😲 Woman Changes Netflix Password on Boyfriend's Mom: Justified or Petty?

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Picture this: you give your Netflix password to your boyfriend's mom, expecting her to watch just a few episodes of a series. But instead, she hogs the streaming service, leaving you and your family unable to watch. Frustrated, you change the password, causing a rift between you and her. 😬 So, who's in the wrong here? Let's dive into the story...

The Netflix Password Sharing

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

Family Streaming Situation

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Streaming Hog

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

When Streaming Collides

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

Family's Frustration

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Suggestion

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Resistance

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Argument

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Excuse

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Plea

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Huff and Puff

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Password Change

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Confrontation

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Standoff

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Dilemma

throwranetflixrage | throwranetflixrage

The Great Netflix Showdown: Who's Right? 🤔

Our protagonist found herself in a streaming battle with her boyfriend's mom after generously sharing her Netflix password. Little did she know, the mom would become a streaming hog, causing chaos for the rest of the family. 😤 After a failed attempt to convince the mom to get her own account, our heroine changed the password, igniting a fiery confrontation. Was she justified in taking back control of her account, or was it a petty move? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 🧐

NTA for changing Netflix password on boyfriend's mom. She exploited OP's kindness.

Lumarioigi | Lumarioigi

Changing the Netflix password: justified or petty? Reddit weighs in 📲

crystalmathlab | crystalmathlab

Borrowing doesn't give you ownership. NTA 👍

Poekienijn | Poekienijn

Polite confrontation leads to justified Netflix password change. 👍

Ricoret | Ricoret

NTA for changing Netflix password; BF's mom was taking advantage 👍

userxfriendly | userxfriendly

NTA for changing Netflix password on boyfriend's mom. Red flags.

wyvernish | wyvernish

Cutting screen time or just being petty? NTA decides.

annoyedpotatolady | annoyedpotatolady

🤣 Changing the Netflix password on boyfriend's mom - justified or petty?

orangeducksarecool | orangeducksarecool

NTA for changing Netflix password on boyfriend's mom. Cheap people.

MerlinsBeard1007a | MerlinsBeard1007a

Changing Netflix password on boyfriend's mom: justified or petty? NTA says comment.

everynameistaken000 | everynameistaken000

Let the boyfriend handle his family drama 👍

Kizka | Kizka

User suggests Netflix offer free trial passes for guests 👍

ZweitenMal | ZweitenMal

NTA and justified in changing password on entitled bf's mom 💪

minimalminutiae | minimalminutiae

Sharing Netflix can be tricky, but this NTA found a solution 👏

MadamKitsune | MadamKitsune

Cutting screen time? NTA's comment is justified, not petty 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

👍 Not the a**hole for changing Netflix password after polite request.

fruitynutcase | fruitynutcase

👍 Taking control of your own account is justified.

patrioticmarsupial | patrioticmarsupial

Redditor shares story of entitled person, deemed not the a**hole.

zincnitrate15312 | zincnitrate15312

NTA defends Netflix subscription cost against cheapness accusations. 😊

cleveraccountname13 | cleveraccountname13

mikuzgrl | mikuzgrl

Setting boundaries with a boyfriend's mom on Netflix. NTA 👍

ViolentPlotBunny | ViolentPlotBunny

tall-not-small | tall-not-small

Setting boundaries with boyfriend's mom over Netflix account. NTA.

NHChiMama | NHChiMama

Sharing Netflix password: Is it justified or petty? 🤔

depressivedarkling | depressivedarkling

Changing Netflix password: justified or petty? NTA says not petty.

XtraCannon | XtraCannon

Is it justified to change Netflix password on boyfriend's mom?

lethiela | lethiela

👍 Standing up for yourself is always justified.

Stefhanni | Stefhanni

Taking advantage of someone's Netflix account? Not cool 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! 😂 Short and sweet comment with a touch of humor.

missy-scribbles | missy-scribbles

Netflix and chill? Not with your boyfriend's mooching mom 🙅‍♀️

Cyclonic2500 | Cyclonic2500

Debate over sharing Netflix subscription sparks discussion on entitlement.

yohoob | yohoob

Girlfriend changes Netflix password on boyfriend's mom, NTA wins

Chroaime | Chroaime

Setting boundaries with in-laws: NTA for changing password 👍

Ninerism | Ninerism

Woman changes Netflix password on boyfriend's mom - justified or petty?

