Family Refuses to Return Dog to Original Owner: Heartless or Justified? 🐶💔

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Diply | Diply

Imagine adopting a dog from a shelter, nursing her back to health, and falling in love with her only to have the original owner demand her back after a year. That's the predicament one family found themselves in when they posted an update on their beagle's progress on the rescue's Facebook page. The original owner claimed the dog had run away and that they were unable to search for her due to hospital visits. Now, the internet is divided: should the family return the dog or keep her? 🐾

Meet Gemma, the Beagle 🐶

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

From Obese to Healthy 💪

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

Heartworm Treatment 💔

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

Kids Love Gemma ❤️

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

Gemma's Past 🕰️

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

The Original Owner's Plea 😢

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

The Internet Divided 🌐

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

Legal Ownership 📜

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

The Original Owner's Excuse 🏥

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

The Heartworms and Training 🚫

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

Gemma's History with the Original Owner 📸

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

The Previous Owner's Situation 🤕

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

No Reimbursement 💸

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

The Family's Love for Gemma 💗

fellatiohornpipe | fellatiohornpipe

A Heart-Wrenching Decision: Who Deserves Gemma? 🐶💔

This family turned Gemma the beagle's life around after adopting her from a shelter. They helped her lose weight, trained her, and treated her heartworms. But when they shared her progress online, the original owner came forward, pleading for her return. The internet is torn, with some saying the family should keep her, while others argue the dog should be returned. The family loves Gemma and doesn't want to give her up, but the original owner's situation tugs at the heartstrings. What do you think? Let's dive into some top responses from the internet... 💬

NTA. Previous owner neglected Gemma's health and training. Gemma is yours.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Previous owner neglected dog, legally adopted out, belongs to OP. 🐶

MalsPrettyBonnet | MalsPrettyBonnet

Grateful dog owner accused of neglect is NTA, commenters agree 🐾

StAlvis | StAlvis

ChewMyFudge | ChewMyFudge

Rescued dog's previous owner neglected him, new owner refuses return. 🐶💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dog owners neglect their pet and lose ownership. NTA.

Portie_lover | Portie_lover

doc_strange82 | doc_strange82

Previous owner can cram it: NTA keeps shelter dog.

GrilledStuffedDragon | GrilledStuffedDragon

Legal ownership and emotional attachment justify keeping the dog. 🐶

NotSoBunny | NotSoBunny

Keeping the dog was the best decision for its health 🐶

SarahGTP | SarahGTP

Responsible actions taken to protect neglected dog. 🐶👏

lyanx123 | lyanx123

Keeping the dog is justified, returning it would be cruel 🐶

Meep2306 | Meep2306

Rescued dog's new owners accused of being heartless by previous owner.

redditor191389 | redditor191389

Disabled owner defends keeping dog from neglectful previous owner. 🐶

CastIronKettle | CastIronKettle

Show us the pooch! 🐶

JohnChapter11Verse35 | JohnChapter11Verse35

Overweight dog returned after 3 months. NTA wins.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA defends family keeping dog from possible lying previous owner 🐶

wanksofteens69 | wanksofteens69

Former owner neglects dog, current owner takes good care. NTA.

ichheissekate | ichheissekate

Shelter didn't make the dog fat, NTA for keeping it.

AnyConstellation | AnyConstellation

Happy ending: commenter supports keeping the dog with new owner. 🐶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rescued dog's health improved, NTA for keeping it. 🐶

The_Pandemoniums | The_Pandemoniums

Dog rightfully rehomed? Commenters say NTA.

ConsistentCheesecake | ConsistentCheesecake

Dog owner justified in keeping their pet, but beware theft attempts.

