😱 Friend Can't Let Go of Miscarriage, Neglects Living Child

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Diply | Diply

Two years ago, a woman experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage at 18 weeks. To cope, she started an Instagram account to document her loss, referring to her unborn child as 'born sleeping.' While it seemed like a healthy way to grieve at first, it quickly became her entire identity. Her house has turned into a shrine for her late daughter, with pictures everywhere and an untouched nursery. But what about her living five-year-old son? 😢

An Instagram Account for Grieving

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Grief Becomes Her Identity

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A Shrine for the Daughter

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The Living Son Becomes a Prop

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Son's Struggle for Attention

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Mother Ignores Son's Pleas

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Dad Does His Best

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Son's Desperate Act

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Confronting the Mother

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Mother's Reaction

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Urging for Treatment

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Broken Friendship?

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A Ghostly Competition: Can Their Friendship Survive?

The woman's friend finally confronted her about the unhealthy obsession with her late miscarriage and the neglect of her living son. The conversation ended with the mother hanging up, and now she refuses to take any calls. Was the friend out of line, or is this a wake-up call that the grieving mother desperately needs? Let's see what the internet thinks of this heart-wrenching situation... 💔😔

Mother neglects living child after miscarriage, needs therapy and help. 💔

Sapphireseafoam | Sapphireseafoam

Disturbing discussion on mother's behavior after miscarriage and child neglect.

snowlock27 | snowlock27

Mother shares her experience of stillbirth and prioritizing living child ❤️

rbaltimore | rbaltimore

Insightful comment and replies about the dangers of keeping a deceased child's room untouched. Urges intervention and counseling for the neglectful friend and contacting child services if necessary. 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Social media may not be the best outlet for grief.

Readingreddit12345 | Readingreddit12345

Intervention may be necessary to help neglected child and mother 😢

Thatvideogamenerd | Thatvideogamenerd

Parents who obsess over a deceased child can harm the living. NTA

lolabornack | lolabornack

Suggest talking to the husband or close friends for help 🙏

dorothydunnit | dorothydunnit

Encouraging therapy for processing grief in a sensitive situation. 🙏

wheady-mile | wheady-mile

Encourage therapy for friend neglecting living child after miscarriage.

vanastalem | vanastalem

Heartbreaking neglect of a living child. NTA for speaking up.

LefthandedLemur | LefthandedLemur

Friend needs therapy to cope with miscarriage and neglecting child.

MegaphoneOfTruth | MegaphoneOfTruth

Holding and seeing the fetus can aid in grieving process 💔

salomamadtown | salomamadtown

Being the voice of reason: NTA comment section 👍

FFBTheShow | FFBTheShow

Heartbreaking situation, neglected child needs professional help and support. 😢

ilovepancakes134 | ilovepancakes134

Encouraging therapy for unhealthy grief after miscarriage. 🙏

mugrita | mugrita

Offering support to a grieving friend can be tough 😢

melimineau | melimineau

Sharing personal experience to help OP realize importance of moving on ❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Heartbreaking loss of a child causing complicated grief, needs help ❤️

BDizzMcNizz | BDizzMcNizz

Compassionate response to grieving mother prioritizing her living child. 🙏

RagaMuffinSun | RagaMuffinSun

Friend's grief over miscarriage harming son, needs professional help. 🚨

MadWitchLibrarian | MadWitchLibrarian

Friend neglects living child after miscarriage, NTA suggests help and intervention

Opening-Lecture | Opening-Lecture

Friend's obsession with miscarriage neglects living child, NTA offers advice.

ErnestBatchelder | ErnestBatchelder

Validating the commenter's empathy while urging responsible parenting. 👍

CDN_Bookmouse | CDN_Bookmouse

Neglected child needs help. Consider calling CPS for support. 😢

NM1795 | NM1795

Disturbing hospital practice prompts NTA response to miscarriage grief.

scrimshandy | scrimshandy

Commenter questions the mother's actions after miscarriage, expresses concern for living child's well-being. 🤔

Zeddicus11 | Zeddicus11

Friend's behavior may be due to a mental illness. Encourage treatment.

Specialist-Giraffe | Specialist-Giraffe

Heartbreaking story of a mother's inability to move on. 😢

nachobitxh | nachobitxh

Approach with empathy and suggest counseling for better results. 💛

rdeincognito | rdeincognito

Mother neglects living child after miscarriage, judged NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Suggesting involving the husband to help NTA friend cope 🙏

BustAMove_13 | BustAMove_13

Advocating for neglected child due to mother's grief. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Concerned commenter suggests CPS or husband intervention for neglectful mother.

Dontsuffocate | Dontsuffocate

Supportive comment acknowledges neglect and suggests help for friend 🙏

LittleSugarBun | LittleSugarBun

Heartbreaking situation where a living child is neglected. #NTA

thuggurll | thuggurll

Suggesting an intervention for a friend struggling with miscarriage. 🙏

pepsigoddess | pepsigoddess

Friend's miscarriage obsession harming her living child. Urgent therapy needed.

SarkyCherry | SarkyCherry

Agreeing with the judgement and finding the situation creepy 🤮

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encourage professional help for friend struggling with miscarriage grief.

panlevap | panlevap

Neglecting living child, CPS intervention may be necessary 🚨

Radman25426 | Radman25426

Living child being neglected due to friend's miscarriage. NTA, but handle delicately 😢

flowerchild95 | flowerchild95

Heartbreaking situation, neglecting a child for a miscarriage. NTA.

Nomad_Lu | Nomad_Lu

Concerned commenter suggests calling CPS for neglected child. 🚨

consolepeasent321 | consolepeasent321

Supporting a friend through grief is important for everyone's well-being 🙏

Rotowoman | Rotowoman

Grieving mother neglects living child, NTA comments urge prioritizing him. 😢

Pantherdraws | Pantherdraws

Approach with empathy and kindness when helping a grieving friend. 🙏

dorianrose | dorianrose

Mother's grief neglects living child, son's behavior escalates. 😢

Lunavixen15 | Lunavixen15

Forced her 5-year-old to hold a fetus? That's morbid af. NTA

musiclovingcat | musiclovingcat

Both parties share blame, but yelling won't solve anything 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anon7235 | Anon7235

A comment on unhealthy coping mechanisms and the need for therapy.

aprilfoolmeonce | aprilfoolmeonce

Understanding the difference between miscarriage and stillbirth. 👍

Elladoaflip | Elladoaflip

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