He Hasn't Worked in 2 YEARS... Look What He Said! 😱💰

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a doozy of a relationship drama unfolding before our very eyes. 👀 Meet our exhausted heroine, a 37-year-old woman working her butt off to keep a roof over her head and her boyfriend's. 💪 But wait, what's her boyfriend up to? 🤔 Apparently, he's been unemployed for 2 years and spends his nights gaming until the wee hours of the morning! 🎮 Is this a recipe for disaster or what? 😬 Let's dive into this juicy tale of love, laziness, and late-night gaming sessions! 🍿

🚨 Relationship Crisis Alert! 🚨

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

😴 Late Night Gaming Sessions Causing Trouble 🎮

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

😡 Tempers Flare Over Sleeping Beauty 😴

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

🤔 Decompressing From What Exactly? 🤷‍♀️

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

🗑️ Overflowing Bins & Defensive Boyfriend 🚮

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

🥤 Energy Drinks Fueling the Fire 🔥

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

🎮 Silent Treatment & Xbox Retreat 🙅‍♂️

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

😩 Exhausted Girlfriend at Her Wit's End 😞

awkwardthroawayhelp | awkwardthroawayhelp

Overworked Girlfriend vs. Unemployed Gamer Boyfriend: Who Will Win?

Looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of an overworked girlfriend at her wit's end with her unemployed, gaming-obsessed boyfriend! Our heroine is busting her a** working night shifts to pay the bills, while her boyfriend is busy "decompressing" with his Xbox until 4 am! 🎮 The tension is rising as she confronts him about his late-night gaming habits and lack of household contributions. Will he step up and start pulling his weight, or will he continue to hide behind his controller? The internet is dying to know... what do you think of this messy situation? 🤔 Let's see what the masses have to say!

Grown man refusing to work? NTA says call him out.

lyingdogfacepony66 | lyingdogfacepony66

Energy drinks can cause crashes & heart issues. NTA for concern.

jenmrsx | jenmrsx

Partner hasn't worked in 2 years due to fatigue. Comment suggests medical/mental health issue and advises setting boundaries. 🚡

jamarwoerst | jamarwoerst

Partner acting like a child 👶🏼 🤦🏻‍♀️

GroundbreakingPhoto4 | GroundbreakingPhoto4

Parent shares tough love experience with their irresponsible son 👨‍💻

No-Tonight5434 | No-Tonight5434

Encourage medical help and job search, be firm with consequences 💪

Sea-Ad9057 | Sea-Ad9057

NTA, but address unemployment together. Agree on house-boy duties 🤔

This_Beat2227 | This_Beat2227

"Take the job you can get" - Solid advice for all👍

Equal_Educator4745 | Equal_Educator4745

Unemployed partner causing resentment and enabling entitlement 😑

Jeimuz | Jeimuz

Is supporting an unemployed partner YTA or NAH? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dump the man-child 👋🗑️

Mikah8410 | Mikah8410

A blunt but necessary advice. 👍 NTA

dan1987te | dan1987te

Unemployed for 2 years and doesn't do housework? YTA.

Fresh-Application-44 | Fresh-Application-44

Partner's unemployment: NTA suggests household contribution, advise breakup 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

A harsh comment on someone's employment status. 😔

Sufficient-Fun-1619 | Sufficient-Fun-1619

Tough love advice for OP to reconsider supporting an able-bodied person

nashebes | nashebes

Stop enabling and find a real partner 👍

Zandor72 | Zandor72

Enabling a 35-year-old 'loser' to not work? Time to leave 👋

lobatonpd | lobatonpd

No job for two years? Taking any work is better! 🙅🏻👨‍🎓

Southern_Math_8238 | Southern_Math_8238

Unemployed boyfriend prioritizes video games over personal growth 🎮🚫📈

herbivoresDontSmell | herbivoresDontSmell

NTA commenter calls out man for not working in 2 years and being a 'sugar momma' while not contributing to household duties. 💼🚫🍴

