Family Ignores Request to Keep Noise Down for GF's Trauma 😱🎈

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

Birthdays are supposed to be a time for celebration and fun, right? Well, not for this 23-year-old guy who tried to make his family understand his girlfriend's trauma. His girlfriend, only 19, has a deep-rooted fear of loud noises due to her traumatic childhood. She's working on it in therapy, but it's still a struggle. So, when our protagonist invited her to his niece's birthday party, he asked his family to avoid popping balloons around her. Little did he know that this simple request would lead to a dramatic family showdown. 😳🎈

Family's History with Loud Noises 🎆

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

GF's Struggle with Loud Sounds 😨

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

The Birthday Party Plan 🎉

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

A Compromise Made 🤝

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

Family's Mean Jokes 😒

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

Cousin's Cruel Act 😠

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

Family Misinterprets Reaction 😕

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

Emergency Room Trip 🚑

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

Confronting the Mother 😡

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

Mother's Response 🗣️

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

Ultimatum Given 🚫

throwraloudnoises | throwraloudnoises

A Family's Test of Tolerance 😱🎈

So, our protagonist tried to protect his girlfriend from her trauma, but his family had other plans. They started 'accidentally' popping balloons around her, leading to a panic attack and a trip to the ER. 😨🚑 When he confronted his mother, she accused him of being selfish and disrespectful to his late grandfather. Now, he's facing an ultimatum: apologize or be banned from family events. Let's see what the internet thinks of this explosive situation... 💥📣

NTA. Commenters validate trauma and condemn family's deliberate harassment. 😱

MentionAlternative68 | MentionAlternative68

Family invalidates GF's trauma, OP NTA. Shame on them. 👎

mc2banks3352 | mc2banks3352

Family intentionally tortures girlfriend, NTA for going no contact.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Family disregards GF's trauma, appoints themselves trauma judges 😱

ndgjj | ndgjj

Commenter supports OP, calls family 'psychos' 🤯

Fuzzy-Constant | Fuzzy-Constant

Family dismisses GF's trauma, gets upset when called out. NTA 👍

miyuki_m | miyuki_m

Balloons at parties: necessary or just a loud annoyance? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Family ignores request, GF triggered by noise, could have avoided.

Automatic_Time9227 | Automatic_Time9227

Family disregards GF's trauma, triggers her intentionally. NTA.

ziggystarpups | ziggystarpups

Respect boundaries. A simple request ignored, deserves an apology.

checco314 | checco314

Respect trauma requests. NTA, but family sure as hell are 😱

eressmusic | eressmusic

Standing up for trauma victims is always the right move 💪

Fantastic_Deal2693 | Fantastic_Deal2693

Family causes GF panic attack, sends her to hospital. NTA.

Tasty_Doughnut_9226 | Tasty_Doughnut_9226

Is popping balloons at a birthday party really a big deal? 🤔

BatCorrect4320 | BatCorrect4320

Family disregards GF's trauma at party, NTA for being upset 😱

Background_Jaguar_69 | Background_Jaguar_69

Setting boundaries with toxic family members 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out family for ignoring trauma, adds expletive.

Muted-Appeal-823 | Muted-Appeal-823

Family bullies GF after trauma, OP gets support for standing up.

Arya_Skye | Arya_Skye

Respect your partner's trauma triggers and avoid them. NTA 👍

EastLeastCoast | EastLeastCoast

Family's balloon-popping fixation is bizarre and insensitive. NTA.

quackerjacks45 | quackerjacks45

Family disrespects GF's trauma, NTA suggests low contact, red flags 🚨

ctortan | ctortan

NTA. Empathy lacking in family's disregard for GF's trauma 😡

stroppo | stroppo

Respect non-war-related trauma. NTA and eff your family. 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for mental health is important, NTA 🙌

Sodonewithidiots | Sodonewithidiots

Family disregards GF's trauma, OP stands up against grade A douchebags 😱🎈

boogerbabe69 | boogerbabe69

Respecting others' fears is important 🙌🏻

jennaisbusy | jennaisbusy

Family's cruel behavior towards GF sparks sympathy for OP. 😢

Pellellell | Pellellell

Supportive comment condemns family's behavior and hopes for girlfriend's recovery 🤞

[deleted] | [deleted]

Family disregards GF's trauma, OP NTA, triggering trauma is cruel 😱

nuts_n_bolts | nuts_n_bolts

Agreement broken, trauma triggered, NTA stands up for girlfriend 👏

guy4guy4guy | guy4guy4guy

Family disregards GF's trauma, commenter relates and calls out ignorance.

french-fried13 | french-fried13

Validating trauma and setting boundaries. You go, OP! 💯

curly_lox | curly_lox

Standing up for yourself and your girlfriend against bigoted family 💪🏻

Usagi_Shinobi | Usagi_Shinobi

Agreement broken: NTA's trauma ignored by cruel family 😱

evieeeeeeeeeeeeeee | evieeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Disrespectful family ignores trauma request 😠

flyingfred1027 | flyingfred1027

Insensitive family pops balloons, triggers panic attack. Commenter supported.

[deleted] | [deleted]

GF traumatized by noise, NTA for standing up to family 🙏

ohgeezisthisodd | ohgeezisthisodd

Family triggers GF's trauma, NTA suggests sending hospital bill 😱

Blommer12345 | Blommer12345

NTA and family sucks. Purposefully traumatizing someone? 🤯👎

MissPeskyFace | MissPeskyFace

Balloon popping trauma causes tension in relationship. NTA.

poppgoestheweasel | poppgoestheweasel

Balloon popping at parties: harmless fun or rude behavior? 🤔

Icy_Mulberry_3952 | Icy_Mulberry_3952

Uninvited but not at fault. Consider sending hospital bill 📈

Quicksilver1964 | Quicksilver1964

You go, defender of GF! 💪 Family needs to chill 🙄

Sea_Midnight1411 | Sea_Midnight1411

Escaped toxic family, showed compassion. NTA, congrats 👏

GirlWhoLovesPenguins | GirlWhoLovesPenguins

Supporting those with invisible conditions and calling out misogyny 👏

Basic_Bichette | Basic_Bichette

Supportive comment receives no replies. 😢

gaygeekdad | gaygeekdad

Family disrespects GF, dismisses her trauma. Commenter says NTA 👍

-oaktown- | -oaktown-

Family disregards GF's trauma, commenter expresses sympathy and support. 😢

ElDia13 | ElDia13

Setting boundaries with unsupportive family members. 🙏

Cybermagetx | Cybermagetx

Unbelievable! Mother waiting for apology? NTA 😱

OldLadyP | OldLadyP

Commenter supports OP and condemns family's behavior 👍

HRHArgyll | HRHArgyll

NTA for standing up for girlfriend and respecting trauma triggers 🙌

MonstrousElla | MonstrousElla

Commenter sympathizes with GF and condemns family's behavior. 😠

SmadaSlaguod | SmadaSlaguod

Young veteran shares trauma, advises to limit time with family. NTA

anti0pe | anti0pe

Family refuses to support GF after trauma. Skip events? 😕

Rohini_rambles | Rohini_rambles

GF sent to hospital, NTA for requesting noise reduction 😱

Acrobatic_End6355 | Acrobatic_End6355

Standing up for GF with trauma, commenter shares own trigger experience.

Kallyanna | Kallyanna

Veteran shares trauma, defends GF's valid trauma response to loud sounds 😱

DeadRedditRedemtion | DeadRedditRedemtion

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