AITA for Refusing to Raise My Parents' Kids Anymore? 🤯

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy family drama unfolding before our very eyes! 👀 Meet our 17-year-old heroine, who's been saddled with the responsibility of raising her 4 younger siblings for as long as she can remember. 😓 From diaper duty to dinner duty, this poor girl has seen it all! 🍼🍝 But now, as her 18th birthday approaches, she's ready to break free from the shackles of parentification and live her own life! 🎉 Will her parents let her go gracefully, or will they guilt-trip her into staying? 😬 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🎉 Countdown to Freedom! 🎉

conisia1 | conisia1

👶 Oldest of 5 Siblings, All Under 10! 😱

conisia1 | conisia1

🧒 Parentification from a Young Age 😓

conisia1 | conisia1

🍝 Feeding, Babysitting, Diaper Duty! 🍼

conisia1 | conisia1

👶 Diaper Changing & Baby Feeding Lessons 🍼

conisia1 | conisia1

😓 Freedom Comes at a Price 💸

conisia1 | conisia1

😢 "Treasure These Moments" They Said... 😒

conisia1 | conisia1

😔 Wishing They Were Never Born 😢

conisia1 | conisia1

😞 Siblings Feel Like a Chore 😩

conisia1 | conisia1

💰 Secret Savings Since 14! 🤫

conisia1 | conisia1

🎂 Birthday Talk Turns Sour 😬

conisia1 | conisia1

😠 "You Still Owe Us!" They Claim 🙄

conisia1 | conisia1

😡 "Think of the Kids!" They Plead 🙏

conisia1 | conisia1

🚪 I'm Out! They're On Their Own! 👋

conisia1 | conisia1

Teen's Escape Plan Sparks Family Feud!

It looks like our teen heroine has had enough of playing mom to her younger siblings and is ready to fly the coop! But her parents are not having it! They're pulling out all the stops, from guilt trips to emotional blackmail, to keep her tethered to the family. 😢 Our girl isn't backing down though! She's got a secret stash of cash 💰 and a burning desire for freedom! Will she make a clean break, or will her parents' pleas tug at her heartstrings? The internet has some thoughts on this spicy situation! Let's see what they have to say!

Former teen parent takes a stand, NTA, and gets support! 👏

Professional_Rain739 | Professional_Rain739

Go, thrive, and leave those terrible and boundary-less parents behind! 💯

The_Tiny_Empress | The_Tiny_Empress

Protect your money from your parents 🤑

Bellydancingwitch | Bellydancingwitch

Don't let them guilt you into raising their kids. NTA 👌

ComprehensiveSir3892 | ComprehensiveSir3892

Financially able to move out? NTA for refusing parenting duties.

Klute7 | Klute7

Don't let your parents guilt-trip you into raising their kids. 👍

Kialya | Kialya

User empathizes with OP and condemns parental neglect ♥

000-Hotaru_Tomoe | 000-Hotaru_Tomoe

Take charge of your life and get paid for your work 💰

NorthernLitUp | NorthernLitUp

Don't sacrifice your life for your parents' mistakes. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't give in to guilt. You owe them nothing 🙌

LiberryPrincess | LiberryPrincess

Supportive subreddit for parentification survivors, credit check/freeze advice. NTA.

mylifeisadankmeme | mylifeisadankmeme

Empathetic NTA decides to have a conversation with siblings ❤️

DameofDames | DameofDames

Set boundaries with your parents, but don't cut siblings off 🤝

YeeHawMiMaw | YeeHawMiMaw

"You owe them absolutely nothing. Leave and never look back." 👍🏃‍♀️

Lillyshins | Lillyshins

Practical advice for discreetly leaving a toxic household. 👍

magicalboytransform | magicalboytransform

NTA, comment suggests getting important documents and possibly calling CPS 👍

Em4Tango | Em4Tango

Escape from parentification 'prison.' NTA 👍

MasterpieceOk4688 | MasterpieceOk4688

Not the a**hole. You're not responsible for their irresponsibility. 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Congrats on getting out of parenting vacation! #NTA 👏

C_Majuscula | C_Majuscula

NTA. Move out, be careful what you tell them. Good luck. 👍

Bruiscear | Bruiscear

NTA, you deserve your own life. Siblings can still visit 👍

Miss-Hell | Miss-Hell

Take control of your life and don't let them guilt-trip you. NTA 👌

ComprehensiveBand586 | ComprehensiveBand586

Play nice till 18, then move out in silence. 👍

rainbookworm | rainbookworm

NTA. Commenter shares similar experience with parentification and advises distancing.

TwitchLily | TwitchLily

Consider hiding your move or siblings will show up unannounced.

