Man Surprises Girlfriend by Bringing Entire Family to Her Workplace without Warning

A waitress carrying a wooden tray with food and a drink.
Unsplash | Bimo Luki

A man thought it would be a great idea to bring his entire family to his girlfriend's workplace as a server to meet her. While his family enjoyed the surprise and even left a huge tip, his girlfriend did not appreciate the gesture. She called him a jack*ss and went off on him for blindsiding her.

He argued that she never seemed interested in meeting his family before, so he figured this was the only way to make it happen. Was he wrong for surprising her? Or was his girlfriend overreacting? Read on for the full story and find out what happened.

Unexpected family visit to girlfriend's workplace 🤔

famgfserver | famgfserver

Man brings entire family to girlfriend's workplace without warning 🤯

famgfserver | famgfserver

A man brings his whole family to his girlfriend's restaurant😳

famgfserver | famgfserver

Family approves and leaves huge tip after surprise visit 🎉

famgfserver | famgfserver

Girlfriend upset after surprise family visit to workplace 💔

famgfserver | famgfserver

Misunderstanding over surprise family appearance at girlfriend's workplace 🤔

famgfserver | famgfserver

He surprised his girlfriend with family, but she didn't approve 😕

famgfserver | famgfserver

Man surprises girlfriend by bringing entire family to her workplace 😮

A man decides to surprise his girlfriend at her workplace by bringing his entire family to meet her. However, the girlfriend is left feeling blindsided and upset, accusing him of not giving her a say in the matter.

Despite putting on a brave face and serving the family well, the girlfriend expresses her true feelings to the man, calling him a jack*ss. Did the man go too far with the surprise or was it a sweet gesture?

Read the full story to find out what the internet thinks, and what advice they have to offer to the couple.

YTA for blindsiding your girlfriend with your whole family at work 🤦‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

OP blindsided girlfriend by bringing entire family to her workplace - YTA

somegingershavesouls | somegingershavesouls

OP's surprise visit to girlfriend's workplace with family is manipulative. YTA.

ArcticAur | ArcticAur

Surprising girlfriend at work with family? YTA and crossed boundaries.

Kokbiel | Kokbiel

Man brings entire family to girlfriend's job without warning, YTA

walnutwithteeth | walnutwithteeth

Surprising girlfriend with family at work? YTA. Apologize and prepare.

madoosles | madoosles

Curiosity about the tip aside, OP is YTA and unlikely to learn from this.

Ready_Manager4703 | Ready_Manager4703

Man brings family to girlfriend's work without warning, gets called out

stunted_jest | stunted_jest

Forced family introduction at work? YTA, no doubt 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bringing family to girlfriend's workplace without warning is YTA move 🤨

Sufficient_Cat | Sufficient_Cat

Surprising your girlfriend with your entire family at her workplace? YTA 😒

teratodentata | teratodentata

Commenter calls out OP's creepy behavior, hopes girlfriend leaves him 👀

emccm | emccm

Bringing your entire family to meet your gf at her workplace? YTA.

stropette | stropette

Surprising your partner at work: romantic or selfish? YTA learns the hard way.

Primary-Criticism929 | Primary-Criticism929

OP ignores girlfriend's wishes and brings entire family to her work. YTA 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Forcing your partner to meet your family at work? YTA 🤦‍♀️

Castyourspellswisely | Castyourspellswisely

Bringing your family to your partner's workplace is inappropriate 😒

ManicPixieDreamGoth | ManicPixieDreamGoth

Man surprises girlfriend at work with family, gets YTA verdict

kittenoftheeast | kittenoftheeast

Commenter strongly disagrees and drops an F-bomb. 💥

OldManAndRobotLackey | OldManAndRobotLackey

Former servers agree: bringing family to work is a**hole move 😒

CompetitiveYoung9 | CompetitiveYoung9

Bringing your family to your girlfriend's workplace without warning? YTA 🤦‍♂️

LadyCollywobbles | LadyCollywobbles

Man brings entire family to girlfriend's workplace unannounced, traps her. YTA 😬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Forcing a surprise family meeting at work? YTA 🤦‍♂️

krugle_ | krugle_

A surprise workplace visit from partner's family leads to YTA verdict.

Dearic75 | Dearic75

Surprising your partner at work? 🤔 Think again! YTA 😠

Friendly_Order3729 | Friendly_Order3729

Commenter calls out young man for being a jacka** 😒 YTA

MexicanPete | MexicanPete

Commenter calls out man's manipulative behavior - YTA 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Boyfriend spontaneously brings family to girlfriend's workplace. Commenters say YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Invading her workplace and taking away her choice - YTA 🤦‍♂️

Cinnamon-Dream | Cinnamon-Dream

Surprising your girlfriend at work with your family? YTA.

TahiniInMyVeins | TahiniInMyVeins

Bringing your entire family to someone's workplace unannounced: YTA

averagepsycho127 | averagepsycho127

Surprising your girlfriend at work? That's a**hole move 😒

paulos1899 | paulos1899

Surprising your partner with family at work? YTA, according to commenters 🚫

ColdstreamCapple | ColdstreamCapple

Surprising your partner at work? YTA. Respect boundaries 💼🙅‍♀️

superjudy1 | superjudy1

Surprising girlfriend with family at work makes him the a**hole 😬

howdouhavegoodnames | howdouhavegoodnames

Surprising your partner with family at work? YTA 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter calls out man's violation of trust and boundaries

Agrivane | Agrivane

Ouch! 🤕 Looks like this surprise backfired 😬

Waste-Phase-2857 | Waste-Phase-2857

Man brings entire family to girlfriend's workplace without warning, YTA

lowri92 | lowri92

Man brings family to girlfriend's workplace without warning - YTA

JustMeLurkingAround- | JustMeLurkingAround-

Surprising girlfriend with family at work? YTA, apologize ASAP 🤦‍♂️

aniacret | aniacret

Ambushing your girlfriend at work with family is a**hole move 😠

IllustratorNew8801 | IllustratorNew8801

Commenter thinks OP is a jerk and hopes for breakup 💔

0nly_0li | 0nly_0li

Surprising girlfriend with family at her work = YTA move 😒

PiscesReader | PiscesReader

Commenter calls out man's manipulative behavior. 👀

Miserable_Dinner_698 | Miserable_Dinner_698

Experienced a similar situation, YTA brought friends to workplace 💼

ButterscotchNo3259 | ButterscotchNo3259

Commenter calls out the man for his behavior. Yikes. 😬

brutelitops | brutelitops

Commenter calls out man for being a jerk 😒

ucitygal | ucitygal

Bringing your family to your girlfriend's workplace without warning? YTA 💩

TinyBlonde15 | TinyBlonde15

Over eager boyfriend surprises girlfriend at work - YTA 😬

FiSouthpaw | FiSouthpaw

Surprising your girlfriend at work with family? YTA 🤦‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter finds man's surprise visit embarrassing. YTA 👎

theonlycreepycat | theonlycreepycat

Surprising your partner's family at work? YTA according to commenters 💔

AlbinoLokier | AlbinoLokier

Controlling behavior? YTA brought entire family to girlfriend's workplace

lucysmooshy | lucysmooshy

GF's response to YTA comment is perfect: "YTJA" 👏

StoneColdDonut | StoneColdDonut

Commenter thinks man is the a**hole for surprise visit.

Gummy_yumyum | Gummy_yumyum