There has been a lot of bad things to happen this year. A lot of really bad, horrible, no good things to happen this year.
And yet, the rest of the things kind of pale in comparison to all the terrible, terrible TV shows that hit the air this year.
And were also canceled.
1. ‘Murphy Brown’
Lifespan: 1 Season (Revived)
I bet the one Murphy Brown fan was excited about this one.
I hear that’s why it failed because the fan was off sick and couldn’t watch the episodes.
2. ‘Happy Together’
Lifespan: 1 Season
So a couple let’s a wacky rising pop star into their boring lives and suddenly, things aren’t so boring anymore!
Well, that wasn’t true. The series was plenty boring.
3. ‘Fam’
Lifespan: 1 Season
Oh lord. Just look at the title of this TV show: how did they not know it would fail?
I don’t want to give this any more attention. Bad, bad, bad., bad, bad.
4. ‘The Red Line’
Lifespan: 1 Season
Well, the story about a cop killing someone is as relevant as ever, but I feel like people go to the news to get preached at.
They go to TV to relax.
5. ‘The Code’
Lifespan: 1 Season
There’s really no wonder this show didn’t make it, literally look at all the other crime shows on this list, or any other crime show ever made and you’ve seen The Code .
6. ‘Instinct’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
Oh god if I have to read another description of a TV show with the words “CIA operative” in it I think I’m going to puke.
Enough with the crime shows already!
7. ‘The Kids Are Alright’
Lifespan: 1 Season
The family on this show had eight boys. Eight freaking boys!
No wonder this show tanked, how the heck were we supposed to remember the names of every character!
8. ‘Whiskey Cavalier’
Lifespan: 1 Season
Yeah listen, Criminal Minds is finally ending this year, so maybe we can get past this whole crime TV show thing.
Every single one has been the same since Law and Order .
9. ‘I Feel Bad’
Lifespan: 1 Season
So… what? We were supposed to be charmed by the fact that this woman hates everything she does?
Yeah… we get enough of that in real life, thanks.
10. ‘The Enemy Within’
Lifespan: 1 Season
Ugh look, everyone, it’s yet another show where a CIA operative/police officer/detective has to team up with someone wacky.
This time it was an FBI agent who was put in prison for treason!
11. ‘Love Connection’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons (Revived)
They tried their darndest to revive this TV show about… what’s this TV show about again?
Watching someone try to choose who to have s*x with?
Oh, no wonder it was canceled.
12. ‘Nightflyers’
Lifespan: Season 1
They were so confident that this was going to be a hit.
“It’s George R. R. Martin!” the people cried “there’s no way this is going to s**k!” But they were wrong.
13. ‘Friends From College’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
This show might have had Keegan Michael Key, it may have been on the easiest Network to get renewed on, and yet they couldn’t even manage a third season.
14. ‘American Princess’
Lifespan: 1 Season
This show about a socialite who decides to become a Renaissance Fair princess was… well, it was weird, to put it in a word.
Just plain old weird.
15. ‘Dear White People’
Lifespan: 4 Seasons
After 4 seasons of lecturing a group of people about their behavior, this TV show has finally been taken off the air.
Maybe the world just wasn’t ready for it.
16. ‘The End of the F*****g World’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
Show of hands, who watched this show? Anyone? Is there someone in the back who may have watched this on Netflix?
Not even one person? Come on people!
17. ‘Reef Break’
Lifespan: 1 Season
No wonder these shows were canceled, every time I read about one I have to Google it. And boy did my eyes glaze over on this description:
“Cat Chambers’ less-than-perfect past as a thief…” ANOTHER thief?
18. ‘Grand Hotel’
Lifespan: 1 Season
It seems that not even Eva Longoria could bring this show to success, as it is dying after one season of being on the air. Better luck next time!
19. ‘Patriot’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons.
Wow, it really s***s when an up and coming streaming service cancels you.
They need all the programming they can get, so your show must really s**k to get the ax.
20. ‘Strange Angel’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
The name of the main character in this TV show is Jack Parsons.
The show had a strong start but it just couldn’t keep up with it, and so the ratings fell.
21. ‘Swamp Thing’
Lifespan: 1 Season
What? There was a Swamp Thing TV series and it got canceled after one season? Maybe the marketing for the show was the problem with this one.
22. ‘Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
Now now, Cloak and Dagger fans, this might not be the end of your show.
Disney may just be reclaiming what is now theirs… I would buy a Disney+ subscription if I were you.
23. ‘Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists’
Lifespan: 1 Season
Considering the fact this was a sequel spinoff to the beloved original show, it came as a shock to many to know it had been canceled!
But maybe people are tired of bad sequels.
24. ‘Feud’
Lifespan: 1 Season
Not only did they cancel this series, but they canceled the second season they had planned for it!
Oh man, that’s cruel! They gave the creators hope only to s****h it away!
25. ‘I Love You, America’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
It seems that this Sarah Silverman show isn’t going to make it past its second season.
Which is a shame, because I’m certain it was just hilarious (didn’t see it).
26. ‘Chambers’
Lifespan: 1 Season
Yet another show canceled on a streaming service after one measly season.
It seems that fans just didn’t like this show about this teen and her strange heart.
27. ‘Daybreak’
Lifespan: 1 Season
After a whopping one whole season, this show is going down the tubes.
Hey, maybe if they tried a different Barry Manilow song they could have more success. Mandy, perhaps?
28. ‘The Good Cop’
Lifespan: 1 Season
This show about a cop who never followed the rules was probably too familiar for fans, as it has been the basis of a TV show since TV shows existed.
29. ‘No Good Nick’
Lifespan: 1 Season
I guess you could say that No Good Nick was “no good”.
Hey, it might not be all that funny or creative, but then again neither was this show.
30. ‘The OA’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
People thought this show was just “meh” when it came out.
Then they tried a second season and people realized it wasn’t “meh”, it was just plain old bad.
31. ‘She’s Gotta Have It’
Lifespan: 2 Seasons
It’s unfortunate because this movie was awesome.
And yet, it seems that they couldn’t capture that same magic with the TV series.
32. ‘Tuca & Bertie’
Lifespan: 1 Season.
Oh, boy was this show hot trash! It was no wonder that it was going to get canceled. And the ironic thing is that they promoted this show so hard.
Last Updated on December 19, 2019 by Jake Bean