Look, I don’t love doing the dishes. In fact, I hate it. I will comfortably sit here and tell you all that I hate getting pruney hands and wet arms after digging through the 5th round of dirty dishes that day.
However, do I hate it enough to give up s*x for a year so I’d never have to do them again? Absolutely not!
Doing the dishes is something many people despise — myself included.
I will willingly scrub a toilet before I will happily pick up a soggy sponge. But I do it every.d**n.day because it’s called being an adult!
So when I heard there was a recent poll that asked Americans if they’d give up s*x for a year to never have to wash a dish again, 1 in 5 said YES!

According to the poll , run by Birds Eye in partnership with Kelton Global, 1 in 3 Americans dread doing the dishes every day.
Out of those polled, 1 in 5 said they would give up s*x for a year in exchange for never washing a dish again.
I think that’s kind of crazy, no?
h/t: PR Newswire .
Last Updated on November 1, 2021 by Anastasia Ross