We all love movies. If you’re Dwight from The Office , you’ve even seen over 240 of them.
But there are just some things about movies that irk the heck out of us.
People hanging up the phone without saying goodbye? Check. People falling in love so quickly? Yep! People ordering food and then not eating it? Check! EAT THE D**N FOOD, PEOPLE.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, as evident by this Reddit thread that begged the question: “What p****s you off in most movies?”
When the characters never drink their coffee or eat food:
“This is really stupid, but, I hate in movies when characters are served coffee or water or something and they NEVER drink it.” Redditor Watermelonwater17
When things are a tad too predictable:

“When the bomb gets defused with 0:01 left on the timer, or the virus stops downloading at 99%. Yeah, cause nobody saw that coming.” – Redditor Silverdragon246
When the main character wastes their own opportunity:

“When the main character finally gets a chance to defeat the villain and ends up blowing it when they stall to partake in a pointless dialogue.” – Redditor Droxyung
When time apparently doesn’t exist:
“When time doesn’t advance accurately. The bomb has 15 seconds left, and Batman gets it far enough over the ocean where the blast doesn’t kill anyone. Really?” – Redditor WelcomeMachine
When kids in horror movies always disappear:
“In horror movies when an adult tells a kid to wait somewhere and the [expletive] kid starts wandering.” – Redditor OptimalParticular4
When necklaces magically come off:

“How people yank on necklaces and they magically come off. Unless you break the clasp that’s not possible.
It’s a minor thing but it drives me insane. Just show the actor undoing the clasp and taking it off like a normal person.” – Redditor 567kait9lyn
When the birth-giving scenes are super unrealistic:
“Like no writer ever knows how ANY of this works. Lori in ‘The Walking Dead was quite possibly the most ridiculous [expletive] on TV.” – Redditor AeolianMelodies
When the actors playing younger characters are clearly too old:
“American high school kids all look about 25.” – Redditor kitjen
When all it takes is abs or contacts to make someone gorgeous:

“When there’s a male ‘nerd’ who’s supposed to be shy and awkward, but is actually very attractive and later pulls his shirt off revealing a perfect 6 pack.” – Redditor slothbarns7
When the character wakes up with a face full of makeup:
“Women who step out of a hot shower in full makeup. Also who go to bed and wake up in perfect make up. Also when crying does nothing to their eyeliner. I guess I just have it out for makeup. Lol.” – Redittor fanlism
When the men in some romantic movies aren’t romantic; they’re just straight-up creepy:
“The way romantic comedies often portray men not respecting the word no, or doing borderline creepy or stalkerish behaviors, as the heroes of the movie.
This is a very bad message to send to men. And to send to women that they should play coy or be not open about what they want, or set poor weak boundaries, and then change their mind and accept the guy after he disrespects her stated responses or does creepy stuff.” – Redditor hereforthela
When good always prevails over evil:

“Also when the good/ nice guys always prevail at the end of the movie, even when the villains are doing everything right, just because the good guys have to win. Gets old and predictable really fast.” – Redditor Swat__Attack
When people fall in love too quickly:
“How quickly people fall in love… like c’mon man do ladies really get married a month after meeting the handsome man they bumped into at the grocery store?? Oh and also the unrealistic portrayal of love and relationships.” – Redditor sunshineinparis
When the characters suddenly have amnesia:
“Forgetting about stuff that was introduced earlier or coming up with reasons for not using it. Like when they introduce some awesome new non-lethal weapon and then completely forget it exists an hour later when it would have been incredibly useful.” – Redditor shaodyn
When there are short pauses in phone calls:

“When they don’t wait nearly long enough for the person on the other end of the phone to reply. I get that it would be weird for them to sit there for the full realistic amount of time sometimes, but it really bugs me when they listen to the phone for like 1 second then reply as though the person on the other end just told them a lot of stuff.” – Redditor Skogsvandrare
Last Updated on April 14, 2020 by Sarah Kester