We know that Superbad is the best movie of all time. At least I do.
But sometimes perfection can have some mistakes… It’s not like actual gods made this movie.
Just Gods of Comedy.
1. Young Becca’s Hands

When Becca is picking up Seth’s drawing of… well, a phallus, her hand position changes between shots.
Not in a way that she could have done between seconds, but an uncanny way.
2. McLovin’s Fake ID

The first time we see the fake ID, it has a white back. But later in the movie when we see the back again, it’s covered in black lettering.
It’s either a great or a bad fake.
3. The Bag Of Food

“What so I gotta sit here and eat dessert alone like I’m f’n Steven Glansburg?”
During this scene, the bag of food in front of Seth starts out facing towards him, then in the next cut, it’s facing to the right.
4. Seth’s Collar

Right before Jules’ friend asks Seth: “Can you get us booze?” his collar is popped inwards.
In the next shot, it’s folded outwards, even covering some of his bag.
5. The Condoms And Lube

When Seth and Evan are outside the liquor store waiting for Foggell, Evan talks about how he brought condoms and lube.
In between shots, the lube and condoms he’s carrying switch hands.
6. The Girl’s Beer

When Seth is dancing with the girl at the party, she starts out holding a bottle of beer. In the next shot, the bottle is gone.
And guess where it is in the next shot? Back in her hand.
7. The Empty Detergent Containers

When Seth is yelling at Evan (“you bailed on me!”) as he’s holding the detergent containers, he waves them around like a madman.
If they were truly full, he couldn’t wave them around so freely.
8. Seth’s Shirt

The shirt that Seth gets from Evan’s dad (because Evan shops at Baby Gap) changes from blue to black and then back to blue throughout the alcohol buying scenes.
A color-changing shirt? Neat!
9. The Booze In The Bag

When he’s running from the cops, the amount of booze in Foggell’s bag is constantly changing. Sometimes, the bag is bursting with booze.
Others, it doesn’t seem to have much booze at all.
10. The Cocoa Powder

The amount of cocoa powder on Seth’s apron changes during the Home Ec scene.
When he’s with Jules, he has a lot of it on his apron. When he’s talking to Foggell, there is a lot less.
11. Where Are The Cops Standing?

When Foggell is being questioned by Officer Slater and Michaels, they’re standing shoulder to shoulder.
However, when Evan and Seth look into the liquor store, they’re standing a couple of feet apart.
12. The Passengers On The Bus

When Seth, Evan, and Foggell escape from the cops, they get on a bus that has maybe two passengers on it.
However, when they get on the bus, there is a lot more than two passengers.
13. The Green Screen

When Foggell is riding with the cops, if you look really closely at the shots that are facing the front of the car, you can see the reflection of the green screen.
14. The Open Sign

In the scene where Seth is hit by the car, the neon “open” sign in the store behind him keeps turning on and off.
Well, what is it? Are you open or not?
Last Updated on November 25, 2019 by Jake Bean