😱 Woman's Shocking Revelation: Mom Manipulated Her into Sabotaging a Marriage!

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Diply | Diply

Imagine being a teenager and having your own mother manipulate you into doing something against your morals. That's exactly what happened to a young woman who was forced by her mom to send an anonymous text to break up a marriage. Now, at 20 years old, she's seeking therapy to work through her past, but when she mentioned this incident to her mom, things took a dramatic turn. 😱🌀

The Affair Begins 😈

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

Mom's Twisted Plan 📱

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

Reluctant Involvement 😔

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

Seeking Therapy 🧠

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

A Shocking Realization 😳

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

Visiting Mom 🏠

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

The Confrontation 💥

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

Mom Flips Out 😠

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Standing Up for Herself 💪

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Doubts and Regrets 😞

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A Calm Discussion 🕊️

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Setting Boundaries 🚧

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The Consequences ⚖️

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Grateful for Support 🙏

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

Gender Assumptions 🤷

bigger_beef | bigger_beef

A Bittersweet Resolution 🌈

After a heated confrontation, the young woman and her mom had a calm discussion about the past. Her mom apologized and admitted her wrongdoing, while the daughter set new ground rules for their interactions. If her mom doesn't follow them, she's prepared to cut contact short term. It's a bittersweet resolution, but it's a step towards healing. 🌟 Now, let's dive into some of the top reactions from the internet... 💬

Therapist-patient confidentiality is key. Mom is manipulative and lying. NTA.

BroadElderberry | BroadElderberry

Daughter stands up to manipulative mom, gets blamed for reporting abuse 😡

twinkiehouse11 | twinkiehouse11

Cutting ties with a parent is tough, but necessary sometimes. 👏

87_north | 87_north

Lesson learned: set boundaries with selfish, manipulative family members 👏

Terpsichorean_Wombat | Terpsichorean_Wombat

Mother's manipulation of daughter for marriage sabotage is unacceptable. NTA.

crykenn | crykenn

Sharing therapy progress with manipulative mom may backfire. 🚫

lady_chantao | lady_chantao

Processing childhood trauma, NTA receives support for appalling manipulation.

LancreWitch | LancreWitch

Commenter receives support after being called 'not the a**hole'

UnsightlyFuzz | UnsightlyFuzz

Breaking patient/doctor confidentiality is a red flag 🚩

itzPenbar | itzPenbar

Take care of your mental health, seek help. NTA 👍

ducksgiven | ducksgiven

Breaking free from a manipulative mother with therapist's support. 💪

didntseethatcominn | didntseethatcominn

Mother manipulates therapy sessions, forbids discussing certain topics. NTA.

generic_bitch | generic_bitch

Woman seeks mother's understanding about therapy, irony ensues. NTA.

miithwork | miithwork

Mother's manipulation hilariously horrible, NTA for exposing it.

LazerKhan | LazerKhan

Commenter calls out inappropriate behavior and boundaries in relationships.

Theresajanehall | Theresajanehall

Cutting ties with toxic family is hard but necessary. 👍

open_door_policy | open_door_policy

Cutting off a narcissistic mom after sabotaging a marriage. #NTA

Master-Manipulation | Master-Manipulation

Op's mom is toxic. NTA. 🚫👩‍👧

nan1ta | nan1ta

Commenter finds humor in the situation 🤣

lurkario | lurkario

Don't blame yourself, NTA. Seek therapy and move forward 👍

FormalRaspberry9 | FormalRaspberry9

Therapists are there to help, not judge. Ignore the drama 👍

robotsenator_1357 | robotsenator_1357

Mother manipulates daughter into sabotaging a marriage. Betrayal and abuse.

SyntheticGod8 | SyntheticGod8

No guilt here! 🙅‍♀️ NTA

SwiggyBloodlust | SwiggyBloodlust

Empathetic support for a young woman's traumatic experience 💜

2ndchanceswork | 2ndchanceswork

Mom's manipulative behavior exposed by daughter in sabotaged marriage.

ThrowAwayPregnant111 | ThrowAwayPregnant111

Therapy is private, don't tell your mom what you talked about 😬

onomastics88 | onomastics88

Not the a**hole for what? Tell us more!

RagaMuffinSun | RagaMuffinSun

Stand up to manipulation! 🙌 You're not in the wrong. NTA.

