Hamster Held Hostage: A Desperate Escape from a Snake Cage 🐹🐍

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

Imagine visiting your girlfriend's house only to discover her roommate has placed a hamster and a snake in the same cage. That's exactly what happened to one concerned individual, who found himself in a moral dilemma. The hamster was meant to be the snake's dinner, but after three days, it was still alive and suffering. Should he intervene and save the hamster, or let nature take its course? 😰🐹

A Shocking Discovery 🐹🐍

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Circle of Life?

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Three Days Later...

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Desperate Hamster 😢

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Mismatched Predators

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

A Question of Diet

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Suffering in Silence

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

To Re-Home or Release?

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

No Comfort in Captivity

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Uninterested Snake

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Intervention Dilemma

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

Decision Time

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

More Roommate Drama

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

A History of Neglect

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

A Desperate Plan

clemthelemon | clemthelemon

The Great Hamster Debate: To Save or Not to Save? 🤔

Caught in a heart-wrenching dilemma, our protagonist considers whether to save the suffering hamster from its snake-infested prison. With the snake showing no interest in its supposed meal, the hamster is left to suffer without food or comfort. After much deliberation and feedback, a decision is made to re-home the hamster and rescue it from its cruel fate. But the story doesn't end there, as more tales of the roommate's pet neglect come to light, leaving our hero desperate to save them all. Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation...🧐

Navigating AITA sub rules: Is downvoting justified? 🤔

bubbywater | bubbywater

Reptile enthusiast explains the dangers of live feeding 🐍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Proper animal welfare should be a priority 🐱🐍

be-c-c4 | be-c-c4

Report the abuser and rehome the hamster 🐹🐍

Ok_Principle_6640 | Ok_Principle_6640

Hamster deserves better, NTA. 🐹

cryptidrose | cryptidrose

Stop animal abuse! Let's save the poor hamster 🐹

Morrifay | Morrifay

Save the hamster! NTA, but report the girl to authorities. 🐹

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rescuing hamster from snake cage: NTA, report animal abuse 🐹

FrickFrackIt | FrickFrackIt

Late but legendary use of "Jabroni." NTA, doing right.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate's hamster torture is a red flag 🐟. Re-homing is wise.

BarbicideJar | BarbicideJar

Randomnamechoice123 | Randomnamechoice123

Rescuing a hamster from a snake's cage makes you a hero 👏

gonzo-is-sexy | gonzo-is-sexy

Compassionate advice for rehoming hamster from cruel owner 🐹

livlivesforbrains | livlivesforbrains

A kind stranger offers help to free a trapped hamster 🐹

poppcorrn | poppcorrn

Comment suggests post belongs in animal care subreddit. 🤔

Vena_Mala | Vena_Mala

Rescue the hamster! YTA should call the SPCA 🐹

ChimoEngr | ChimoEngr

Secret hamster rescue mission successful! 🐹👍

kellymar | kellymar

[deleted] | [deleted]

Hamster saved from psycho friend, deserves better home 🐹

Tsaundersfletcher | Tsaundersfletcher

Deception or mercy killing? A clever solution for hamster's escape.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rehoming the hamster is the right thing to do 👍. Animal services can help.

tnscatterbrain | tnscatterbrain

Rescuing a hamster from cruel captivity 🐹🐍

banshee-of-reddit | banshee-of-reddit

Free the hamster! 🐹 NTA takes a stand against cruelty.

markdmac | markdmac

Releasing the hamster is cruel and probably illegal. Consider rehoming.

cyfermax | cyfermax

Expert warns of danger of leaving live prey with snake 💥

somethingsilver97 | somethingsilver97

Animal cruelty concerns raised over live prey for snakes 🐍

frogathome | frogathome

Cruelty to both animals, rehoming the hamster is best option

BananaSnakes | BananaSnakes

Animal control and blacklist for hamster rescuer's heroism 🐹

snowwhitesludge | snowwhitesludge

Find out why this commenter suggests rehoming and if they're a Sunny fan 🤔

Insomniac-Thot | Insomniac-Thot

Help locate the hamster and save it! 🐹

Ms_Rarity | Ms_Rarity

Hamster held hostage by roommate, but NTA rehoming it. 🐹🐍

mountaingoat05 | mountaingoat05

Neglectful pet owners get what they deserve. NTA wins!

comenplaywusdanny | comenplaywusdanny

Hamster and snake both in danger. Iguanas are herbivores.

bearislandbadass | bearislandbadass

Hamster escapes snake cage, commenter is not the a**hole 🐹👍

blackpawed | blackpawed

Heartbreaking neglect of hamster, please rehome 🐹💔

LittleFreakyReaper | LittleFreakyReaper

Woman criticized for poor pet ownership skills. 🐱

please-end-this | please-end-this

Commenter expresses love for word 'jabronies' 😍

lisarulesandusuck | lisarulesandusuck

Don't be a YWBTA! Take it to a rescue 🐾

Grumpysmiler | Grumpysmiler

Everyone's at fault in this hamster-snake hostage situation 🐹🐍

Nisplaydame | Nisplaydame

🚫 Feeding live animals to snakes is illegal in the UK

embarrasingfootnote | embarrasingfootnote

🐹🐍 NTA made the right call. Roommate shouldn't be a pet owner.

