Daughter Demands Sister Be Kicked Out of Shared Apartment 😠🏠

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A mother finds herself in a difficult situation when her older daughter, Chloe (F23), demands that her younger sister, Lorna (F19), be kicked out of their shared apartment. The family owns a small two-bedroom apartment in the city, where both daughters attend university. Chloe has been living there for two years, while Lorna moved in just two months ago. Now, tensions are rising and the mother must make a decision.

Two Daughters, Two Properties 🏠👭

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Chloe Moves In 📦

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Lorna Joins Chloe 🎓

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Chloe's Anger 😠

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Chloe's Complaints 🗣️

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Husband Steps In 🚶‍♂️

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Lorna Moves In 🧳

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Chloe's Demand 📞

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Petty Problems 😒

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Chloe's Protest 📢

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Mother's Response 🗨️

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

Husband's Opinion 🤔

upstairs_yam7655 | upstairs_yam7655

A Mother's Dilemma: Sibling Rivalry in Shared Apartment 🤷‍♀️

Caught in the middle of her daughters' conflict, a mother is left questioning her decision after telling her older daughter, Chloe, to move out if she can't stand living with her sister, Lorna. With both daughters attending the same university and sharing a small apartment, tensions have risen over petty problems. The mother's response has left Chloe upset and not speaking to her. Was the mother's decision justified? Share your thoughts and reactions.

NTA. Commenters suggest checking in with Lorna and kicking out Chloe.

embopbopbopdoowop | embopbopbopdoowop

Chloe is being spoiled and taking her opportunity for granted. Stick to it, OP. NTA 🙌

jrm1102 | jrm1102

Don't let your sister bully you, it's your apartment 💪🏻

corgwin | corgwin

Sister demands free home, but husband calls her a brat 😠

ShowUsYaNungas | ShowUsYaNungas

👍 NTA commenter suggests easy solutions to entitled sister's complaints.

kittycait2021 | kittycait2021

Daughter feels entitled to shared apartment, commenter calls her spoiled 😠

Total-News3680 | Total-News3680

NTA, toxic sister needs to move out and let Lorna live rent-free.

PleaseCoffeeMe | PleaseCoffeeMe

Living rent-free but demanding control? NTA, ignore the tantrum.

elsie78 | elsie78

Adult sister living rent-free gets a reality check. 😎

absolutelynotokok | absolutelynotokok

Sisterly love gone wrong 😠🏠

The_Chaos_Pope | The_Chaos_Pope

Daughter demands sister leave shared apartment. NTA explains why.

Opening-Ad7491 | Opening-Ad7491

Tips for managing conflict between roommates without threats or force.

AlphaKennyWhere | AlphaKennyWhere

Sibling rivalry heats up over shared apartment 😠

yyyyeahno | yyyyeahno

Parent defends decision to treat daughters equally in shared apartment 👨‍🍳

CyclonicHavoc | CyclonicHavoc

NTA. You're in the right. Chloe needs to accept it 👍

No-Level-7077 | No-Level-7077

Living rent-free isn't always sunshine and rainbows 🌙

SuperHuckleberry125 | SuperHuckleberry125

Sibling drama: Should Chloe pay the price for free housing? 🤔

Consistent-Leopard71 | Consistent-Leopard71

Living with others is tough, but free accommodation is golden! 😌

Reaverbait | Reaverbait

Sisterly love gone wrong 😔👭🏠

Bitter-Conflict-4089 | Bitter-Conflict-4089

Setting boundaries with entitled siblings 🙌

WeNeedAnApocalypse | WeNeedAnApocalypse

Daughter demands exclusive apartment, sister is ungrateful NTA

Lalalabambi | Lalalabambi

Daughter demands sister leave shared apartment. Commenters side with mother.

