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

Grateful for Input 🌟

miss_lost_1023 | miss_lost_1023

A Mother's Dilemma: AA Meetings with Her Son 🤯

This single mom's dedication to her sobriety is commendable, but her decision to bring her 7-year-old son to AA meetings has sparked a heated debate. While she believes it's a positive environment for her son, her ex strongly disagrees. After receiving feedback, she's considering alternatives like giving her son headphones and a tablet during meetings or attending Zoom meetings when he's with her. What are your thoughts on this controversial situation? Let's see what the internet has to say... 🍿

Bringing a child to AA meetings may hinder others' recovery 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bringing a 7-year-old to AA meetings is not appropriate. 😒

ThePaSch | ThePaSch

Should a 7-year-old attend AA meetings? Here's what people think 🤔

Fuzzy-Constant | Fuzzy-Constant

NTA commenter shares positive experience bringing kids to AA meetings 🙌

dietpeachysoda | dietpeachysoda

Bringing a child to AA meetings compromises safety and discretion. 😔

curtangel | curtangel

Bringing a child to AA meetings is unfair to others. YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

A heartwarming NTA comment about attending AA meetings with a child ❤️

Due-Sherbert-7330 | Due-Sherbert-7330

Brutal judgement on single mom taking son to AA meetings 😱

Introvert87percent | Introvert87percent

Bringing a child to closed AA meetings violates the 12th Tradition. Try attending open meetings instead.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Childhood experience in AA meetings: A positive perspective 👍

RoRoRoYourGoat | RoRoRoYourGoat

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA or NAH? 🤔

MrJ_Sar | MrJ_Sar

Brutal honesty: bringing a kid to AA meetings is inappropriate 😱

LiveOnFive | LiveOnFive

Bringing a child to AA meetings can be harmful for all. 😔

Amiedeslivres | Amiedeslivres

Bringing a child to AA meetings: Disruptive or supportive? 🤔

cindyfos | cindyfos

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA and unfair to others.

ctortan | ctortan

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA or NAH?

pseudotumorgal | pseudotumorgal

Bringing your child to AA meetings: appropriate or not? 🤔

sacredxsecret | sacredxsecret

Recovering single mom takes 7-year-old to AA meetings: YTA?

SunnyRose57 | SunnyRose57

Single mom brings child to AA meetings: NTA according to commenter

Flat-Criticism1025 | Flat-Criticism1025

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA or NAH?

iolaus79 | iolaus79

Breaking tradition 12: Bringing non-alcoholic son to AA meetings. YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Is bringing a child to AA meetings appropriate? 🤔

cassowary32 | cassowary32

Child at AA meetings inhibits open sharing, consider childcare options. 🙏

DetroitHyena | DetroitHyena

Bringing a 7-year-old to AA meetings: YTA or NAH?

Sweet_Persimmon_492 | Sweet_Persimmon_492

Bringing a child to AA meetings? YTA. Traumatizing the kid.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Consider alternatives to avoid disrupting AA attendees. 🙏

Critical-Ice4621 | Critical-Ice4621

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA or NAH? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Single mom criticized for taking child to AA meetings daily 😔

no_good_namez | no_good_namez

Single mom brings 7-year-old to AA meetings: YTA for neglectful behavior.

HarnessMeDesignsOUB | HarnessMeDesignsOUB

Suggestion to minimize child's exposure in AA meetings 👍

OkapiEli | OkapiEli

Bringing kids to AA meetings can be positive and supportive 👍

weird_side_effect | weird_side_effect

Commenter criticizes taking child to AA meetings, suggests alternative solutions. 🤔

HPNerd44 | HPNerd44

Children attending AA meetings can be a positive experience 👍

FunfettiFurby | FunfettiFurby

Online AA meetings may be better for child's safety and privacy 🙏

kata389 | kata389

Supportive comment defends bringing child to AA meetings. 👏

Narkareth | Narkareth

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA or NAH?

MainEgg320 | MainEgg320

A supportive reply from a child of an alcoholic parent 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Child of alcoholic supports single mom taking child to AA meetings 👏

thatspookybitch | thatspookybitch

Single mom brings 7-year-old to AA meetings: YTA according to commenters 😢

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA or NAH? 🤔

Top-Ad-2676 | Top-Ad-2676

Finding alternative childcare options for AA meetings 👨‍💻🤔

Babsgarcia | Babsgarcia

Bringing a child to AA meetings: helpful or harmful? YTA says no 🚫

Missworldmissheard | Missworldmissheard

Is taking a child to AA meetings appropriate? YTA thinks no 🤔

mysticwater12 | mysticwater12

Bringing a child to AA meetings: convenience or disruption? 🤔

Element_Girl | Element_Girl

Bringing a 7-year-old to AA meetings: YTA or NAH? 🤔

calamity125 | calamity125

Parent brings child to AA meetings, sparks controversy 😲

chernygal | chernygal

Child attending AA meetings: YTA or NTA?

luador | luador

Bringing a child to AA meetings: YTA, not considering others' needs.

andandandetc | andandandetc

Child of an alcoholic praises single mom's sobriety efforts 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parenting debate: Is it okay to take your child to AA meetings? 🤔

kittyroux | kittyroux

Single mom brings 7-year-old to AA meetings: YTA according to commenters 🙄

Ancient-Transition-4 | Ancient-Transition-4

Bringing kids to AA meetings can create special memories 😊

No_Agency5595 | No_Agency5595

Growing up in AA meetings as a child: Traumatic or educational? 🤔

ShayRae91 | ShayRae91

Attending AA meetings with her son - a NAH verdict.

ohhblessyourheart | ohhblessyourheart

NTA. AA meetings are normal and husband should visit one.

Justafukingegg | Justafukingegg

Struggling single mom seeks advice on AA meeting childcare 🙏

hahewee | hahewee

Parent taking child to AA meeting sparks controversy. YTA verdict.

FitAlternative9458 | FitAlternative9458

Bringing your child to AA meetings: intrusive or understandable? 🤔

LollipopThrowAway- | LollipopThrowAway-

AA meetings are not for children. Ex should support you. 🙅

fightingnflder | fightingnflder

Parent brings child to AA meetings, sparks debate. YTA softly.

0biterdicta | 0biterdicta

Growing up with a mentally ill mother, NTA commenter values good coping mechanisms.

Silent-Influence-116 | Silent-Influence-116

Bringing a child to AA meetings - YTA according to commenters 🤷‍♀️

Caranath128 | Caranath128

Attending AA meetings with kids: NTA, priority is sobriety. 👍

PresentationFew2014 | PresentationFew2014

Commenter calls out single mom for taking child to AA meetings

Muzique_nl | Muzique_nl

Commenter acknowledges ex's insensitivity, but suggests finding alternative childcare.

Numerous-Tie-9677 | Numerous-Tie-9677

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