MONSTER-IN-LAW Throws Out Pregnant Woman's Food at Thanksgiving Dinner! 😈🦃

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Diply | Diply

🍂 Ah, Thanksgiving! A time for family, food, and... drama? 😱 Buckle up, folks, because this story is a wild ride! 🎢 Meet our pregnant protagonist, a 27-year-old woman with a meat-free diet due to health issues. 🥗 She's ready to face the ultimate challenge: Thanksgiving dinner at her mother-in-law's house! 🏠 But little does she know, her MiL has some sneaky plans up her sleeve... 😈 Get ready for a tale of food, family, and a whole lot of tension! 🔥

🍽️ Thanksgiving Dinner Disaster! 😱

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

🥗 Bringing My Own Meal 🍽️

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

👩‍🍳 Cooking Up a Storm 🌪️

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

💊 Supplements to the Rescue! 🦸‍♀️

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

🚫 No Kitchen Access Allowed! 🙅‍♀️

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

😱 Dish Disappearance Mystery! 🕵️‍♀️

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

💥 Thanksgiving Table Blow-Up! 🧨

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

🚶‍♀️ Storming Out! 🌪️

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

🗑️ Dish Dumped in the Trash! 😡

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

👶 "It's for the Grandbaby!" 🍼

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

🗣️ The Dramatic Aftermath! 😩

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

ℹ️ The Importance of My Dish 🥘

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

💸 Time and Money Invested 💰

milakiwi33 | milakiwi33

🍽️ The Case of the Missing Meal! 😱

Our pregnant protagonist arrives at her MiL's house with her specially prepared meat-free dish, only to find it mysteriously missing from the Thanksgiving table! The MiL denies ever receiving it and tries to convince her to eat the meaty spread instead, claiming it's for the "grandbaby's health." A huge blow-up ensues, and our heroine storms out, leaving behind a trail of drama and a very upset husband. Later, she discovers her MiL had thrown out her dish all along! The internet is abuzz with this juicy tale of family drama, and everyone has an opinion! Let's dive into the top reactions and see what the online world has to say about this Thanksgiving disaster! 🍂

Stand up for yourself and your baby. 💪 Your husband needs to choose.

inubasket | inubasket

NTA! Commenter empathizes with pregnant woman and warns of escalation.

mamaMoonlight21 | mamaMoonlight21

Respect your body and set boundaries. Boyfriend should support you. 👍

imperial87 | imperial87

Stand up for your dietary restrictions and health, it's important! 🙌🏻

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband's actions worse than MIL's - red flags everywhere 😳

throwawayantares | throwawayantares

Stand your ground! Your health and baby come first! 💪

americanblowfly | americanblowfly

Respect for personal choices and boundaries, but terrible MIL behavior. 😒

Nursissistic | Nursissistic

Monster-in-law throws away pregnant woman's food. Husband supports her? 🤔

Background-Aioli4709 | Background-Aioli4709

Stand up to your monster-in-law and prioritize your health 💪🏻

Nature-Witch95 | Nature-Witch95

Pregnant woman isn't the a-hole for not eating meat! 😍

PalePinkPeony | PalePinkPeony

Monster-in-law throws out pregnant woman's food, husband doesn't stand up. 😠

princessbeatrix1923 | princessbeatrix1923

Cut contact with overbearing MIL, husband should stand up for you 💪

FuntimeChris79 | FuntimeChris79

MIL disrespects pregnant woman's diet, gaslights her. NTA for leaving.

Delicious-Travel8796 | Delicious-Travel8796

Redditor suggests marriage counseling and justnomil subreddit. NTA.


Toxic mother-son dynamic affecting pregnant wife. Heartbreaking 😢

Smarty_25 | Smarty_25

Husband's mama's boy problem needs dealing with, NTA.

bellePunk | bellePunk

Husband doesn't prioritize wife's health at risk from MIL's actions. NTA.

Fun_Macaroon9841 | Fun_Macaroon9841

MIL disrespects pregnant woman, husband not supportive. Re-evaluate relationship. 🤔

Beneficial_Step9088 | Beneficial_Step9088

Husband problem? NTA but is this how you want it?

scout1982 | scout1982

MIL throws out pregnant woman's food, NTA cuts contact. 🦃

depressivedarling | depressivedarling

Don't mess with a pregnant woman's food! 🤪

Neat_Ambition_2839 | Neat_Ambition_2839

Husband's inaction towards gaslighting wife at Thanksgiving - NTA wins

AstariaEriol | AstariaEriol

Let the pregnant lady eat whatever she wants! 😤👊

Kareberrys | Kareberrys

MIL destroys pregnant woman's Thanksgiving food, lies, and gaslights. NTA.

Mermaidtoo | Mermaidtoo

MIL gaslit, disrespected, and threw out food, NTA for leaving 💯

chrono_explorer | chrono_explorer

A pregnant woman's food was thrown out, and the monster-in-law lied about it 😠

dragonfeet1 | dragonfeet1

Empathetic response to MIL's power trip. NTA. 😔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Monster-in-law's 'concern' for grandbaby a power play. Partner must see wrong.

yellowbrownstone | yellowbrownstone

Pregnant woman's dietary needs ignored by MIL and husband. 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting contact with disrespectful monster-in-law for baby's safety. NTA 👍

ctortan | ctortan

Monster-in-law throws out pregnant woman's food. NTA for restrictions.

