Woman with prawn allergy faces backlash for not eating mom's food

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Living with family can be tough, but what happens when your allergy clashes with a parent's cooking habits? In this AITA post, a young woman has a severe allergy to prawns, but her mother continues to cook with them. After yet another allergic reaction, the mother becomes angry when the daughter picks them out of her food. Now the daughter is left wondering if she should have just taken medicine after eating her mom's cooking. Who is in the wrong here? Dive into the post to find out.

Allergy-shaming: Woman faces backlash for not eating mom's food 😞

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Living with parents due to high apartment prices in area.

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Allergic daughter faces backlash for mom's prawn obsession 🍤

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Allergic to mom's cooking but can't say no? 😷💊

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Allergy struggle: Mom uses prawns in daughter's lunch 🍤😫

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Allergic reaction avoided, but mom's feelings hurt over prawns 🍤

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Navigating family and allergies, am I the a**hole? 🤔

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Allergic to prawns but mom still cooks them? 😡

Living with family can be tough, especially when they don't respect your health. In this case, a young woman with a prawn allergy is facing backlash from her mom for not eating her food. Despite repeated attempts to explain her allergy, the mom continues to cook with prawns, causing the daughter's eyes to swell shut. But when the daughter picks out the prawns to avoid a reaction during a busy schedule, the mom gets upset and kicks her out of family meals. What should she have done? Is she in the wrong for not eating the prawns and upsetting her mom? Join the conversation in the comments below.

Mom keeps cooking prawns despite daughter's allergy. NTA.

CrystalQueen3000 | CrystalQueen3000

Don't risk it! Stop eating prawns to avoid anaphylactic shock 💥

AnnieJack | AnnieJack

Allergies should be taken seriously, it's not a joke 😷

jlonso | jlonso

🦐 Be cautious of family who intentionally harm you. Move out! 🚪

talibob | talibob

Moving out for my safety due to my mom's ignorance 😔🏠

throwaway79293 | throwaway79293

Don't let your allergy spoil family time 🍤❌

Summerbals | Summerbals

Parent of child with allergy supports poster, others suggest Munchausen by proxy.

moves_likemacca | moves_likemacca

Stand up for your health! NTA 🙅🏻‍♀️🦐

moistletoe | moistletoe

Protect yourself from mom's cooking with an epipen 💉

Ramona_Flours | Ramona_Flours

Mom serves prawns to allergic daughter, thinks she's rude. 👀

StockComprehensive96 | StockComprehensive96

Ignoring food allergies is not ok. NTA, inform another adult.

Hat_Potato | Hat_Potato

Is the mother intentionally putting her daughter in harm's way? 🤔

keesouth | keesouth

Don't let family obligation harm your health 🤒

rightobobo | rightobobo

Food allergies are not a personal challenge, NTA 🙅🏻‍♀️

crockofpot | crockofpot

Defending against mom's prawn food with helpful tips 🦐

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom's cooking could be deadly, move out and stay safe 🙌

Lia_Delphine | Lia_Delphine

Mom knowingly feeds allergic daughter prawns, gets angry when daughter refuses. NTA, mom is being abusive and punishing daughter for having allergies 🙅‍♀️

TheGingerCynic | TheGingerCynic

Stand up for yourself! 🙌 Allergic to prawns, not to standing up to your mom. NTA!

perrypops | perrypops

Support for not eating mom's food, but beware of her reactions 🍤

Spinach_Sad | Spinach_Sad

Stay safe and carry an EpiPen for shellfish allergies! 🤒

lockmama | lockmama

Cooking with prawns? NTA. Mom's obsession is dangerous 😱

ATVig | ATVig

Mom's prawn obsession causes allergic backlash. NTA stands firm.

junkiecreppermint | junkiecreppermint

Respect matters, even in food choices 🍤🚫🍴

Icy_Conversation_612 | Icy_Conversation_612

Woman faces backlash for not eating prawn-cooked food - NTA

MissFitz325 | MissFitz325

Stand your ground and prioritize your health 🙌

SeagullsNest | SeagullsNest

Mother's actions towards daughter with prawn allergy are criminal 🦐🚫

ericds1214 | ericds1214

Toxic family dynamics, red flags and allergies 🤮

Nurse_Ratchet_82 | Nurse_Ratchet_82

Stay safe and cook your own meals! 🍲👩‍🍳

LucyLovesApples | LucyLovesApples

Feeling the tension? Maybe it's time to move out 😉

[deleted] | [deleted]

Prawn allergy not common, NTA for not eating mom's food 🍤

PricingStrategy | PricingStrategy

Parents share stories of going above and beyond for allergic children 🍴

Important_Chef_4717 | Important_Chef_4717

Don't risk your life for your mother's approval 🚫. Allergies are real.

Glittercorn111 | Glittercorn111

Mom's actions towards daughter's allergy are considered physical abuse. 😡

Murderbunny13 | Murderbunny13

Stand up for your health and boundaries 🙌🏼

Ok__Dragon | Ok__Dragon

NTA and mother needs therapy. Consider masking your own food.

DazzlingAssistant342 | DazzlingAssistant342

Prioritizing health over family expectations. 👌

Bleu_Cerise | Bleu_Cerise

No backlash for not eating mom's prawn. NTA 🙌

Rose29912991 | Rose29912991

Protect yourself and stay safe. Your mother's behavior is concerning.

phatpharm06 | phatpharm06

Stand up for yourself! You deserve to be heard 🗣️

TheMaStif | TheMaStif

Woman with shellfish allergy gets blamed by mom, NTA.

mspolytheist | mspolytheist

Mom forgets daughter's allergy, serves prawns. NTA stands up.

Hetero_Sapian | Hetero_Sapian

Engage with mom to understand why she won't stop using prawns 🍤

TroubledGamestress | TroubledGamestress

Protect yourself first! Don't risk your life for prawns 🦐

HamsterAgreeable2748 | HamsterAgreeable2748

Mom forgets daughter's prawn allergy, commenter suspects ulterior motives 🤔

Sableandstable | Sableandstable

Mother intentionally poisoning daughter with prawns? NTA needs help.

jetfuel_o | jetfuel_o

Cook your own meals or move out 🍤🚪

Astoriana_ | Astoriana_

👍 Stand up against abuse, even from family. #NotTheA**hole

skullyott | skullyott

Supportive comment, NTA. 🤗

BooRand | BooRand

Consulting an allergist and getting an epi-pen is essential 💉

AMerrickanGirl | AMerrickanGirl

Woman with prawn allergy faces toxic family pressure 🍤😡

subrhythm | subrhythm

Questioning the authenticity of the story 🤔

Daniellewithadhd81 | Daniellewithadhd81

Abusive mom forces prawns on daughter with allergy 🦐😡

SleepyBird777 | SleepyBird777

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