Ear Wax NIGHTMARE: Man Proves Fiancée WRONG in Disgusting Way 🤮

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Diply | Diply

😳 Buckle up, folks, because this story is about to get waxy! 🕯️ As someone who's been dealing with impacted earwax my whole life, I thought I'd heard it all... until my brother's fiancée, Tina, decided to chime in with her two cents. 🙄 Little did she know, she was about to get an ear-full of the truth! 👂 Get ready for a tale of skepticism, stubbornness, and a whole lot of ear wax. 😅

🦻 The Ear-ie Tale of My Waxy Woes 😩

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

🌊 Drowning in Ear Wax: My Daily Struggle 🤧

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

👫 Enter the Skeptical Soon-to-be Sister-in-Law 🙄

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

😤 Defending My Ear-ful Truth 🗣️

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

😈 A Pact with the Devil: The 2-Week Ear Wax Challenge 👂

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

🤝 The Challenge Begins: Tina's Regret Sets In 😬

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

🔥 Ears on Fire: The Consequences of the Challenge 🥵

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

😂 Finding Humor in the Pain: My Perspective 🤪

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

🤷‍♀️ Mom's Verdict: Obnoxious but Not Wrong 😜

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

🤔 AITA for Proving My Point in a Waxy Way? 🧐

mannyxxxvii | mannyxxxvii

😱 The Ear-ie Aftermath: Reactions and Reflections 🤯

Well, well, well... looks like my little ear wax experiment really struck a nerve with Sebastian and Tina! 😂 They may have dubbed me the "waxy grubby creep," but hey, at least I proved my point, right? 😎 Sure, it might have been a bit petty and gross, but sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire... or in this case, fight skepticism with ear wax! 🔥 Mom seems to think I was just being my usual obnoxious self, but I'd say it was worth it for the look on Tina's face alone. 😜 Now, let's see what the internet has to say about this sticky situation... 👀

Don't be like me! Buy an earwax removal kit 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

User expresses concern and offers advice for earwax issue.

3xlduck | 3xlduck

NTA and Tina is a pot stirrer. Use her gift wisely. 😉

PerkyLurkey | PerkyLurkey

Fiancé's ear wax nightmare proves Tina is TA 😑

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA shuts down nosy Tina's concern over earwax spending 😂

sassynickles | sassynickles

Don't mess with an ear wax warrior 😈

rapt2right | rapt2right

NTA. Use earwax removal sprays instead of q-tips. 👂

priapismLPN | priapismLPN

Q-tips are cheap, but this comment is priceless 😂

Needmoresnakes | Needmoresnakes

Proving a point about ear wax doesn't make you a**hole 😊

definitelynotfbi13 | definitelynotfbi13

NTA shuts down Tina's medical advice and gets called names 💪

Few-Sheepherder-6383 | Few-Sheepherder-6383

Teaching a lesson on body shaming 👏

Ghitit | Ghitit

Hydrogen peroxide can melt earwax. No need for pain. 😉

ReallyTracyQ | ReallyTracyQ

Letting ear wax build up to prove a point? ESH.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Neighbor nurses ear wax solution, Tina needs to MYHOB 👍

BadBandit1970 | BadBandit1970

Proving fiancée wrong about ear wax: satisfying victory 🤤

BasisNo1493 | BasisNo1493

Confused comment about bizarre ear wax situation 🤔

itsmesilly9 | itsmesilly9

Brother and his gf were AHs, commenter says NTA 🙅‍♂️

ninaa1 | ninaa1

Toxic in-laws? We've all been there 🤦‍♀️

regus0307 | regus0307

Man gets messy prize and unflattering nickname, YTA called out

Fit_General7058 | Fit_General7058

NTA shuts down medical condition shamers with fiery comment 😠

xcataclysmicxx | xcataclysmicxx

Don't suffer in silence! 🙅‍♂️ Speak up about your pain.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment section calls out mocking behavior 🙌

BitchLibrarian | BitchLibrarian

Japanese ear wax removers are a game changer! NTA.