FairieWarrior | FairieWarrior

Dog custody battle: NTA wins, stability is key 🐶

NorthernLitUp | NorthernLitUp

Animal abuse is never justified. 🐶💯

sittinkitten13 | sittinkitten13

NTA. Heartwarming story of adopting a misidentified shelter dog 🐶

StilltheoneNY | StilltheoneNY

Previous owner neglected dog, current owner NTA for keeping Gemma 🐶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Owner rightfully keeps dog after abuse and neglect by previous family 🐶

Balipaper | Balipaper

Pet tax needed for NTA who won't give back dog 🐶

phobos_Gamer | phobos_Gamer

Clever response shuts down heartless dog thief. 🐶

littlesnowsparrow | littlesnowsparrow

Dog owner neglects pet, rescuer keeps and loves it. NTA.

JustKiddiNg13 | JustKiddiNg13

15 months later, NTA - Keep your dog back home 🐶

Laramila | Laramila

Preventative care is crucial for pets. NTA's advice is sound 🐶

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

Heartwarming reunion with Gemmah 🐶❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rehabilitating and loving an abused animal makes you NTA 🐶

backupbitches | backupbitches

Dog owner neglects pup, loses it, and wants it back. NTA.

somerrae | somerrae

Should the family return the dog to the original owner? 🤔

SneakySneakySquirrel | SneakySneakySquirrel

Previous owner unfit to care for dog. NTA for keeping it 🐶

Emergent-Sea | Emergent-Sea

PSAs for pet owners: update microchips and don't post on social media. NTA.

Jallenrix | Jallenrix

Previous owner loses claim to dog, NTA for keeping her.

TheKeekses | TheKeekses

Rescued pup finds a loving home, owner won't let go 🐶💔

maemae0312 | maemae0312

NTA. Heartworm prevention is cheap and essential for dog owners 🐶💔

Pepperfishes | Pepperfishes

Standing up for the dog's well-being. 🐶❤️

JakeT-life-is-great | JakeT-life-is-great

Previous owner unable to provide proper care, NTA to keep.

garbersaur | garbersaur

Rescued dog, not chipped or trained, NTA keeps her.

Aggressive-Sample612 | Aggressive-Sample612

Legally your dog, block them and protect your pet 🐶

imvotinghere | imvotinghere

Commenter is not the a**hole in dog ownership dispute 🐶

snirpville | snirpville

Pet ownership requires responsibility and proper care. NTA for keeping dog.

IgnorantKumquat | IgnorantKumquat

Previous neglect, current care. NTA for wanting reimbursement.

Bangbangsmashsmash | Bangbangsmashsmash

Previous owner's irresponsibility justifies keeping the dog. 🐶

Flownique | Flownique

Commenter defends family's decision to keep dog, calls original owner TA.

julia_ur_killing_me | julia_ur_killing_me

Healthy dog, happy home: NTA keeps what's rightfully theirs.

mollysheridan | mollysheridan

Beagle lover defends family's decision to keep neglected dog.

Mysterious-Inside-53 | Mysterious-Inside-53

Dog rightfully belongs to commenter. No a**holes here. 🐶

youm3ddlingkids | youm3ddlingkids

Owning a dog is a responsibility, not a commodity 🐶

finnegan922 | finnegan922

Previous owner wants dog for wrong reasons? NTA thinks so 🐶

auzlbubbles | auzlbubbles

Keeping Gemma: Justified or Heartless? NTA stands firm.

kaylakarin | kaylakarin

Family keeps dog after neglectful owner loses custody. NTA.

kb-g | kb-g

Prior owner neglects dog, current owner NTA for keeping it 🐶

Numerous_Minute_1048 | Numerous_Minute_1048

Rescued beagle finds loving home with caring owner. 🐶💖

ddotajna | ddotajna

Demand reimbursement for dog expenses, she'll change her mind! 🐶

balderdashbird | balderdashbird

Rescued dog's original owner neglected her, keep her safe. NTA 🐶

therealnotrealtaako | therealnotrealtaako

Keep the dog for its own well-being and happiness. 🐶👏

MightyMitochondrion | MightyMitochondrion

NTA commenter calls out lazy pet owner for not searching harder 🐶

TheSleepingVoid | TheSleepingVoid

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