ReaYve | ReaYve

Report animal cruelty! Help save the hamster 🐹

SandSim | SandSim

Friend's snake ate hamster, commenter suggests telling the truth. 🐹🐍

SsaucySam | SsaucySam

Curious about the snake? Learn more from the comments 🐍

laurenkswan | laurenkswan

Heartbreaking story of a beloved hamster in danger 💔

takeyourbreather | takeyourbreather

Roommate's careless pet ownership leads to animal mistreatment. NTA.

WombatInferno | WombatInferno

A heartwarming comment wins a wholesome award. Not the a**hole.

Marty_McDonalds | Marty_McDonalds

Rescuer praised for caring about animals, advised against releasing them.

Fatal_S | Fatal_S

Heartbreaking plea to save neglected hamster from cruel captivity 💔

mazekeen19 | mazekeen19

Live feeding is cruel. Hamster can kill snake. Report abuse.

thesnapening | thesnapening

Concerned for the hamster's safety 😯

rapguysgirlfriend99 | rapguysgirlfriend99

Hamster vs. Snake: Who will come out alive? 🐹🐍

paniccracker | paniccracker

Heartbreaking story receives NTA judgement

pickle_whop | pickle_whop

Hamster owner criticized for animal abuse, advised to rehome pets.

Arealtossup | Arealtossup

Heartfelt plea for hamster's safety in snake cage 🐹

Doughnut1102 | Doughnut1102

Don't feed your pets to snakes! NTA for protecting hamster 🐹

QuiccStacc | QuiccStacc

Rehome the hamster to save it from the snake. 🐹🐍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Save the hamster! Take it to a shelter instead 🐹❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sneaky plan to rehome hamster and snake with no consequences 🐎

11_JENN_11 | 11_JENN_11

Rehome the hamster now or be TA. 🐹

MadamKitsune | MadamKitsune

Not enough information to generate a caption 😕

lilac_shawty | lilac_shawty

Report animal abuse: NTA commenter advises with urgency 🐱

Stupidcupey | Stupidcupey

Animal lover defends hamster, receives support from commenters 🐱

Han-Holo | Han-Holo

Free the hamster! 🐹🆘 Don't let it suffer in heat.

Define_Sunshine | Define_Sunshine

Educational comment about iguanas' diet 🤓

Tara_love_xo | Tara_love_xo

Heartwarming support for hamster's rehoming 🐹❤️

Some_Respect3634 | Some_Respect3634

A vegetarian iguana saves the day 🦎🌿

SendSpoods | SendSpoods

Free the hamster! A compassionate plea for a better life. 🐹

lngsfngs | lngsfngs

Agreeing with the comment that some people shouldn't have pets 😒

blyth33s | blyth33s

Hamster owner not at fault, as long as it finds home 🐹

urson_black | urson_black

Commenter calls out cruelty towards hamster, supports rehoming efforts.

Jim_hoffman | Jim_hoffman

Hamster vs. Snake: Should you intervene? NTA suggests options.

jessicat2222 | jessicat2222

Hamster held hostage by roommate's ignorance on snake feeding. NTA.

DangoPlango | DangoPlango

Feeding a snake in its tank can lead to danger 🐍

nicsthename | nicsthename

Hamster heroically escapes snake cage, NTA

sunsetlover0630 | sunsetlover0630

Hamster vs Snake: Who Would Win? 🦇

Chaoticpsychosis | Chaoticpsychosis

Be the voice of the voiceless! Report animal abuse 🐱

Sharkoslotho | Sharkoslotho

Protect yourself while doing a morally good thing 👏

trustedcriminal | trustedcriminal

Iguanas are herbivores, but they'll eat meat when hungry 🐍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rescuing a hamster from a snake cage. Roommate's an idiot 🐹

kvetcherkit | kvetcherkit

Rescuer praised for freeing hamster from potential snake attack 🐹

1041318 | 1041318

Should the hamster be set free or kept responsibly?

VerySuspiciousMoose | VerySuspiciousMoose

Responsible pet ownership is important 🐱. Girl doesn't deserve pets.

SereniaKat | SereniaKat

Take action against animal cruelty. Find a better roommate. 🐾🐱

_bufflehead | _bufflehead

Curious about the hamster's fate? Stay tuned for updates! 🐶

Greener441 | Greener441

Save the hamster! 🐹 NTA, rehome it instead.

axethrowingteacher | axethrowingteacher

Report animal cruelty and re-home the animals 🚨🐾

killedwithasandwich | killedwithasandwich

Rescuer saves hamster from snake cage, but now what? 🐹

floflow99 | floflow99

Rescue the hamster but report the owner to animal welfare 🐱

Vanaathiel88 | Vanaathiel88

Encouraging comment section with support for hamster rescue 🐹🐍

pollyanna500 | pollyanna500

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