Freaking boom!
Quick, everyone get to your bomb shelters! Grab the kids, grab the canned food and watch yourselves!
We’re going to be checking out some huge bombs from the years 2010-2019. There are a lot of them, so get ready to mourn the casualties.
‘A Wrinkle in Time’

Loss (with inflation): $70 million
This movie was set up for success. It was the first major movie to be directed by a black woman, and it had the Oprah seal of approval.
All it had to do was not come out when a superhero movie was playing… but oops, Black Panther was still in theaters.
‘Charlie’s Angels (2019)’

Loss (with inflation): (Not determined yet, but it’s a flop).
This reboot was going to be Elizabeth Banks’ foray into directing. It was supposed to be a huge triumph.
It was not, and she got very defensive about it.
‘Terminator: Dark Fate’

Loss (with inflation): $100 million.
It was an attempt to give the T-800 a swan song… but it didn’t work.
It made barely any money domestically and did not break even… obviously.
‘The BFG’

Loss (with inflation): $106 million
Even Steven Spielberg couldn’t save this movie.
The problem is, it went up against Finding Dory , which was the sequel to one of the biggest animated Pixar movies of all time.
‘Green Lantern’

Loss (with inflation): $101.7 million
There have been so many jokes about how bad this movie was. Even Ryan Reynolds himself has made jokes about it.
And its box office earnings reflected that.

Loss (with inflation): $100-$155 million
It had all the workings of a sweet movie.
It had Jeff Bridges, it had Ryan Reynolds, it had ghosts, it was like Men In Black . But it didn’t make money.
’47 Ronin’

Loss (with inflation): $107-$165.5 million
Even though he’s become a bit beloved recently, this movie almost killed his entire career.
He can thank God for John Wick , or in the very least his lucky stars.
‘Monster Trucks’

Loss (with inflation): $120.74 million.
It was supposed to be a brand new cool monster series for kids.
It was supposed to launch a whole new franchise. But, needless to say, it didn’t.
‘Mars Needs Moms’

Loss (with inflation): $115-$166 million.
This is one of the biggest animated box-office failures of all time.
Director Simon Wells was no stranger to failures. His 2002 film The Time Machine also flopped.
‘King Arthur: Legend of the Sword’

Loss (with inflation): $120-$157 million.
This movie was plagued with a whole bunch of problems in its pre-production.
So when Warner Bros. was ready to shoot, the whole project was dead on arrival.
‘Jack The Giant Slayer’

Loss (with inflation): $138-$154.66 million.
This movie has been described as a “colossal failure.”
They tried a new technique when it came to visual effects and it failed, so a lot had to be reshot last minute.
‘The Lone Ranger’

Loss (with inflation): $166-$210 million.
In a world plagued with remakes and reboots, it was probably a major surprise for Disney when this Pirates Of The Carribean -like cowboy movie failed.
But it was pretty offensive, so they should have seen it coming.
‘Mortal Engines’

Loss (with inflation): $179 million.
With a budget of $110 million, it wasn’t a good sign when this apocalyptic movie only made $2.8 million on its opening weekend.
Things… didn’t get better after that.
‘John Carter’

Loss (with inflation): $224 million.
Oh, this is the big tuna, folks.
Not only is it the biggest box office flop in the last decade, but it’s the biggest flop of all time!

Loss (with inflation): $75 million.
In a world full of remakes and reboots that make a whole bunch of money, this attempt at an all-female Ghostbusters team was not one of them.
‘Dark Phoenix’

Loss (with inflation): $100 million.
An attempt to revive the X-Men franchise with the likes of Sansa Stark was a bit misguided, and audiences didn’t really go for this one.
We’ll have to see if the MCU does the X-Men right.

Loss (with inflation): $97.5 million.
Movies about hackers have been cool since computers came out. And a movie about s**y hackers (as opposed to real-life hackers) should also be cool.
This one wasn’t so cool.
‘The Promise’

Loss (with inflation): $96.5 million.
The funny thing about this bomb is that the person who made it, Kirk Kerkorian, didn’t care if it made money.
He just wanted to raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide.
‘The Nutcracker in 3D’

Loss (with inflation): $95.6 million.
Taking a Christmas classic and turning it into a movie about Fascist rats with jetpacks?
Financed by a bunch of Russian banks? Was this a money laundering scheme?
‘Jupiter Ascending’

Loss (with inflation): $130.5 million.
If The Matrix was any indicator, the Wachowskis have a talent for creating big, epic stories. Or, at least they used to.
Jupiter Ascending was kind of proof to the contrary.

Loss (with inflation): $163 million.
My question is: When they saw Hugh Jackman in that makeup, why did they still decide to continue with the project?
Why not scrap it right then and there?
‘The Wolfman’

Loss (with inflation): $93.3 million.
The fact that I am just now realizing that they did a remake of the 1941 movie The Wolfman in 2010 proves this movie didn’t do so hot.
‘The Good Dinosaur’

Loss (with inflation): $92.3 million.
Even the greatest of companies have to slip at some point.
This was the case for Pixar, whose 2015 The Good Dinosaur was its first and only bomb (so far).
‘Seventh Son’

Loss (with inflation): $92 million.
This is another one of those movies that kind of just slips from your memory.
And you’re saying this movie got a theatrical release? Huh, no kidding!

Loss (with inflation): $163 million.
Unless your name is Pirates Of The Carribean , you’re not going to have a lot of luck in movies if you’re a movie based on a Disney ride.
Not even George Clooney can save you.

Loss (with inflation): $91.5 million.
Yes, the critically acclaimed film that received 11 Academy Award nominations (including Best Picture) was actually a bit of a big flop.
Funny how the world works, isn’t it?
‘Fantastic Four’

Loss (with inflation): $87 million.
This movie was proof that not every Marvel movie was automatically going to be a huge money-maker.
Sometimes, just like DC movies, they could fail really hard.
‘Rise of the Guardians’

Loss (with inflation): $83 million.
While it had a decent concept (and gave “rise” to a lot of weird Elsa/Jack Frost fan fiction), it was not enough to take this movie to the top.
‘Robin Hood’

Loss (with inflation): $83.7 million.
How many Robin Hood movies have they made so far? And how many have been really all that successful?
Obviously, I don’t count the Disney version or Men In Tights .

Loss (with inflation): $131 million.
Another classic movie being remade. This one didn’t do as well as the original.
In fact, while the original was a towering achievement in filmmaking, this one just plain stunk.
‘Rock of Ages’

Loss (with inflation): $86 million.
It’s a shame this movie didn’t do so hot, because if it did, we may have more jukebox musical movies on the market.
Now, all we’ve got is this and Moulin Rouge .
‘Blade Runner 2049’

Loss (with inflation): $84 million.
This movie being on this list proves that your movie doesn’t have to s**k to bomb. Do you want to know what beat this movie at the box office?
Happy Death Day .
Last Updated on December 2, 2019 by Jake Bean