Ex's New Wife Mocks Single Life, Gets a Taste of Her Own Medicine 😮

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We've all had our fair share of breakups and heartaches, but what happens when your ex's new spouse decides to throw shade at you in front of your friends? One woman found herself in a sticky situation when her ex's wife made a snarky comment about her single status. But when she clapped back with a remark about the wife's employment situation, things took a dramatic turn. 😬🍿

The Backstory: Exes and New Wives

chance-persimmon-164 | chance-persimmon-164

Healing and Moving On

chance-persimmon-164 | chance-persimmon-164

Ex Gets Married, Still in the Picture

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New Wife's Employment Status

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Career Success and Social Encounters

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The Bar Scene

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Snarky Comment Alert!

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The Clapback

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Ex Demands an Apology

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Who's the Real Villain Here? 🤷

So, who's really at fault in this situation? Was it the new wife for making a snide comment about our storyteller's single status, or was it the woman for hitting back with a remark about the wife's unemployment? It's a classic case of tit-for-tat, but with emotions running high, it's hard to say who should be the one to apologize first. Let's see what the internet has to say about this drama-filled encounter... 😏📣

Commenter and replies agree that ex's new wife got what she deserved. 😂

ThrowAwayCatBalloon | ThrowAwayCatBalloon

NTA comment shuts down ex's wife's mocking behavior 😍

AshleyB7172000 | AshleyB7172000

NTA dishes out some tough love to ex's new wife 😏

judgingA-holes | judgingA-holes

NTA, no need to apologize. She tried to humiliate you.

AryaIsWaif | AryaIsWaif

Karma strikes back! Wife gets a taste of her own medicine 😜

SlothLordMcMarekat | SlothLordMcMarekat

OP's clapback at ex's wife leads to upset and drama 😬

Forward_Squirrel8879 | Forward_Squirrel8879

Commenter supports karma for mocking ex's single life 💯

Acceptable-Ride809 | Acceptable-Ride809

NTA. Taking the high road only works if the rest of the social circle expresses disdain at the behavior. Don't dish it if you can't take it! 😬

weist-risq | weist-risq

NTA dishes out and gets a taste of her own medicine 😏

subsailor1968 | subsailor1968

OP overreacts to a harmless comment, needs to move on 😮

Mamasan- | Mamasan-

Commenter uses metaphors to call out hypocritical behavior 👏

AdMiserable5800 | AdMiserable5800

Commenter suggests letting go of anger and owning being single 😊

Smudgikins | Smudgikins

NTA, OP claps back at ex's wife's rude comment 💯

ThatNeonSignLover | ThatNeonSignLover

Karma strikes! Ex's new wife gets a taste of her own medicine 😮

GonnaBeOverIt | GonnaBeOverIt

Don't dish it if you can't take the recoil 😎

ColdSeason2019 | ColdSeason2019

NTA shuts down ex's wife's mocking, teaches her a lesson 😎

TCGislife | TCGislife

Commenter calls out both parties for being petty and immature.

Think-Equivalent800 | Think-Equivalent800

Clap back! Ex's new wife insulted, but can't take it 🙌

Independent-Push4713 | Independent-Push4713

Don't dish it if you can't take it! Hilarious comeback 😂

lraspberryfields | lraspberryfields

Karma strikes back at ex's new wife for mocking single life 😬


Standing up to a snarky ex's new wife, NTA 👏

basillymint | basillymint

Ex's new wife insults single life, gets taste of own medicine 😮

Poetryinsimplethings | Poetryinsimplethings

Don't start nothing, won't be nothing. 🔥 NTA wins!

KronkLaSworda | KronkLaSworda

Revenge is sweet, especially when it's deserved 😋

Technical_Pumpkin_65 | Technical_Pumpkin_65

Snarky ex's new wife gets a taste of her own medicine 😜

maidenmothercrone333 | maidenmothercrone333

Ex's new wife mocks single life, gets taste of karma 😮

elsecrytt | elsecrytt

The comment sparks confusion and disbelief among readers 🤔

LadyRocoto | LadyRocoto

Unemployed ex's new wife mocked single life, got shut down

CPSue | CPSue

Karma strikes back for ex's new wife 😮

SaraRF | SaraRF

Standing up for oneself is not always easy but necessary. 💪

Himkano | Himkano

NTA commenter delivers a satisfying clapback 😏

icecream42568 | icecream42568

No a-hole here, but what about the ex's new wife? 🤔

Prestigious_Isopod72 | Prestigious_Isopod72

NTA claps back at ex's new wife's mocking with humor 😂


Don't dish it out if you can't take it 😬

an0nym0uswr1ter | an0nym0uswr1ter

Karma strikes back: Ex's new wife learns a lesson 😎

ContentedRecluse | ContentedRecluse

Toxic friend group? Find new friends who make you happy 😊

zooolalaharps00 | zooolalaharps00

Commenter approves of karma served to ex's new wife 😊

Disastrous_Plant_360 | Disastrous_Plant_360

NTA stands up for themselves and teaches ex's wife a lesson 😎

Interesting_Top_7285 | Interesting_Top_7285

Cheers to not being the a**hole and serving up karma 👏

Idontgetredditinmd | Idontgetredditinmd

Karma strikes back! Ex's new wife learns not to mock single life 😂

OLAZ3000 | OLAZ3000

Dodged a bullet with ex's new wife. NTA wins.

arrroganteggplant | arrroganteggplant

Commenters debate whether OP or ex's new wife is at fault 🤔

looking4rainbows80 | looking4rainbows80

Standing up to the ex's new wife. NTA 👏

mikerri | mikerri

User calls out OP for being petty and entitled towards ex's new wife. 😮

Ngur0032 | Ngur0032

Standing up to a bully, NTA wins the battle 🔥

lurninandlurkin | lurninandlurkin

Matching energy with an ex's new wife. NTA. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Woman gets taste of her own medicine after mocking single life 😮

dogsandpeaceohmy | dogsandpeaceohmy

Karma strikes back! Ex's wife learns her lesson 🙈

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex's new wife gets burned, learns to stay out kitchen 😎

pescawn | pescawn

Cheers to not being the a-hole 🍻

jaegersdiary | jaegersdiary

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