Bridezilla or Justified? Mom Refuses to Give Wedding Jewelry to Son's Future Husband 😲💍

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Diply | Diply

Weddings can be a breeding ground for family drama, and this one is no exception! A mother is facing backlash for refusing to give her son's future husband the traditional wedding jewelry sets she had saved for her children. The conflict arises from a cultural tradition that dictates the jewelry should be given to a bride, not a groom. As her son is marrying a man, she's unsure whether to uphold the tradition or adapt it to the modern situation. Let's dive into this tangled web of emotions, culture, and family expectations. 😬👰🤵

The Tradition and the Plan

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Son's Big News

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The Future Husband's Request

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A Different Kind of Gift

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Not What He Wanted

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The Jewelry Dilemma

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A Special Pair of Earrings

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Mom's Firm Stance

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Future Son-in-Law's Accusation

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The Wedding and Religion

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Equality and Finances

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A Lesbian Daughter Scenario

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The Importance of Sikhism

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The Jewelry's Purpose

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A Heartfelt Update

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A New Tradition is Born 🌟

After reading all the comments and taking them to heart, the mother decided to have an open conversation with her son and future son-in-law. They agreed that the traditional jewelry was made for female outfits and the female body, and discussed the cultural significance of the kara. In the end, they decided to create a new tradition: they will take a trip to India and get special gold bracelets and earrings made just for the couple. A beautiful resolution to a complex situation! 🌈💕

Traditional family values clash with modern gender norms. NTA.

randomusername2895 | randomusername2895

Cultural differences cause tension over wedding jewelry 💍

H4nnibalB4rca | H4nnibalB4rca

Entitled groomzilla wants heirloom jewelry? NTA shuts him down 🙌

SocialMediaMisfit | SocialMediaMisfit

Mom refuses to give wedding jewelry to son's future husband 😲💍

RowenTheBoatOwO | RowenTheBoatOwO

Groomzilla? Future son-in-law demands bride's jewelry for himself. NTA.

madelfdisease | madelfdisease

NTA accused of homophobia for not giving wedding jewelry. Replies defend OP.

Zpaset | Zpaset

Mother gifts son's future husband a religious bracelet, but he finds it tacky. Commenter thinks future husband is entitled and a red flag for yelling 'homophobe' when he doesn't get his way. Reply agrees and finds his response tacky.

fauxpasguy1234 | fauxpasguy1234

Heartwarming exchange between commenter and accepting parent 💕

alcoholicparmesan | alcoholicparmesan

Cultural differences clash in a wedding gift dispute 💍

rileybun | rileybun

Son's future husband wants jewelry meant for daughter-in-law, NTA.

wholeWheatButterfly | wholeWheatButterfly

Homophobic comment sparks backlash in wedding jewelry dispute 🤬

zoeworley | zoeworley

Mom's jewelry, Mom's rules. NTA stands for Not The A-hole.

thatblokematt | thatblokematt

Son's future husband demands gift, commenter says NTA. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

The_Thugmuffin | The_Thugmuffin

Family heirloom causes tension, but NTA for wanting to keep it 💍

bettyD95 | bettyD95

Grandma's wedding jewelry causes drama in hypothetical scenario. 😕

erratic_bonsai | erratic_bonsai

Commenter defends tradition in wedding jewelry dispute. 💍

Orion8719 | Orion8719

Commenter questions son's motives for wanting Indian jewelry, sparks debate 🤔

throwaway29023082 | throwaway29023082

Generous gift rejected for being tacky, NTA stands firm

NGG_Dread | NGG_Dread

Equal treatment for son-in-laws, pulling homophobic card unjustified 👍

dumbsugarplumb | dumbsugarplumb

Supportive comment from gay man defending mother's decision. 👏

MyNameIsntFelix | MyNameIsntFelix

Mother's refusal to give wedding jewelry sparks controversy and judgment.

nosynobody | nosynobody

Cultural differences may make wedding jewelry unsuitable for all genders 💍

randomusername2895 | randomusername2895

Son's future husband demands bride's jewelry, commenter suggests compromise

compassionfever | compassionfever

NTA. Commenter explains cultural significance of wedding jewelry and gendering.

cryptochytrid | cryptochytrid

Breaking gender norms or misogyny? NTA comment sparks debate.

formerlyknownaslurk | formerlyknownaslurk

Traditional jewelry for son-in-law causes controversy 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Son's future husband upset over unequal gifts for wedding. NTA.

Jay-Dee-British | Jay-Dee-British

Cultural norms aside, it's not a gift if you beg. NTA 👍

hillofjumpingbeans | hillofjumpingbeans

Father wants daughter-in-law present, but he'll be getting a son-in-law. 🤔

SilentDegree4 | SilentDegree4

Respect cultural differences, but jewelry not intended for him anyway 💍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful decision to honor mother-in-law's cultural traditions 👏

slashangel654 | slashangel654

Zitaora | Zitaora

Mom's wedding jewelry dispute ends in NTA verdict 👍

echoeb99 | echoeb99

Traditional wedding jewelry causes family drama, but NTA prevails 💍

shinahh87 | shinahh87

Commenter supports son's future husband and criticizes weaponizing identity.

ominoke | ominoke

spookyhellkitten | spookyhellkitten

tatisane | tatisane

Mom refuses to give wedding jewelry to son's future husband. NTA.

nolechica | nolechica

ryanxxi | ryanxxi

BrokenAshcraft | BrokenAshcraft

Sikh culture treats him as a son-in-law, not daughter-in-law. NTA.

NadanKutty | NadanKutty

Don't be a jewelry-grabbing groomzilla! NTA for standing firm.

GingerStargazer | GingerStargazer

Wedding jewelry for women only? NTA's decision sparks debate.

ontherailstoday | ontherailstoday

Generous gesture from groom's family, NTA for keeping jewelry.

Catfactss | Catfactss

Son's future husband called jewelry tacky, mom refuses to give. 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom defends her decision to not give wedding jewelry to son's future husband

HiddenTurtles | HiddenTurtles

Breaking gendered traditions without homophobia, NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending the right to choose jewelry, but at what cost? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bi commenter provides a term for homophobic mislabeling 👍

spechtds | spechtds

Supportive mom defends son's gift, shut down SIL's insult 👏

dontbreakmystar | dontbreakmystar

Future son-in-law eyeing valuable jewelry? NTA but concerning.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom defends decision to withhold wedding jewelry from son's partner 💍

ms_zori | ms_zori

Fair treatment for son-in-law, NTA. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protect your investment 💍👀 NTA keeps jewelry for son's future husband

vikkihspoon | vikkihspoon

Is a gold bracelet enough? 🤔

SurfingDumbledore | SurfingDumbledore

CautiousShower | CautiousShower

Yallneedjesuschrist | Yallneedjesuschrist

Protecting family heirlooms or homophobic? NTA comment defends decision.

DancingInAHotTub | DancingInAHotTub

Gay commenter defends mom's decision, calls groom-to-be dramatic.

rumourmaker18 | rumourmaker18

Defending cultural accessories and calling out rudeness 😍

johnnyaclownboy | johnnyaclownboy

Gender shouldn't determine jewelry gifts 💎 Stand your ground, NTA!

cheesy-mgeezy | cheesy-mgeezy

Traditional jewelry should continue to pass through women of the family 💍

suffragette_citizen | suffragette_citizen

Support for not being the a**hole in wedding jewelry dispute 👏

o0oDreamWeavero0o | o0oDreamWeavero0o

Ungrateful son-in-law demands more gifts, accuses of homophobia. NTA.

homesickatspacecamp- | homesickatspacecamp-

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