EnRaygedGw2 | EnRaygedGw2

Be careful, NTA, your parents might steal your money 👁

NikkitheChocoholic | NikkitheChocoholic

Secure important documents before leaving to avoid hostage situation 👍

LastFox2656 | LastFox2656

Not their kids, not their problem. NTA! 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Secure your documents and seek help. NTA 👍

Maria_Dragon | Maria_Dragon

Oldest sibling shares similar experience and offers support. ❤

CarysOfAstora | CarysOfAstora

Resentment from neglectful parenting caused rift with MIL. 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA and you owe them a grand total of jack s**t 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA commented advice to secure paperwork and wished good luck.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Not the a**hole for wanting to live your own life. 👍

Responsible_Dot_6055 | Responsible_Dot_6055

Protect yourself first. NTA. 👍

Awkward-Profit8917 | Awkward-Profit8917

You're not the a**hole for wanting your own life 👏

bokatan778 | bokatan778

NTA! You are not their parent or babysitter! 👏

Homeofshadows | Homeofshadows

Being forced to raise your siblings is unfair and damaging. NTA 👏

Born-Constant-7913 | Born-Constant-7913

Taking a break to care for yourself is important 👍

Artistic_Chapter_355 | Artistic_Chapter_355

NTA. Stick to your instincts and fortify those boundaries. 💪

Aggravating-Humor-63 | Aggravating-Humor-63

Secure your documents and leave before birthday to avoid sabotage 💪

anonymous_for_this | anonymous_for_this

NTA. Secure important docs to avoid future trouble. 👍

miflordelicata | miflordelicata

Encouraging reply to OP's decision to stop raising their siblings.

AbysmalPendulum | AbysmalPendulum

Leaving home at 18, advice on getting important documents and money.

smurfasaur | smurfasaur

Brutal honesty at its finest 😂

Rose8918 | Rose8918

Leave and don't tell them the address 🚫

TroublesomeTurnip | TroublesomeTurnip

Taking on parental responsibilities as a child is unfair. NTA.

JurassicParkFood | JurassicParkFood

NTA! Good advice on planning and setting boundaries. 👍

Irish_EyesDublin | Irish_EyesDublin

Family guilt-tripping won't change the fact that NTA 👍

kanna172014 | kanna172014

NTA, stand up to your parents and don't let them offload parenting 😠

xavii117 | xavii117

Demanding backpay for babysitting and moving on. 👍

CalamityWof | CalamityWof

Taking a stand against parental pressure and guilt-tripping 💪

thejexorcist | thejexorcist

Encouraging words for OP and wishing them the best 🙏

starvingbanker | starvingbanker

Encouraging anecdote of friend in similar situation, NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Siblings feel like a burden, NTA for refusing to raise them 👏

popcornnpickles | popcornnpickles

Secure your legal documents and money before leaving. 💸💼

ResoluteMuse | ResoluteMuse

Don't have kids you can't handle! NTA 👏

Limerase | Limerase

Live your life! NTA. Can't wait for your update ❤️

Wifflewhaffle | Wifflewhaffle

Move out slyly and don't leave an address! 😉

Redhead_2022 | Redhead_2022

NTA: Protect yourself! Gather important documents and plan for future 👍

curiosity_abounds | curiosity_abounds

Find a trusted friend to hold onto important things 👍

felixthecat8705 | felixthecat8705

Next in line might have to bear the burden 😢

flutterdash2 | flutterdash2

Leaving without telling them? Savage! 💪 But securing your money is a must 👍

teanovell | teanovell

Advice on dealing with abusive parents and setting boundaries. 👍

TheOneTrueChuck | TheOneTrueChuck

OP has had enough of raising their young siblings. Recommends going low contact with parents for at least a year. NTA 👍

Successful_Dot2813 | Successful_Dot2813

Exercise wisdom and restraint when disentangling from an abusive relationship. 👍

subliminallyNoted | subliminallyNoted

You're NTA for refusing to raise your siblings. 😡


Secure important documents before leaving. NTA for setting boundaries.

Capital-Temporary-17 | Capital-Temporary-17

Take control of your life and finances. NTA 💪

Mz_Tripp | Mz_Tripp

NTA! You deserve to enjoy your freedom and not be guilted.

fandanvan | fandanvan

Leaving toxic family? Here's how to stay safe 🙌

Taliesine_ | Taliesine_

Taking care of yourself is not selfish. 👍

YesNoMaybe_IMO | YesNoMaybe_IMO

Taking care of your parents' kids? NTA. Happy birthday! 🎉

Affectionate_Salt351 | Affectionate_Salt351

Enjoy freedom (responsibly! 😉) and go NC if necessary. NTA.

rdolihan | rdolihan

Supportive comment, wishing OP happiness and best wishes. 🙏

EvaMohn1377 | EvaMohn1377

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