OddDemand4550 | OddDemand4550

Standing up for oneself against ableist fiancée and unsupportive brother 👏

Korean_Onii-chan | Korean_Onii-chan

Boundary setting: NTA puts brother's GF in her place 💪

Motor_Business483 | Motor_Business483

Ear wax victory! Painful but satisfying way to prove a point

Spiritual-Bridge3027 | Spiritual-Bridge3027

Don't question how I manage my medical condition 😡

WardenRae | WardenRae

Former swimmer sympathizes with OP, calls out Tina's nosiness. 🚯

mechamangamonkey | mechamangamonkey

Satisfying justice for the earwax cleaning victim 👏

Genderfluid_Cookies | Genderfluid_Cookies

Japanese earpicks better than Q-tips, NTA wins hygiene debate 👍

KiwiEmerald | KiwiEmerald

NTA recommends elephant ear wash for ear wax relief 😊

FishingMindless1502 | FishingMindless1502

Cleaning your ears is your business, not hers. NTA.

lemonlimemango1 | lemonlimemango1

NTA but use the right tool for the job! 👀

Beginning-Anywhere91 | Beginning-Anywhere91

Cleaning ears daily? Try these ear wax removal tools! NTA

minnieboss | minnieboss

Proper ear cleaning methods explained by NTA commenter.

Lisaa8668 | Lisaa8668

Partner refuses to apologize, shifts blame on the NTA

Tasty_Doughnut_9226 | Tasty_Doughnut_9226

Using q-tips to clean ears is not the way 🚫. Baby oil and syringe with water recommended 🤓

Easy-Consequence1508 | Easy-Consequence1508

Relatable comment about ear wax and Q-tips 😂

johnnybird95 | johnnybird95

Suffering from ear wax? Try ear candles! NTA.

Djkorrupt1 | Djkorrupt1

Petty but satisfying revenge on nosy fiancée. NTA 👍

marajade423 | marajade423

Supportive comment, no replies. Tina, mind your own business. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Agreement backfires: Fiancée learns a lesson the hard way 😜

Pantherdraws | Pantherdraws

Stainless steel ear cleaner sets are a safer alternative 👍

DefiantOnion | DefiantOnion

Bobby pins over Q-tips? The ear wax debate continues 😕

Well_shitnuggets | Well_shitnuggets

Clinere ear scoops for the win! No more itchy ears! 😎

SnooRadishes5305 | SnooRadishes5305

Insensitive fiancée mocks man's ear wax condition, brother stays silent

Shoddy_Lifeguard_852 | Shoddy_Lifeguard_852

Heroic NTA shuts down fiancée's criticism in satisfying way 💪

nxrcheck | nxrcheck

Why Q Tips are bad for your ears explained 🤮

MrMaleficent | MrMaleficent

Malicious compliance at its finest 😎

veganrd | veganrd

Self-inflicted ear pain to prove a point? ESH 👂👀

tra_da_truf | tra_da_truf

Relieved commenter sympathizes with ear wax horror and offers helpful advice.

Tru3insanity | Tru3insanity

Say no to q-tips! NTA recommends ear vacuum for wax removal 👃

marietel39 | marietel39

Kirby grip is the way to go for ear cleaning!

staticdragonfly | staticdragonfly

NTA and a warning about Q-tips for earwax 🚡

Ec_Blaster | Ec_Blaster

Proved them wrong in a disgusting way 🤮 NTA wins

Bright_Ad_3690 | Bright_Ad_3690

Standing up for yourself and being obnoxious pays off 💯

SupernalBiscuit58 | SupernalBiscuit58

NTA wins argument over q-tip use, suggests eco-friendly TP.

twiddlywerp | twiddlywerp

Tenant's audacity questioned in resource usage inquiry. 🤔

MarginalGreatness | MarginalGreatness

Suction cups work better than q-tips for earwax removal 👃

Sillybumblebee33 | Sillybumblebee33

Daily ear cleaning routine leads to girlfriend's bizarre obsession 🤮

EatsAlotOfBread | EatsAlotOfBread

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