Parents are always worried about their kids and alcohol consumption. But, at the end of the day, when we drink — we definitely don’t make sound choices either.
This mom who was running…naked.
Running hammered, naked, and on fire. Just what you want to hear
This mom who is quite a messy drunk.
Popcorn down her bra AND on the floor.
This mom who sent a pretty drunk selfie.
Faded. Faded big time.
This dad who is an insightful drunk.

Seriously though.
This mom who needs a spelling lesson.
Someone get her a dictionary.
This mom who knows what’s good.
This mom who channeled Lil’ Jon for no reason.
That’s right, turn down for WHAT.
This mom who gave her kid a play-by-play.
That’s a long, long story.
This mom who gets drunk and worries.
Yes mom, he’s okay.
This dad who just wants his Slim Jims.
This mom who celebrated her daughter’s birthday right.
Celebrate good times!
This dad who got sentimental.
Too sweet, dad.
This mom who didn’t even remember her own son.
Too much to drink, huh?
This mom who got drunk with the dogs again.
So hard to figure out.
This dad who couldn’t find his phone.
Clearly, he had one too many.
Last Updated on August 21, 2019 by Lex Gabrielle