Facts can be misleading, especially when it comes to TV shows. Like movies and musicians, sometimes it seems like TV shows seem to coast on name recognition alone.
It’s only with hindsight we realize that some of the most critically acclaimed shows were wildly overrated.
See for yourself and check out these 10+ extremely overrated television shows. Let us know which ones you agree with!
*Orange Is The New Black*.
I could never understand why so many people would swear by this show. In many ways, Orange is the New Black never got its feet off the ground.
The show was always mired between a comedy and a drama and quite simply failed to execute on either threshold.
*The Bachelor*.

How is it that in 2020 a show still exists that portrays women in direct competition with one another to ‘win’ the affections of a man?
Am I the only one who finds this outdated and offensive? I’m equally enraged by The Bachelorette too, just in case you were wondering.

I will be the first to admit that I have a soft spot for the Winchester brothers. I also think that Jensen Ackles would have made one h**l of a good Batman.
However, Supernatural should have done itself (and the audience) a favor and quit while they were ahead…which was roughly 5 seasons ago.
*The Walking Dead*.
I loathe this show. Only because for the first seven seasons, I watched it religiously and defended it rigorously.
The Walking Dead became a convoluted, overly drawn-out mess where absolutely nothing of any real consequence happened at all. Week over week, it was like they were flying a middle finger right in our faces.
*Stranger Things*.

Once again, I’ll give credit where credit is due. The first season of Stranger Things is about as close to perfect as TV gets.
In the following seasons, the show loses all sense of urgency and becomes a mere shadow of what it once was.
*The Vampire Diaries*.

I can’t believe I actually have to explain myself on this one; reading the title alone should be enough to dissuade you from ever laying eyes on this CW atrocity.
If I could use only two words to describe The Vampire Diaries it would be these: it s***s.
*The Flash*.

Why is it that every single superhero costume in the Arrowverse is made out of the same god awful looking pleather? And how many times can The Flash keep rehashing the same storyline?
“I’m not Wells; I am Wells; I maybe might be Wells!” Give it a rest.
I can already hear you grinding your axes in preparation for battle. But when it comes to Seinfeld , the Emperor truly has no clothes.
Not only is Seinfeld some of the laziest, uninspired writing, but Jerry Seinfeld is a terrible comedian. That’s right, I said it. He’s terrible.
The prize for Most Overrated Show currently streaming on Netflix goes to Suits !
I’m not sure what’s more laughable: the complete and total unbelievability of the show as a whole, or the smug arrogance of its lead character, Harvey Specter.
*This Is Us*.

Don’t allow yourself to be fooled: This Is Us is a terrible show. Everything from the acting to the writing is completely and totally sub-par.
It’s one and only strength lies in its ability to emotionally manipulate their audience into believing that the show is somehow cathartic.

Yet another show I used to love and for the first three seasons, it was great.
However, Weeds fell off the face of the earth. It became lost in itself and tried to take on so much more than what it was.
*Grey’s Anatomy*.
I pride myself on being able to see the other side of the coin, but I’m at a complete loss as to how anyone can watch Grey’s Anatomy with a straight face.
This hospital drama is a primetime Soap Opera, nothing more.
*Game Of Thrones*.

OK – calm down! I’m not saying that Game of Thrones is a bad show. What I’m saying is that it isn’t as good as you remember it to be.
The first five seasons are fantastic. The sad reality is that there are an additional three more.
*Modern Family*.

Modern Family is a perfect example of a show masquerading as being ‘progressive’ when really its anything but.
Instead of championing their homosexual characters and characters of color, they reduce them to cheap stereotypes for the amusement of white heterosexual audiences.
*Two And A Half Men*.

Just because a show has been on for a considerable amount of time, doesn’t necessarily mean that it has anything of value.
Two and a Half Men is the very definition of the phrase toxic masculinity. It idolizes the arrested development and misogyny of its principal characters.
Last Updated on June 12, 2020 by Jordan Claes