wonka5x | wonka5x

Harsh advice for a guy who's down on his luck 🤷🏻‍♂️

jseney93 | jseney93

When supporting a jobless family member goes wrong 🤷‍♂️

Halfhand1956 | Halfhand1956

No sympathy for lazy partner. Give ultimatum and move on. 🙅🏻

Final_Advance_7677 | Final_Advance_7677

Partner's lack of motivation and entitlement are red flags. 🚨

WellWellWellMyMyMY | WellWellWellMyMyMY

Encouraging the commenter's friend to seek help and work 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Tough love or enabling? NTA but he's a leech 👍

cavoodle11 | cavoodle11

It's time to kick the leech out 💪🏼

noblewoman1959 | noblewoman1959

Suggesting depression may be the reason for unemployment 😔

ZeeiMoss | ZeeiMoss

Enabling a manchild or tough love? 🤔

Kirome | Kirome

Partner appreciation! Little help goes a long way ❤

minionsoverlord | minionsoverlord

Partner's laziness is a waste of time. NTA, move on.

fiftynotdead | fiftynotdead

Is financial stability a must in a relationship? 🤔

RudeHelicopter4662 | RudeHelicopter4662

Navigating the nuances of unemployment and mental health. NTA.

kpop_is_aite | kpop_is_aite

Age is just a number...or is it? 🤔

Money_Amphibian5001 | Money_Amphibian5001

Gender bias in chores, NTA suggests leaving if behavior persists

sder6745 | sder6745

Partner needs to grow up or leave. 🙅

oxbison12 | oxbison12

Boot the mooch! NTA (except to yourself) 👋

mistoffoleess | mistoffoleess

Partner or freeloader? NTA needs a better man. 🤔💰

WolverineOwn3 | WolverineOwn3

Unemployed for 2 years and not carrying the house weight 😒

biblio_phobic | biblio_phobic

NTA, time to move on from this immature partner 🚫

Great-Draw8416 | Great-Draw8416

User calls out lazy partner, shares personal experience and advice 👍

Giancolaa1 | Giancolaa1

Redditor suggests kicking lazy partner out the door. 🙉

erinwhite2 | erinwhite2

User calls out partner's deadbeat behavior, advises to leave. 😱

Alex_Buttons | Alex_Buttons

NTA's blunt truth about boyfriend's lack of ambition 🤔

Pristine-Mastodon-37 | Pristine-Mastodon-37

Unemployment judgement and accusations of mooching. 🤔

Carl_AR | Carl_AR

Huge AH for letting him mooch off of you for 2 years 😠

RiotBlack43 | RiotBlack43

Fed up with freeloaders? 💸 Cut him loose and expenses!

Owner56897320 | Owner56897320

Unemployment and video games don't mix 😱✍️ Encourage him to start doing something.

eat_me_now | eat_me_now

NTA. Partner is acting like a child. Get him on schedule! 😱

CatelynsCorpse | CatelynsCorpse

NTA. Harsh but true. Maybe he needs therapy and goals.

crazy_kc | crazy_kc

An unsympathetic comment about a partner playing Xbox all day.

Ordinary_Distance_57 | Ordinary_Distance_57

Realizing the situation wasn't working, OP left. NTA ✌️

skula | skula

Unemployed for 2 years and lazy partner. NTA but should leave.

CowboyLost55 | CowboyLost55

Get rid of him and move on. Don't let him use you! 🚫

AdmiralScarlette | AdmiralScarlette

Soul-crushing unemployment and depression: Tackling the root cause 😔

CreakyBear | CreakyBear

Harsh advice for a partner who's been unemployed for 2 years

LittleBongBong | LittleBongBong

Tough love: commentator says OP enabled their own unemployment. 💪

Particular-Peanut-64 | Particular-Peanut-64

Unemployment or abuse? Tough love for an unmotivated partner. 😡

whisker-fisty-cuffs | whisker-fisty-cuffs

Unemployed guy complains about girlfriend expectations, gets no sympathy 😑

DeliberatelyDrifting | DeliberatelyDrifting

Dump him! 😤👋

Ok-Swordfish2723 | Ok-Swordfish2723

Prioritize your mental health, consider leaving him. 🙏

Significant_Gate_419 | Significant_Gate_419

Setting healthy boundaries with a lazy man-child 😠

Firm-Flounder108 | Firm-Flounder108

Unemployed man needs energy drinks to do nothing? NTA's suggestion 😂

floridaeng | floridaeng

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