Woman leaves husband for Christmas trip to Hawaii with kids

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A woman and her husband had a tradition of spending Christmas in Hawaii with their kids. However, last year, due to a family tragedy, they couldn't go. This year, they planned to go to Hawaii for Christmas, but the husband changed his mind and wanted to stay home with his grieving mother. The woman proposed that she and the kids go to Hawaii and the husband stay home, which he agreed to, but he was clearly upset. Now the woman is in Hawaii with the kids, while the husband is home alone and not responding much to her messages. AITA?

Escape the winter blues with a tropical Christmas tradition 🌴🎄

liarliker | liarliker

Skipping Christmas with in-laws for Hawaii vacation 🌴🎄

liarliker | liarliker

Family's tradition of Hawaii trip interrupted by father's death 💔

liarliker | liarliker

Christmas in Hawaii: A long-awaited family vacation 🌴🎄

liarliker | liarliker

Husband's change of heart ruins family's Christmas plans 🎄

liarliker | liarliker

Family stands up for planned Hawaii trip despite criticism from MIL

liarliker | liarliker

Mom takes kids to Hawaii for Christmas, husband stays with mom 🏝️

liarliker | liarliker

Stranded in Hawaii with kids while husband is MIA. AITA?

liarliker | liarliker

Woman chooses Hawaii over husband and mother-in-law for Christmas 🌴🎄

A family tradition of spending Christmas in Hawaii turns sour for a woman as her husband chooses to stay with his grieving mother instead of joining her and their kids on their holiday trip. Despite prior agreements and tickets being booked, the husband's change of heart leads to a rift in their relationship. The woman is now in Hawaii with their kids while her husband stays home alone, causing tension between them. Is she in the wrong for choosing to stick with their family tradition, or should her husband have supported her decision to go on the trip? Read on to see what others have to say about this Christmas conundrum.

NTA for wanting to see family, but communication and compromise needed.

Used_Mark_7911 | Used_Mark_7911

A tough situation, but empathy and kindness are key ❤️

ShakeyBacon | ShakeyBacon

Husband's last minute concern leaves wife and kids in Hawaii 🌴

Stlhockeygrl | Stlhockeygrl

Spouse wants to cancel Hawaii trip to please grieving in-laws.

JennnnnP | JennnnnP

OP prioritizes Hawaii vacation over husband's grief. YTA 🤷‍♀️

Responsible_Hope_831 | Responsible_Hope_831

OP prioritizes tradition over husband's grief and family, YTA.

Initial728 | Initial728

Planning Hawaii trip during husband's first holiday without late dad. YTA.

prairieislander | prairieislander

A difficult situation with mixed feelings and differing perspectives. 🤔💔

Fluffy-Doubt-3547 | Fluffy-Doubt-3547

Commenter calls out OP for complaining about spending Christmas in Hawaii 🌴

ItsCharlieDay | ItsCharlieDay

Commenter calls out OP's lack of sympathy for grieving husband

Bunniiqi | Bunniiqi

Commenter calls out OP for being a selfish, spoiled a**hole. 🤨

Girl_with_no_Swag | Girl_with_no_Swag

NTA: Go to Hawaii with your kids and dad's gift 🏝️

debdnow | debdnow

Commenter calls OP out for being insensitive during husband's grief

TheRunningMD | TheRunningMD

User calls out OP for insensitivity towards husband's loss and Hawaii trip

Zestyclose-Zebra-597 | Zestyclose-Zebra-597

NTA vs NAH: The difference in judgement explained 🤔

fanofpolkadotts | fanofpolkadotts

Commenter calls out selfishness of woman leaving grieving husband for Hawaii.

