College Roommate Drama: Gluten-free Girl vs. Crumb Culprit 😱🍞

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

Living with roommates can be a challenging experience, especially when it comes to sharing a kitchen. Throw in a serious medical condition like Celiac disease, and things can get even more complicated. In a college dorm suite, four girls find themselves in a sticky situation involving gluten, trust, and a mini-fridge. 🍞😨👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

The Suite Life 🏠

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Celiac in the House 🚫🍞

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Roommates in the Know 👭

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Change of Plans 🔄

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

The Agreement 🤝

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Crumb Culprit Unmasked 😠

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Caught Red-Handed 🚨

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Safety Concerns 🚧

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

New Jars, Same Problem 😩

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Crumb Culprit Strikes Again 😡

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Mini-Fridge Solution 🛒

meeping_maple | meeping_maple

Trust Issues and Mini-Fridge Drama 🤔🔍

After numerous attempts to address the gluten contamination issue with her roommate, our gluten-free protagonist resorts to buying a mini-fridge to keep her food safe. However, this move sparks backlash from her roommate, who claims it's impacting her mental health negatively. With trust on the line and health at stake, this college roommate drama leaves us wondering – who's really in the wrong here? 🤷‍♀️🍞💔

NTA comment and replies call out guilt-tripping and prioritize physical health.

catfoodspork | catfoodspork

College roommate disregards celiac disease, OP gets mini-fridge. NTA.

shepassedthebeautyon | shepassedthebeautyon

Gluten-free girl ignores warning, suffers consequences. NTA takes action.

[deleted] | [deleted]

🚫🍞 Celiac disease is no joke. NTA for prioritizing your health.

grecianviolet | grecianviolet

Protecting health and mini fridge: NTA celiac vs. thoughtless roommate 😱

appydawg | appydawg

Roommate uses mental health as excuse for cross-contamination. NTA.

Nt_A_Chnc | Nt_A_Chnc

Roommate lies about gluten, OP calls her out. Drama ensues.

CompleteInsect8373 | CompleteInsect8373

Roommate gaslighting over gluten-free food. NTA takes precautions. 😱

SamathaYoga | SamathaYoga

Protecting your health is top priority 🙌🏻

Angry-Beaver82 | Angry-Beaver82

Protect your health, shut her down if she continues 💪

tosser9212 | tosser9212

Gluten-free girl uses mental health as an excuse? NTA vs. NAH.

popmypimples69 | popmypimples69

Protecting health > Trusting roommate. NTA 👍

cdsmith | cdsmith

Roommate knowingly made OP sick, NTA for buying separate fridge.

hereforbaloney | hereforbaloney

Protect your health first. Roommate's feelings come second. 🙌

joanclaytonesq | joanclaytonesq

A fiery response to a gluten-free roommate's entitlement 😱🍞

Tricky-Matter-699 | Tricky-Matter-699

Protecting your health is not personal, NTA 🙌

Revolutionary_Use317 | Revolutionary_Use317

Roommate's gluten-free food tampered with, NTA for considering move 😡

d4nkgr1l | d4nkgr1l

Gluten-free roommate stands up to food thief and gets blamed 😡

einat162 | einat162

Protect your snacks and your health with a mini fridge 😎

Hexcaster505 | Hexcaster505

Protecting your health shouldn't make you the bad guy 🙏

Odd_Transition222 | Odd_Transition222

Roommate conflict over gluten-free food and condiments resolved with mini fridge

Gubblers | Gubblers

Stand up for yourself and report her if necessary! 💪

SpokenDivinity | SpokenDivinity

Refrigerating natural peanut butter: to do or not to do? 🤔

StAlvis | StAlvis

Celiac commenter empathizes with gluten-free roommate's struggle 😢

rikinaynay | rikinaynay

Living solo? A mini-fridge in the garage is a game-changer! 😍

NoCoffeeNoPeace | NoCoffeeNoPeace

Gluten-free girl vs. crumb culprit: NTA stands up for health

PrivateEyes2020 | PrivateEyes2020

Protecting health: NTA roommate educates on celiac disease severity 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sharing a mini fridge in college: NTA or peak petty?

gimmethelulz | gimmethelulz

Roommate intentionally poisoning with gluten. Seek help from res life.

Rtarara | Rtarara

Serious allergies are no joke 😠

Chay_Charles | Chay_Charles

Commenter expresses frustration with someone's behavior. 🤬

xptx | xptx

Allergies are serious 😷🏻. Third party intervention may help.

BobsTheirUncle | BobsTheirUncle

Mini fridge solves physical, not mental health. NTA 👍

dwells2301 | dwells2301

Gluten-free girl blames roommate for catering mishap. NTA.

rpaynepiano | rpaynepiano

Don't let guilt-tripping fool you, NTA! 👏

TheMedReg | TheMedReg

Protecting your health is not unreasonable 🙌

GK21595 | GK21595

Protect yourself from gluten, not from being NTA 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Celiac disease is serious and can lead to cancer. NTA.

OpportunityExciting9 | OpportunityExciting9

A gluten-free revenge plan involving a stinky aftermath 🤬

629mrsn | 629mrsn

Roommate disregards serious condition, cries mental health. NTA.

LoremEpsomSalt | LoremEpsomSalt

Gluten-free girl stands up to crumb culprit, NTA wins

Livinthedream_111 | Livinthedream_111

Roommate caught red-handed with crumbs, NTA takes action 😎

Prestigious-Name-323 | Prestigious-Name-323

Gluten-free girl is NTA for taking celiac disease seriously 🙌

billopip28631 | billopip28631

Stand up for your health, not everyone will understand 🙌

WitchInAWheelchair | WitchInAWheelchair

Gluten-free roommate catches culprit, still gets sick. NTA 👍

SnakeJG | SnakeJG

Standing up for yourself can be tough, but necessary 💪

Ataira89 | Ataira89

Protecting your health and safety: the importance of respecting dietary restrictions

graveyardho | graveyardho

Stand up for yourself and prioritize your health! 🙌

DidIStutter76 | DidIStutter76

Protecting yourself from gluten poisoning with your own fridge 😊

Important-Stomach977 | Important-Stomach977

Self-care is important, don't let anyone make you feel guilty 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand up for your health! NTA 💪

Charming_Smile_6553 | Charming_Smile_6553

Standing up for your health: NTA for setting boundaries 💪

docasj | docasj

Protecting yourself from harm is never a**hole behavior 🙌

gluteng0blin | gluteng0blin

Victim blaming or tough love? The gluten-free drama continues.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sharing food with a crumb culprit? NTA, better safe than sorry.

literal-hitler | literal-hitler

Gluten-free girl not the a**hole for wanting her own food.

TheRealSkeeter | TheRealSkeeter

Roommate's gluten-free diet not respected. NTA stands up.

DuckandCover1984 | DuckandCover1984

Ignoring a toxic roommate: easier said than done 🤔

FatLouie_84 | FatLouie_84

JurassicParkFood | JurassicParkFood

Stand up to the crumb culprit with photographic evidence 📸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate's gluten deception leads to justified lack of trust 😡

reyballesta | reyballesta

Commenter says not the a-hole and mentions guilt's impact on mental health.

Paeliens | Paeliens

Gluten-free girl called an a**hole, but not in the wrong

boojangles02 | boojangles02

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