I’ve always been fascinated by those tiny but mighty birds known as hummingbirds. If you’re lucky enough to live in an area that has them you’re really fortunate. I would love to see one in real life.
But did you know there are flowers you can plant in your garden that attract hummingbirds? Oh, yes. Here are just a few to consider.
1. Trumpet Vine

This is the perfect flower to plant in your garden. Often referred to as “hummingbird vine” for its ability to attract these little birdies. It has a lot of nectar and that’s why hummingbirds love it.
2. Sage (Salvia)
Sage actually comes in many different sizes and colors. Some varieties are annual, and some perennial. Sage flowers are tubular in nature therefore they are ideal for those hummingbirds’ beaks. They will look gorgeous in your garden.
3. Lily
As with sage, the lily is another flower that has many different varieties. The typical lily has large, beautiful flowers that grow from bulbs. Not only will this be a showstopper but will also attract many cute hummingbirds.
4. Rhododendron

I absolutely love seeing Rhododendron in full bloom because the array of flowers it has is truly spectacular. Can you blame hummingbirds for being attracted to it? Hee, hee. Smart birds. It goes into full bloom in May.
5. Columbine

This unique looking flower is another favorite of hummingbirds. Apparently, insects have a hard time accessing its nectar so it’s pretty much all hummingbirds’ domain. Wow, those lucky birds! I have to say, I love the look of it.
6. Honeysuckle
Hummingbirds love these small tubular flowers because of their sweet nectar. They also adore their tubular appearance and their vibrant colors. Make sure you plant them so they can get plenty of direct sun and they will grow fast.
7. Red Cardinal Flower

I’ve got good news for you. This plant is native to the entire lower 48 states and eastern Canada. It features vibrant red tubular flowers that are actually too long for most insects and perfect for hummingbirds.
8. Bee Balm

This is a different looking flower in the sense that it doesn’t have a tubular shape. Not only hummingbirds but also bees and butterflies love coming over to get the nectar from these beauties.
9. Pentas

The best thing about these pretty flowers is that they’re fairly inexpensive. And can produce many varieties of colorful flowers. Therefore they’re a great option for any garden. They’re also fabulous for hanging baskets where hummingbirds can access them.
10. Lupine

Here’s another interesting plant to consider adding to your garden that’s perfect for hummingbirds. This one comes with long and beautiful spikes of flowers. As there are many varieties I’m sure you’ll find a great one for you.
11. Azalea

These come from the Rhododendron genus. They like to bloom in May and June. And they do very well living near or under trees. Their flowers can last for up to several weeks, and, yes, hummingbirds love them.
12. Fireweed

This plant is really important for honey producers as it attracts honeybees in addition to hummingbirds. So planting it you’ll be doing a great service to the bee population. It will be an attractive addition to your garden.
13. Golden Currant
As its name suggests it belongs to a family that consists of other currants such as blackcurrant and redcurrant. The pretty yellow flowers produce a spicy fragrance similar to that of cloves or vanilla. No wonder hummingbirds totally love it.
Oh my goodness, how I wish I could plant these flowers so I could attract hummingbirds.
If only they lived in my area. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to see them come and visit your garden? That would be quite a sight.
Last Updated on June 5, 2020 by Kasia Galifi