Careful_Eagle_1033 | Careful_Eagle_1033

NTA. Roommate needs a reality check and to learn responsibility 👍

sometimesnowing | sometimesnowing

Commenter deemed not at fault, but Chloe is problematic 🙄

Emotional-Leather409 | Emotional-Leather409

You're NTA for wanting your sister to grow up and move out 😊

fuckmeuntilicecream | fuckmeuntilicecream

Daughter's entitlement exposed, needs a reality check 😠

Zombiequeen350 | Zombiequeen350

NTA, tough love for entitled sister 😎

lemongirl1963 | lemongirl1963

Commenter calls sister an entitled brat and suggests eviction. 🤪

TexasMeatCrayon | TexasMeatCrayon

Sibling drama and potential bullying in shared apartment 😠

Momster_RaWr | Momster_RaWr

Supportive father helps daughter handle roommate conflict. NTA 👏

Particular_Elk3022 | Particular_Elk3022

Sister demands eviction, but commenters side with the daughter

Spinnerofyarn | Spinnerofyarn

Sibling drama over shared apartment, commenter defends youngest sister. 😠

Professional_Cry_430 | Professional_Cry_430

Loud TV at night? NTA for kicking sister out 😠🏠

Covert_Pudding | Covert_Pudding

NTA. Chloe's entitlement is out of line 😠🎓

Electrical-Date-3951 | Electrical-Date-3951

NTA, but talk in person to avoid worsening conflict 👍

dheffe01 | dheffe01

Sister demands apartment, commenter suggests fair solution. 😊

ScammerC | ScammerC

NTA commenter suggests unannounced visit to bratty sister's apartment 😎

slang_tang_ | slang_tang_

Daughter demands sister leave shared apartment. NTA stands firm. 😎

UsefulComparison9352 | UsefulComparison9352

Concerned commenter questions Chloe's behavior towards her sister 🤔

Amazing_Cranberry344 | Amazing_Cranberry344

Being understanding doesn't mean wholesale support. NTA 👍

MundanePlanet | MundanePlanet

Sibling entitlement and living with introverts in shared apartments 😒

Primary_Ad69 | Primary_Ad69

Sister's entitlement to apartment causes conflict. NTA for OP.

NightSalut | NightSalut

Supportive comment defends OP's actions, calls out sister's behavior. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sharing space with a sibling after 2 years? Not easy 😬

nijmeegse79 | nijmeegse79

You're not the a**hole, but is it time to set boundaries? 🤔

AkisFatHusband | AkisFatHusband

Sister's entitlement to apartment causes family feud 🤷🏻‍♀️

celestina047 | celestina047

Mom's entitled daughter demands control over shared apartment 🤯

TastyHome8183 | TastyHome8183

Compassionate commenter hopes Lorna is okay 😢

amore-7 | amore-7

Standing up for yourself and your property 💪

Temporary-Deer-6942 | Temporary-Deer-6942

Commenter not at fault for sister's eviction 🙌

Time-Tie-231 | Time-Tie-231

Ignoring you as a power play? NTA wins this round 👏

kilgirlie | kilgirlie

Sibling rent dispute sparks in comment section 😠🏠

Foreign_Novel8976 | Foreign_Novel8976

Sister demands changes in shared apartment, but doesn't pay rent 💰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Selfish roommate demands sister's eviction from free apartment 😠

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

Husband's right, younger daughter's being a brat 😠🏠

dnbest91 | dnbest91

Commenter calls out entitled behavior of daughter in apartment dispute 😠🏠

Jerico_Hill | Jerico_Hill

Empathetic commenter defends Chloe's actions with a reality check.

Illustrious_Body_164 | Illustrious_Body_164

Parenting is tough, but standing your ground is important 💪

FuzzyPickLE530 | FuzzyPickLE530

Charge entitled sister rent to pay for sister's own apartment 💰

DanInBham1 | DanInBham1

Sharing a free apartment? NTA, but is dating life affected? 🤔

YellowLoquat | YellowLoquat

Don't leave Lorna to fend for herself! Check in 👍

cafe_bustelo | cafe_bustelo

Living rent-free but demanding accommodation? Not cool, Chloe 😑

jinx_lbc | jinx_lbc

Chloe's entitlement is making it unpleasant for her sister. NTA

Empressario | Empressario

Living with siblings can be tough, but this NTA comment suggests finding the positives and being grateful for a rent-free arrangement 🙌

vendettaa18 | vendettaa18

Sister from hell causing chaos in shared apartment 😠

gemw2101 | gemw2101

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