BlooberrySoftServe | BlooberrySoftServe

Don't mess with people's food! NTA for bringing own meal. 🍗

Constant_Shop3265 | Constant_Shop3265

MIL throws away pregnant DIL's food, shows manipulative and overbearing behavior. NTA.

RevolutionaryBaker14 | RevolutionaryBaker14

MIL throws out pregnant woman's food, husband fails to defend 🤦‍♀️

Thediciplematt | Thediciplematt

Spouse and MiL are AHs, commenter's wife would skewer him! 🤭

HolyAssholiness | HolyAssholiness

MIL throws away pregnant woman's food, blames her. NTA wins.

Affectionate-Gur4955 | Affectionate-Gur4955

Disrespectful MIL and husband, NTA for leaving. Reevaluate marriage. 😔

Hopeful-System2351 | Hopeful-System2351

Supportive comment encourages finding help with pushy mother-in-law. 👏

Worldsgreatestfrog | Worldsgreatestfrog

Spineless husband and monster-in-law ruins Thanksgiving 🤧

Reasonable-Rich6650 | Reasonable-Rich6650

Protecting your health and your child. 👏

Quiet_Moon2191 | Quiet_Moon2191

Avoiding toxic family gatherings with a ✌️and a visit to r/JustNoFamily

MarthaMacGuyver | MarthaMacGuyver

Prioritizing health over rude behavior. Not the a**hole 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Spouse's support in conflict with MIL's sabotage. 🙅🤔

Sure_Flamingo_2792 | Sure_Flamingo_2792

Stand up for your health and food choices! You're NTA 👏

Successful_Method616 | Successful_Method616

Stand up to your MIL and set boundaries with consequences. NTA.

katehater | katehater

Husband's Ass, Monster-In-Law Unsafe, No More Food from Her

vanillaragdoll | vanillaragdoll

NTA for not eating meat while pregnant. MIL and husband are TA.

Intelligent-Risk3105 | Intelligent-Risk3105

Pregnant woman's monster-in-law throws out food - NTA

DesertSong-LaLa | DesertSong-LaLa

Spineless husband and gaslighting MIL ruin Thanksgiving dinner 🤦‍♀️

No_Bodybuilder8055 | No_Bodybuilder8055

Is the MIL aware of the poster's condition? NTA if so.

dart1126 | dart1126

Stand up to the monster-in-law and assert your boundaries! 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Concern for the mother's health is top priority 👍

Mysterious_Ad_3119 | Mysterious_Ad_3119

MIL isn't ready for the consequences of underestimating her DIL 😈

molseam | molseam

MIL's Thanksgiving sabotage over OP's pre-existing condition. NTA.

LoveeCharlie | LoveeCharlie

Vegan stands her ground against controlling in-law. NTA 🌱

Kangkm | Kangkm

Protect yourself and your baby. Don't trust the monster-in-law. 😓

PerfectLie2980 | PerfectLie2980

Trust issues with MIL lead to food tampering suspicions. 🤔

Overall-Hour-5809 | Overall-Hour-5809

Stand up to your MIL and protect your family. NTA 🙌

mgill2500 | mgill2500

Stand up to the monster-in-law and prioritize your health 💪

AmoraLynn | AmoraLynn

Married to a momma's boy? Think about what you want. NTA 🙏

Over-Marionberry-686 | Over-Marionberry-686

Pregnant woman's health sabotaged by MIL and husband 😡. Warning about future child's potential allergies 🤮

Sea-Ad9057 | Sea-Ad9057

Don't let anyone reduce you to a womb. NTA 👏

Cheesygirl1994 | Cheesygirl1994

Stand up to the monster-in-law and prioritize your needs 😊

AggravatingPatient18 | AggravatingPatient18

A refreshing take on avoiding becoming a monster-in-law 🙌

No_Reception8456 | No_Reception8456

Stand up for your dietary choices! NTA 👏

CelticTigress | CelticTigress

NTA, but husband's diet concern is a red flag 🚨

GlumDistribution7036 | GlumDistribution7036

MIL respects my dietary restrictions, why can't she? NTA 👍

Miss_Calamidad | Miss_Calamidad

Husband's Lack of Support in Dealing with Monster-In-Law

Stunning_Bottle8138 | Stunning_Bottle8138

Protect yourself and your baby from the toxic in-laws. 🙏🏻💪🏻

Rohini_rambles | Rohini_rambles

NTA. Older generations can be disrespectful. Try no contact.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Spineless husband sides with monster-in-law over pregnant wife's health. 😠

PetuniaGoBlue | PetuniaGoBlue

A gracious host respects guests' dietary needs 🍟

Embarrassed_Shirt938 | Embarrassed_Shirt938

Stand up for your health and wellbeing, your MIL is TA! 💯

dannypurplerose | dannypurplerose

In-laws sabotaging family and relationship, leave and don't look back. NTA 👋

sweetkitty7272 | sweetkitty7272

Protect your health and your baby's, leave your AH husband 🚩

ladyblackrose1988 | ladyblackrose1988

NTA single motherhood is easier than that toxic household 💪

LatentCriminal1 | LatentCriminal1

Live and let live, why get offended over dietary preferences? 🌱

mrspreto | mrspreto

Monster-in-law gets served some harsh truth. Stand your ground mama!

[deleted] | [deleted]

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