Woman Refuses to Apologize After Calling Mom a Pervert Over Dress

A silver haired woman with a bob cut sitting on a couch.
Unsplash | Jens Lindner

A woman has taken to Reddit's Am I The A**hole forum to seek advice after getting into a heated argument with her mother over a dress. The woman, who has been dressing modestly her whole life, recently bought a $300 dress that she loves, but her mother hates because of its low neckline. Despite the woman's attempts to compromise by wearing a cover when she goes out, her mother continued to pressure her to return the dress.

Things came to a head when the woman called her mother a pervert after she repeatedly commented on her body. The woman is now refusing to apologize, but worries about her mom's feelings.

Read the full story for more details and to weigh in on whether the woman was in the wrong.

Anonymous user shares controversial story

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

21-year-old finally stands up to controlling mother over clothing choice

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Unapologetic about wardrobe choices since high school 👗🙅‍♀️

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Confidence boost in a new dress despite Mom's influence ❤️

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Mom disapproves of daughter's dress, tension ensues 😬

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Custom dress creates alteration drama with mom over neckline 🙄

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Woman shamed for wearing revealing outfit in cold weather ❄️

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Defying societal norms: Woman stands up for her fashion choices.

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Mom shames daughter for clothing, claims neckline draws perverts 👀

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Woman defends herself after being called a pervert for dress

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Woman stands up to body shaming in confrontation with mother

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Communication breakdown: refusing to apologize after misunderstanding with mom.

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Mom's overcorrecting parenting concerns spark apology debate amongst commenters ❤️

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

When family drama goes too far...👀

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

A clarification on the dress photo and some questions answered

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Fashionista shares dress photo after controversial mom altercation

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Seeking clarity: Questions surrounding the dress controversy

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Curiosity or suspicion? Questioning the frequency of mother-daughter communication.

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Stuck living with parents due to pandemic, can relate 😩

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Why the obsession with the dress? 🤔 Let's discuss.

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Woman defends discussing her dress despite mom's disapproval 🙅🏻‍♀️

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

When mom's fashion choices become questionable 😬

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Teen reluctantly wears controversial dress to appease mom's wishes.

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Grateful OP thanks commenters for advice and support ❤️

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Handling the aftermath: Woman refuses to apologize for alleged insult

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Supportive father promises to back daughter in family dispute. 🙌

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Difficult conversation with mom about hurtful comments ends in frustration.

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Mom shamed for dress choice, daughter refuses to apologize 🙅‍♀️

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Ignoring confrontations: effective communication or avoidance? 🤔

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Dad's clever way of shutting down mom's dress criticism 😂

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

Positive outlook for resolution despite ongoing conflict ☀

thr0waway-626 | thr0waway-626

A woman refuses to apologize after calling her mom a pervert over a dress 🙅‍♀️

A woman shares her story of how her mother controlled her wardrobe and her life. But when she bought a dress that her mother hated, things went from bad to worse. Her mother's disapproval turned into harassment and body shaming. In response, the woman called her mother a pervert and refused to apologize.

The situation escalated until the woman's father stepped in to support her. But will this be enough to resolve the conflict? Read on to find out how this family drama unfolds.

Empowering comment and replies, encouraging to stand up against objectification. 🙌

Jazmadoodle | Jazmadoodle

Move out and set boundaries. Supportive replies agree with OP.

Techsupportvictim | Techsupportvictim

21-year-old woman stands up to controlling mother over dress choice 💪

EselOzlo | EselOzlo

NTA. Commenters empathize with OP's controlling mother projecting insecurities.

tits-akimbo69 | tits-akimbo69

Standing up to abusive behavior from a parent is important 👏

JustJudgin | JustJudgin

Take control of your life 🙌 Find a new place to live 💼

SmartassMouth89 | SmartassMouth89

Empathetic support for woman standing up for herself and her choices.

geeseinuniform | geeseinuniform

Standing up to controlling parents. 💪

sinbitchz | sinbitchz

Body shaming from family is never okay. You're NTA. 💪

rythmicjea | rythmicjea

NTA. Commenter calls out mom's controlling behavior and objectification. 👏

KZ020 | KZ020

Woman stands up against body shaming, calls out mom's behavior 💪

asdrfgbn | asdrfgbn

Commenter jokes about infamous movie scene, supports original commenter. 😂

_dirtywater444 | _dirtywater444

Support for mom against harassment 👍

cooolcats212020 | cooolcats212020

Support for OP in confronting abusive mother 🤝

MtOlympus_Actual | MtOlympus_Actual

Asserting independence from controlling mom. 🚫🙅‍♀️

BeeboIsHigh | BeeboIsHigh

Commenter supports woman's decision to call out bad parenting 👍

butcher_of_Newarre | butcher_of_Newarre

Supportive comment calls out abusive behavior of mom

loki93009 | loki93009

Break free and live your own life 🌈🏠 #NTA

gbrllx | gbrllx

Living with parents during pandemic, tensions arise over boundaries.

wceguzou | wceguzou

User suggests using religious text to shut down judgmental mother.