NedryIsInSector1104 | NedryIsInSector1104

Cutting off Netflix moochers: justified or petty? 🤔

warrpony | warrpony

You warned her! NTA for changing Netflix password 😎

Surfer_wave_dolphin | Surfer_wave_dolphin

NTA for changing Netflix password, but commenter calls out hypocrisy.

notmemeorme | notmemeorme

NTA for changing Netflix password on boyfriend's mom 😒

nuget102 | nuget102

Taking back control of her Netflix account. 👍

Rnin85 | Rnin85

👏 Setting boundaries with shared accounts. NTA for sure.

Etsukohime | Etsukohime

Taking back control of Netflix from boyfriend's mom. #NTA 🎥

ratdarkness | ratdarkness

NTA. 👍 Being inconsiderate with passwords is never cool.

reality_junkie_xo | reality_junkie_xo

Changing Netflix password: justified sledgehammer or petty revenge?

crazyunclealfie | crazyunclealfie

Cutting down screen time: NTA misses golden opportunity 😂

PhilTheWeatherman | PhilTheWeatherman

Petty but hilarious! 😂

Ubernoob2012 | Ubernoob2012

Taking back control of Netflix - justified or petty? 🤔

crymson7 | crymson7

Is sharing Netflix passwords a right or a privilege? 🤔

matj1804 | matj1804

Girlfriend changes Netflix password on boyfriend's mom, commenters side with her.

Bobalery | Bobalery

Netflix account drama: entitled mother-in-law vs. justified girlfriend

DocSternau | DocSternau

Boyfriend's mom cuts down screen time, commenter calls her out

SnooCrickets2772 | SnooCrickets2772

Setting boundaries with Netflix? NTA stands her ground 👊

Throwaway41790a | Throwaway41790a

jluvdc26 | jluvdc26

Setting boundaries with in-laws on Netflix usage 📺

LxSky90 | LxSky90

Don't be a mooch! NTA for changing Netflix password 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Petty or justified? NTA changes Netflix password, sister cancels subscription.

batalanah | batalanah

Protect your Netflix account like a hawk 🐍

TofuDumplingScissors | TofuDumplingScissors

Protect your Netflix account at all costs! 💻🔒

LilliannaWinterWolf | LilliannaWinterWolf

Changing the Netflix password: justified or petty? NTA thinks justified.

lanuevachicaobond007 | lanuevachicaobond007

Lesson learned: don't share passwords. 🚫

nyanya85 | nyanya85

Cutting down screen time: a favor or petty move? 🤔

zigastrmsek | zigastrmsek

Streaming limits cause family feud: NTA or petty?

JunkScientist | JunkScientist

Don't mess with her Netflix! NTA for changing the password.

Proper-Atmosphere | Proper-Atmosphere

Stand your ground, but talk to your boyfriend about boundaries 👍

ohdamnitreddit | ohdamnitreddit

evee420 | evee420

Netflix password feud with boyfriend's mom, NTA wins with humor

Iavender_milk | Iavender_milk

Sharing Netflix passwords: fair game or a violation?

Environmental_Bar_90 | Environmental_Bar_90

NTA comment and its replies suggest a strong stance.

CastorTyrannus | CastorTyrannus

Breaking agreements and entitlement - justified Netflix password change. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA and relatable. Is this a choosing beggars moment? 🤔

KittyKatWarrior3593 | KittyKatWarrior3593

Setting boundaries with children is important for their growth. 🙌

ChattyMrsKat | ChattyMrsKat

BF's mom gets Netflix blocked, BF MIA. NTA or ESH?

usagicchi | usagicchi

Netflix password feud: Boyfriend's mom vs girlfriend. NTA wins.

AnnaBanana3468 | AnnaBanana3468

👏 Not the a**hole! Boyfriend's mom was rude and inconsiderate.

Merigold00 | Merigold00

Netflix password feud: Boyfriend's mom gets the boot. NTA.

DoYouWannaB | DoYouWannaB

Don't mess with someone's Netflix account 😂

th3w4nn4be | th3w4nn4be

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