Teen Defies Family's Vegan Crusade 🍔🌱

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Imagine being the only meat-eater in a family that's gone vegan! 😲 This 17-year-old male found himself in that exact situation when his family decided to go vegan after watching a documentary on the environmental impacts of eating meat. Despite their constant pressure to join them, he's determined to stick to his carnivorous ways and even buys and cooks his own meat. 🍖🍕 Let's dive into this meaty drama! 🍿

Sister's Vegan Journey 🌱

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Family Goes Vegan 🥗

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Vegan Pressure 😬

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Not Budging 🍖

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Persistent Parents 🙄

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Standing His Ground 🥊

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Forced Transition? 🚫

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Taking Matters Into His Own Hands 🍔

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Buying His Own Meat 💸

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Cooking Skills 🔥

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Pork Burger Showdown 🍔

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Family's Reaction 😱

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Vegan Lies? 🤥

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Dinner Drama 🍽️

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Sticking to His Guns 💪

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Sister's Support ✌️

veganmomthrowaway | veganmomthrowaway

Meat-Lover vs. Vegan Family 🥩🌱

This 17-year-old is standing his ground against his family's vegan conversion. He's even taken matters into his own hands by buying and cooking his own meat! 🍔 Despite his parents' persistent pressure and accusations of contributing to "the problem," he's determined to eat what he wants, while his sister supports his choice. 🥓🥛 Let's see what the internet thinks of this carnivorous conundrum... 🤔

NTA for making your own dietary choices, but the comment section is divided on the environmental impact of meat-eating and veganism.

hallowgallow | hallowgallow

Respectful compromise between veggie and meat eaters 👍

princess_skate_7 | princess_skate_7

Comment section showcases pushy vegan stereotypes 😑

suezzzz63 | suezzzz63

Teen stands up to family's vegan crusade 💪

regularweeb | regularweeb

Engaging discussion on ethical farming and veganism. 🌱🐄

pickledshallots | pickledshallots

Debating the pros and cons of veganism and respecting personal choices 🌱

Choactapus | Choactapus

Engaging comeback to guilt-tripping vegan videos with humorous analogy 😂

Zombiejawa | Zombiejawa

Teen defies parents' vegan crusade, commenters criticize holier-than-thou attitude 🤷‍♀️

dbf06 | dbf06

Respectful rebellion against vegan parents' crusade. NTA 👏

GrilledStuffedDragon | GrilledStuffedDragon

Your choices are yours, as long as they don't harm others 👍

vietnam1224 | vietnam1224

Defying vegan family. NTA. Meat-eating problematic. So is driving.

avast2006 | avast2006

Confronting the reality of animal abuse can change perspectives 🐾

PowerZox | PowerZox

Teen uses religion to defy vegan family, sparks laughter.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teen stands up to family's vegan crusade 🍔🌱

zemorah | zemorah

Standing up to vegan parents. NTA for choosing own diet 🍔👏

Advanced_Lobster | Advanced_Lobster

Respectful disagreement on veganism. Don't force dietary changes. 💜

beardeddrunkdwarf | beardeddrunkdwarf

Stand up for yourself! NTA for choosing your own diet 👏

crazyneargh | crazyneargh

Meat-eating teen stands up to vegan family 💪

Spongeboblife | Spongeboblife

Eating meat consciously is fine, but let's acknowledge animal abuse. 🐄🐔

Terroa | Terroa

Choosing to not be vegan doesn't make you a bad person 🌱

teamdogpig | teamdogpig

Debate on veganism and climate change, worth considering 🌱

Tech_Philosophy | Tech_Philosophy

Pork burgers over beef? NTA teen sparks debate 🤔

jestbre | jestbre

Respectful vegan acknowledges personal choice of non-vegan family members 🌱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Vegan teen faces family pressure, suggests 'eating dirt' as revenge 🍔

soldadu2000 | soldadu2000

Going meatless for one day a week can help the environment 🌱

squatheavyeatbig | squatheavyeatbig

Choosing to eat meat despite knowing the cruelty 🐖🐄

Kreeblim | Kreeblim

Mom thinks ESH, but commenters side with NTA for defying misinformed vegan parents 🌱

WolfyLI | WolfyLI

Teen stands up to family's veganism for pepperoni pizza 🍕

kptl132 | kptl132

Going vegan may not prevent all diseases, but it helps 🌱

kylep39 | kylep39

Vegan family pressures teen, but who's the real a**hole? 🐾🐿

Case_9 | Case_9

Sikh temples offer free vegetarian food, great alternative for everyone

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful coexistence is key to peaceful living 💜

TheWorstRowan | TheWorstRowan

When pork burgers are weird but veganism is weirder 🤷‍♀️

garbagebrainraccoon | garbagebrainraccoon

Enjoy your food guilt-free and support animal-friendly options 👍

satr3d | satr3d

Vegetarian of 20 years supports teen's right to choose 🌱

floss147 | floss147

Support for teen's defiance against family's vegan crusade 👏

Lord-Hircine | Lord-Hircine

Stand up for yourself and your beliefs! 💪🏻

CarmenTheDutchess | CarmenTheDutchess

Commenter calls out OP for being controlling 👏

J_3ss1c4 | J_3ss1c4

Teen stands up to family's vegan crusade, not the a**hole 🙌

kristoll1 | kristoll1

Taking control of your own diet choices. NTA 👍

Shaeress | Shaeress

Vegan teen defies family's crusade, not the a**hole.

p-ssy-kat | p-ssy-kat

Teen chooses to eat meat despite health and ethical concerns.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out OP for defying vegan family. 😱

Pazpaqe | Pazpaqe

Vegan commenter calls out parents and OP for behavior. ESH.

castrate_the_simps | castrate_the_simps

Standing up to vegan family. Not the a**hole. 🙌

Alarmed-Wind | Alarmed-Wind

Teen stands up to family's vegan crusade with well-informed argument 💪

ogdeloon | ogdeloon

Debating the environmental impact of veganism vs locally sourced meat 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Take control of your diet 🍔💪, don't let others decide for you.

cora-sn | cora-sn

Respectful support for a teen's personal choices 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Non-vegan teen defies family's crusade. Commenter supports. 🙌

aprilmarina | aprilmarina

Vegetarian of 60 years supports OP against militant vegans 🌱

purplebeelady | purplebeelady

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