Fans Are Confused By Brad Pitt's Newest Cover Shoot: 'Looks Like A Corpse'

Rae Batchelor
Brad Pitt on the cover of GQ
instagram | @gq

Fans aren't sure what to make of Brad Pitt's latest cover photo for GQ magazine.

Obviously, we don't need to tell you that Brad Pitt has long since been considered to be one of the sexiest men alive, but even the really good-looking among us can have unphotogenic moments. Some fans believe that the latest GQ cover shot Brad has done falls into that category, and are taking to social media to share their opinions.

The cover shot in question shows Brad lying in a pool of water surrounded by flowers.

Brad dons a blue shirt, gold jewelry (including rings), and slacks in the shot where he stares up at the camera with a blank expression on his face and a lizard on his chest.

Some fans were quick to point out that Brad's face doesn't look exactly the way they were expecting it to. Just like Shania Twain, Brad Pitt didn't impress them much.

Some fans felt his face looked like he had had plastic surgery.

"The Ken Auditions closed a while ago," tweeted one fan, referencing the upcoming Barbie movie where Ryan Gosling will be playing Ken. "Brad Pitt's plastic surgeon turned his face into Chelsea Handler. I can't stop laughing," added another.

"It's a wax statue of Brad Pitt...right?" one fan wondered.

Other fans thought he looked less plastic and more, well... dead.

"How do you make Brad Pitt look like he’s been embalmed for 12 hours?" wondered a fan.

"Okay, if they were going for a flamenco dancer who was surprised to death and then immediately embalmed look, NAILED IT!!!" joked another.

Some fans also felt he looked a little familiar.

"Did they face-merge him with Rob Lowe?" one fan asked. I'm not so sure that Rob should consider this one a compliment!

What do you think of Brad's latest look? Let us know in the comments!