Abstractteapot | Abstractteapot

Daughter stands up to manipulative mother, earns NTA judgement 👏

Scarboroughwarning | Scarboroughwarning

🙌 Not the a**hole! The mother's behavior is unacceptable.

ItzJOse | ItzJOse

Curious about the married man? NTA for not sabotaging.

Seraph_Malakai | Seraph_Malakai

Normalize talking about your problems in therapy 🙌

Albinchen | Albinchen

Therapy secrets off-limits after mom's manipulation. NTA.

Djhinnwe | Djhinnwe

Cutting contact with toxic family can be liberating 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't let manipulative people control your actions. #NTA 👍

ryo3000 | ryo3000

Supportive commenters validate OP's decision to cut contact with narcissistic mother.

SJswRA1 | SJswRA1

Don't beat yourself up, NTA. Seek help and healing 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Realizing past manipulation, oblivious to present manipulation. 🤔

paperbareback | paperbareback

Don't blame yourself, cut contact with toxic mom 👍

delightful_butterfly | delightful_butterfly

Protect yourself and seek healing, not manipulation from toxic family.

BisquickNinja | BisquickNinja

Navigating trauma and healing with boundaries and therapy 💪

ColorfulToes | ColorfulToes

Discussing past trauma with a therapist is your right. NTA 👏

oldcreaker | oldcreaker

NTA. Seek therapy, your mom's manipulation was downright heinous 😱

Explodedcupcakes | Explodedcupcakes

Defending yourself against a toxic mom. NTA 👏

ssygir22 | ssygir22

Standing up to manipulative parents - NTA wins the day! 💯

bobertf | bobertf

Breaking free from manipulative parents and setting boundaries. 💪

carissadraws | carissadraws

Mom's manipulation exposed, therapist is your safe haven. #NTA 👏

Handbag_Lady | Handbag_Lady

Don't feel ashamed for seeking therapy. NTA for speaking up.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empathizing with a fellow raised-by-narcissists and recommending support group.

Hawkinsinz | Hawkinsinz

Empathetic response to toxic parenting with a touch of humor.

therealmrspacman | therealmrspacman

Cutting off toxic family? NTA says Redditor

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

Mother's manipulative behavior exposed, NTA for setting boundaries.

lanuevachicaobond007 | lanuevachicaobond007

Mother's manipulative act justified by forcing daughter to break a marriage. NTA

napping-lurker | napping-lurker

Supportive comment about dealing with narcissistic behavior in family.

MediumSky | MediumSky

Mother's selfishness and manipulation exposed, NTA for seeking therapy 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Therapy is key. 🙌 Keep healing and setting boundaries.

mermaidpaint | mermaidpaint

Breaking free from manipulative parents 🚪🔓👋

Talvert182 | Talvert182

Not the a**hole! Tell us more, what happened?

bizianka | bizianka

Toxic relationship? Therapy might be the way out 🙏

3classes2go | 3classes2go

Cut toxic mom out of your life. 👍

HarveyYevrah3 | HarveyYevrah3

SparklingGrey27 | SparklingGrey27

Valid response to manipulative mom. NTA 🙌

UnsocialablySocial | UnsocialablySocial

Take care of your mental health, seek professional help 🙏

Stonedogsilo | Stonedogsilo

Victim of mother's manipulation receives support and well wishes ❤️

lhigyliguyf | lhigyliguyf

Breaking free from toxic family dynamics is a journey 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand up for yourself and prioritize your happiness. 👏

rozina076 | rozina076

Put yourself first and prioritize your mental health. 🙌

Sebaren | Sebaren

Trust your therapist, not your manipulative mother. 🙏

GurgleQueen636 | GurgleQueen636

curiousbelgian | curiousbelgian

MsTomHardy | MsTomHardy

Therapy helps woman realize her mom's appalling behavior. NTA.

gringaellie | gringaellie

KhajitCaravan | KhajitCaravan

Don't be ashamed of your actions, you're NTA. Your manipulative mother is solely responsible for her actions.

scatalogicalhumor | scatalogicalhumor

Tashianie | Tashianie

Speak up in therapy, don't let your mom silence you. 👏

thanksfortheovaries | thanksfortheovaries

Breaking free from toxic family dynamics. 💪

LovedAJackass | LovedAJackass

Mother's manipulative behavior exposed in therapy. NTA for sharing.

guitarsforgamers | guitarsforgamers

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