Mom Conflicted After Financial Advice To Daughter Causes Breakup

Mason Joseph Zimmer
Emma Stone crying as Gwen Stacy
youtube | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Anyone who's been a parent can tell you that the job doesn't often come with easy answers.

So while some may turn to books for help and others may consult parenting forums and communities, it's ultimately going to be a parent's own values and what seems best for their kids that serve as their guiding star.

But even when parents are sure that a decision feels right, it's still common for them to doubt themselves as the right decision can sometimes be unpopular or carry unforeseen consequences for their kids.

In such cases, their decisions may seem obviously right to outside observers who wonder how they could possibly doubt themselves. But as we're about to see, that doesn't magically mean that their child's pain won't continue to weigh on them.

After earning a 4.0 GPA in high school and being her class valedictorian, it's safe to say that one 18-year-old has a promising future ahead of her.

woman in graduation cap and gown holding diploma
Pexels | Davis Sanchez

And as her mother explained in a Reddit post, this young woman's dream of becoming a marine biologist seemed all the more attainable after she was a awarded a full ride scholarship.

This being the case, the $250,000 her parents had saved for college is now available for any other costs she happens to incur while she's there.

Since everything seems to be set for her, it came as a big surprise to the mom when her daughter came home and sadly said she wouldn't be going to college anymore.

To understand why, we must first get a little background on the daughter's boyfriend, Bryan.

young man sitting at table and talking
youtube | Lionsgate Home Entertainment

He comes from a wealthy family who never disciplined him and while he's apparently sweet to the daughter when he's alone with her, he's generally rude and disrespectful. He also unfavorably compares her to Instagram models when they're out with friends.

He's the one who told her not to go to college as he said his family will support them after he returns from his own admittedly directionless stint in school.

Part of that has to do with the distance between him and her school of choice, but in the mom's words, "He also said that it made him feel unmanly when she has a set course for her future which will give her a good life, while he has none."

To make matters worse, he's apparently been pressuring the daughter to collect her college fund to support his own unspecified dreams.

Emma Stone crying as Gwen Stacy
youtube | Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

And while she didn't initially take it well when the mom said she's couldn't have this money for this purpose, her mom soon left her with a key question to think about.

She asked if the daughter could see a serious future with Bryan, and asked with a softer voice after the daughter initially cried and said nothing. Once she admitted it seemed unlikely, her mom advised her not to throw her future away for him.

As she put it, "From what I've learned, she broke it off with Bryan and he has been calling non stop, crying and begging to speak to her."

This result made the mom feel guilty, but the overwhelming consensus from the community she reached out to is that she shouldn't.

woman in tiara raising sceptre
Giphy | Showtime

As one user said, "The truth of the matter is that Bryan is toxic and abusive. She absolutely loves him, but he clearly doesn't love her, because he's willing to wreck her future in order to feel in control."

With that in mind, commenters believed the mom couldn't have handled the situation better.

As another person put it, "It sounds like you approached this with as much sensitivity as you could with her and didn't use anger or fear to communicate. You showed respect by letting her speak and then got your point across gently."

h/t: Reddit | throwae_69