There are a lot of celebrities out there doing a lot of celebrity stuff. But how do they look when they’re not adorned in the finest of jewelry , the most beautiful of clothing, and the most expensive of makeup?
What does a star’s life look like… behind the scenes?
This, dear readers, is what we’re going to look at today .
Cindy Crawford

This is a picture of Cindy Crawford, the famous model, just chilling out at home.
This is how you would probably see her every day when she isn’t out doing celebrity stuff.
Katie Holmes

Next, we have a picture of Katie Holmes.
Her hair isn’t curated, her makeup isn’t on, she just looks like another mom you’d see walking down the street, or at the park.
Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz shows off her new book in this candid, behind the scenes picture.
She looks like she just picked up the book and took a picture, no additional makeup or filters needed.
Lady Gaga

Yes, this, believe it or not, is Lady Gaga.
When she isn’t all dolled up she looks totally different. And check it out! She also likes to eat cake! How relatable!
Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone is hardly recognizable in this behind the scenes picture.
She looks very tired, but then again having three children is going to tire anyone out, actress or not.
Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek. She is a treasure. She snaps this behind the scenes, no makeup, no filter photo and honestly… Can you tell the difference?
She, apparently, always looks incredibly stunning.

This picture of Queen Bey is one of the only candid ones you’ll find of her.
She’s got no makeup, her hair is beautifully curly, and she is 100% natural.
Gigi Hadid

Gigi Hadid apparently decided to take this morning selfie just when she woke up and she is absolutely glowing.
We get a behind the scenes look at what she looks like when she’s in bed.
Laverne C*x

Laverne C*x is one of the most beautiful women in the world and constantly gives trans people a voice because of her platform.
We are loving this makeup-free look!

Zendaya is definitely the queen of going natural on Instagram.
She does it often, and why wouldn’t she? She literally glows. Pretty sure if I had her skin, I would do the same thing all the time.
Sofia Vergara

Sofia Vergara is looking great by the pool without makeup.
She was definitely meant to be in the sun because as you can see her skin is literally glowing in the UV rays.
January Jones

The steely, no-makeup look of January Jones tells us that behind the scenes she sees this no-makeup thing as no joke.
And she also has a pair of beautiful blue eyes.
Jennifer Lopez

Lopez is also one of the most beautiful women in the world, with or without makeup.
We love her natural looks the most though! How is she 50?
Chrissy Teigen

A quick insight into the life of Chrissy Teigen shows up that not only does she like to lie in bed like the rest of us, she likes to do it with a dog present.
Just like the rest of us.
Sarah Hyland

Sarah Hyland’s messy updo and completely natural look is sending us through the roof.
She looks SO good. Drop the skincare routine, Sarah!
Last Updated on March 25, 2020 by Jake Bean