FlutteringFae | FlutteringFae

Wear the dress with pride, get professional help if needed 💪

IllustratorNew8801 | IllustratorNew8801

Commenter asks for link to dress, gets photo instead 📸

FiammaDiAgnesi | FiammaDiAgnesi

Find support and validation in r/raisedbynarcissists community ❤️

West-Veterinarian-53 | West-Veterinarian-53

Mom's control issues and body shaming exposed by NTA comment 😱

Purple_Elderberry_20 | Purple_Elderberry_20

Wear what makes you happy and beautiful 👍🏻

amelia_airhart | amelia_airhart

Stand up for yourself and your style! 🙌🏼

unknownpoltroon | unknownpoltroon

Control freak mom gets called out by daughter. NTA.

goldengracie | goldengracie

Empowerment and owning your choices. Shutting down body-shamers 💪

MorgieKatieD | MorgieKatieD

Customize your wardrobe like a pro with EShakti.com 👗

normanbeets | normanbeets

Stand your ground! If you feel like a princess in that dress, then you are 👸. #NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment and shared experience on clothing and body image.

koomeba | koomeba

Support for NTA commenter, criticism for comment reply.

Seoulsistamegs87 | Seoulsistamegs87

Empowering response to mother's controlling behavior. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Empowering comment tells woman to own her body and boundaries 💪

Flashy_Current2284 | Flashy_Current2284

Support for standing up to unreasonable mother 🙌

14tshaw | 14tshaw

Honesty is the best policy, but sometimes it's better to lie 😬

yournanna | yournanna

NTA defends OP and advises setting boundaries with crazy mom.

xxsweetsxx | xxsweetsxx

Love the dress, love the confidence. NTA, ignore the haters! ✨

igneousscone | igneousscone

Defending without context, NTA 🤷‍♀️

mizrakeen | mizrakeen

Curiosity sparked as commenters want to see the dress 🤔

cl_aww | cl_aww

Encouraging advice for setting boundaries with controlling mother. 🙂

dammit_samantha | dammit_samantha

Embrace your sexuality without being shamed! You go girl! 🔥

weaver_of_cloth | weaver_of_cloth

Supportive comment, comparing situation to 'Carrie' movie 🙏

wandalorian | wandalorian

Wear what YOU want! Don't let anyone shame your choices 👗💪

darkprincess98 | darkprincess98

A Stephen King-esque mother-daughter relationship gone wrong 🤔

BecGeoMom | BecGeoMom

Wear what you're comfortable in, not what your mother wants. NTA 👍

Fraerie | Fraerie

Commenter supports OP, questions mom's beliefs & suggests societal change 🤔

Spinnerofyarn | Spinnerofyarn

Empowering response to controlling mom; time to move out ✌️

LieutenantGF | LieutenantGF

Commenter critiques language choice in a supportive way 👍

ElleyHeels | ElleyHeels

Empathetic response! 🤝 The commenter validates the dress-wearer's feelings.

fetishnun | fetishnun

Take control of your style and confidence. 🙌

Pitycircle | Pitycircle

Trans ally supports woman called pervert; dress has pockets! 😍

acatcalledbird | acatcalledbird

Defying stereotypes: A painted up trollop speaks out 🙌

LovelyLioness36 | LovelyLioness36

Woman defends her style choices, mom called out for inappropriate behavior 👗💁‍♀️

re_nonsequiturs | re_nonsequiturs

Complimentary comment on dress with heart-eyes emoji.

wichtwood | wichtwood

Compliments and support for non-apologetic dress-wearer. ❤️👗

perhapinerva | perhapinerva

When your dad is the ultimate conflict resolution specialist 😎

Avari_Fenyx | Avari_Fenyx

This commenter approves of the poster's actions and likes Dad the News Anchor 😎

Flashy-Promise-6915 | Flashy-Promise-6915

Stand up for yourself and your style choices! NTA 🙃

Isuobae | Isuobae

Wardrobe shaming? Not cool. NTA has spoken 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter criticizes toxic femininity and narcissism in dress dispute.

Shmockyy | Shmockyy

Wear what you want, set boundaries, NTA 👍

xuwugirluwux | xuwugirluwux

Live your life! 😎 Don't let anyone hold you back.

iceyone444 | iceyone444

Wear that dress proudly! NTA for standing up to body-shaming.

AkatorSkullz6908 | AkatorSkullz6908

Be your own person, experiment with looks and styles 🌟

Whoopsie_Todaysie | Whoopsie_Todaysie

Embrace your body and show it off! 🙌

Stella430 | Stella430

Struggling with parental approval of clothing choices. Relatable 😔

Number5MoMo | Number5MoMo