Locke57 | Locke57

Family drama ensues over Christmas vacation plans 🏝️

Bright_Sea_7567 | Bright_Sea_7567

Commenter calls out selfishness of Hawaii trip with kids

Long-Parking-6005 | Long-Parking-6005

Family reunites in Hawaii for Christmas vacation 🎄🏝️

MagicianOk6393 | MagicianOk6393

Commenter calls out selfish behavior, lack of empathy 👀

ComparisonSuper9492 | ComparisonSuper9492

Commenter defends husband's decision to grieve father, calls out OP. 👍

Blankly-Staring | Blankly-Staring

Commenter calls out OP for lack of compassion towards husband's loss 🤔

PrimePlaya | PrimePlaya

Commenter calls out OP for only letting her family see the kids for Christmas. YTA 🤨

Grizzlyboy | Grizzlyboy

Commenter calls out OP for lack of empathy and entitlement 🤔

tvlife22 | tvlife22

Commenter calls out selfish behavior in Hawaii vacation debacle 💔

AioliNeat640 | AioliNeat640

Commenter calls out OP for lack of empathy towards grieving husband

NuggetsNLargeFries | NuggetsNLargeFries

Moving on is hard but NTA for sticking to the plan 👏

RileyTheCoyote | RileyTheCoyote

Navigating family dynamics during the holidays can be tough 🎄🤔

mangosyrups | mangosyrups

Christmas traditions can be flexible. NTA for choosing Hawaii 🎄🌴

Economy-Rise2527 | Economy-Rise2527

Commenter judges harshly: YTA for leaving husband for Hawaii.

Piaffe_zip16 | Piaffe_zip16

Commenter calls out entitled behavior, YTA for Hawaii trip 🏝️

Trim_Tram | Trim_Tram

Commenter calls out OP for insensitivity towards grieving family.

CheechIsAnOPTree | CheechIsAnOPTree

Commenter calls out OP for lack of empathy, calls YTA

ctfogo | ctfogo

Family traditions vs grieving spouse. Is she in the wrong?

Hyacinthus98 | Hyacinthus98

User calls out woman for insensitivity towards husband's grief. YTA.

heyitsta12 | heyitsta12

Commenter shames frequent Hawaii traveler with YTA ruling 🏝️

TheRealOcsiban | TheRealOcsiban

Choosing a Hawaiian vacation over grieving spouse? YTA.

Shventina | Shventina

Commenter calls out woman for leaving 'family' for Hawaii. YTA

TurkeyTot | TurkeyTot

Balancing grief and family during the holidays 💔👪

Glam_SpaceTime | Glam_SpaceTime

Choosing Hawaii trip over grieving husband makes YTA 🤦‍♀️

Motor_Link_9005 | Motor_Link_9005

Commenter calls out selfish behavior and disrespect towards Hawaiians 🌺

crankydragon | crankydragon

Commenter calls out selfish behavior and predicts divorce 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Suggests changing holiday traditions after mother's death, sparks debate 🤔

Waste-Phase-2857 | Waste-Phase-2857

Commenter calls out woman for leaving grieving husband for vacation.

ContentDoctor | ContentDoctor

Skipping water crisis for Hawaii trip, YTA 🏖️💧

TenebrousSage | TenebrousSage

Woman's selfish decision causes family drama during the holidays.

MisterMovie50 | MisterMovie50

Commenter hopes for divorce papers after Christmas Hawaii trip 🏝️

Steph_8_2 | Steph_8_2

Commenter harshly calls out entitled behavior towards husband's grief. 💔

cloudfoot3000 | cloudfoot3000

Commenter calls out OP's lack of empathy during husband's mourning 😔

throwaway98cgu566 | throwaway98cgu566

A Christmas trip to Hawaii causing a YTA verdict

Quantum_Aurora | Quantum_Aurora

Commenter calls out insensitivity towards grieving husband. 💔

itsluckyseven | itsluckyseven

Valid mourning vs. family tradition 🤔 NTA wins, AH loses 💸

Apprehensive-Pack309 | Apprehensive-Pack309

Tense exchange between commenters in Christmas trip controversy 🎄🏖️

EDMElevatorguy | EDMElevatorguy

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