🤯 SHOCKING Reason This Farmer Won't Hire Female Farmhands

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Diply | Diply

🌾 Welcome to the wild world of farm life, where rescuing animals and managing a menagerie is just another day in the life of our 32-year-old heroine! 🐷 But with a demanding job and a farm full of furry friends, she needs some extra hands to keep things running smoothly. 💪 Enter the college kids, eager for some easy cash... or so they think! 😅 Get ready for a tale of pig-lifting, hay-hauling, and a whole lot of drama! 🍿

🐷 The Pig-Lifting Test: A Farmhand's Fate 🚜

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

🌾 Balancing a Demanding Job and a Menagerie of Rescues 🐔

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

🐴 From Cows to Cats: A One-Woman Animal Sanctuary 🐈

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

🌿 Hiring Helpers: The Search for Strong, Fast, and Animal-Friendly Farmhands 🐕

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

👨‍🎓 College Kids Seeking Easy Cash: A Rude Awakening 📚

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

💪 No Allergies, Must Be Strong: The Farmhand Requirements 🌾

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

👧 Nice but Not Right: The Petite Interviewee 🐷

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

🐖 The Ultimate Test: Can You Lift a Pig? 💪

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

🎉 Congrats, Big Guy: You're Hired! 👨‍🌾

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

👩‍🌾 The Lone Female Farmhand: A Rare Breed 🌿

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

😢 Tears and Accusations: The Aftermath of Rejection 😡

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

🤔 AITA for Prioritizing Strength Over Gender? 🐷

elina-jayner | elina-jayner

The Great Pig-Lifting Debate: Sexism or Practicality?

Our farm girl is in a pickle! She's accused of being sexist for not hiring a petite college girl who couldn't lift a pig, but she swears it's all about the job requirements. With a farm full of animals to care for, she needs farmhands who can handle the physical demands of the job, regardless of gender. But the rejected candidate isn't buying it, and she left in tears! 😢 Let's see what the internet has to say about this barnyard brouhaha!

Female farmhands should not be excluded if physically capable. 👍

FuuHouhouji | FuuHouhouji

Misleading headline aside, physical ability is key in hiring - NTA 👍

Walter_oDim82 | Walter_oDim82

Hiring based on qualifications, not gender. NTA 👍

BaBePaBe | BaBePaBe

Breaking gender stereotypes: Farmer defends hiring male farmhands only. NTA

Cambridge_Comma | Cambridge_Comma

Female commenter challenges farmer's outdated views on women in farming.

Yay_Rabies | Yay_Rabies

Fair hiring practices: Female couldn't pass test, NTA 👍

be-incredible | be-incredible

Interviewing applicants separately can reduce discomfort during job rejections.

IWasBornInThisPit | IWasBornInThisPit

🐷 YTA gets called out for sexist hiring practices.

rhapsodyknit | rhapsodyknit

🤦‍♂️ Farmer loses out on potentially great worker due to sexist testing.

Doodleparty | Doodleparty

Curious commenter asks for pig pictures, wonders about pig size.

trips_caused | trips_caused

Confused commenter questions farmer's inconsistent hiring practices 🤔

ThatsJaicist | ThatsJaicist

Logistical concerns raised about moving pigs on the farm.

ColeDelRio | ColeDelRio

🤔 Is the article title misleading? Commenter thinks so.

froderick | froderick

Female chef shares her experience and suggests specifying requirements for farmhands.

Franks_Monster_ | Franks_Monster_

Clarification requested for job ad by commenter.

amandapanda611 | amandapanda611

User calls out misleading title and irrelevant political correctness.

MellyBean2012 | MellyBean2012

Woman calls out farmer's sexist hiring practices and improper animal handling.

whitethrowblanket | whitethrowblanket

Awkward interview questions for farmhand spark confusion 🤔

laialooloo | laialooloo

Female physical strength not always necessary for farm work. 👍

persian-girl | persian-girl

Experience matters more than gender when it comes to farming 👍

call-it-dreaming | call-it-dreaming

Female farmhand defends physical ability, suggests clear job requirements. 💪

incredibleflipflop | incredibleflipflop

Gender and physical requirements are crucial in farm work 🚜

RayCow | RayCow

Equal standards for all applicants, feminism supports competence over gender. 💪🏻

Redacted4NatSecurity | Redacted4NatSecurity

👩🏽‍🌾 YTA. Female farmhands can be just as skilled and hardworking.

That-1-Red-Shirt | That-1-Red-Shirt

Gender bias debunked: Hiring based on ability, not sex 🚺🚹

[deleted] | [deleted]

Female commenter defends farmer's choice of hiring based on physical ability.

bleachfoamspray | bleachfoamspray

Fair hiring practices regardless of gender or ability 👍

CrotchWolf | CrotchWolf

Size doesn't matter on the farm. It's all about working smart 👍

alldemboats | alldemboats

Fair point, hiring based on physical requirements rather than gender ✌️

DeepSpaceNineInches | DeepSpaceNineInches

👏 Hiring based on capability, not gender. #NTA

z0mbiemechanic | z0mbiemechanic

Gender shouldn't be a factor in hiring. Good idea listing requirements. 👍

Lunavixen15 | Lunavixen15

Hiring based on gender? Not cool. Hire for job compatibility! 👍

SpartanS034 | SpartanS034

Farmer defends decision not to hire female farmhands. NTA.

privlaged-and-white | privlaged-and-white

NTA farmer gets job description advice for physically demanding work 💪

mschuster91 | mschuster91

Clearing up the confusion around the farmer's hiring practices 👍

xxx_potatorat_xxx | xxx_potatorat_xxx

Female farmhand shares experience and doubts OP's claim.

scorpio6519 | scorpio6519

Female worker shares experience, questions farmer's reasoning 🤔

reiwren- | reiwren-

Female farmhand debate: commenter defends NTA verdict.

Threwaway42 | Threwaway42

Farmer justified in not hiring female farmhand, practical test failed 👍

Negative-Swordfish-9 | Negative-Swordfish-9

Gender should not be a barrier to meeting job requirements 👍

puskunk | puskunk

Clear job requirements can reduce unqualified applicants. 👍

the_mickie | the_mickie

Gender shouldn't dictate physical ability. NTA made a great point.

ohdearitsrichardiii | ohdearitsrichardiii

Gender shouldn't matter in hiring, skills should. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Meeting job requirements is fair, gender should not matter. 👍

ja599 | ja599

NTA for hiring men if it's a physically demanding job 🏋️‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Breaking gender stereotypes in farming. NTA for hiring based on strength.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Farmer defends decision not to hire female farmhands. Safety concerns.

oliveyoda | oliveyoda

Gender not a factor when physical ability is the priority 👍

SereniaKat | SereniaKat

Fair assessment of hiring practices with helpful advice for OP 🤝

Chun_Lai | Chun_Lai

Interviewee's gender not the reason for not hiring. 👍

henchwench89 | henchwench89

Gender isn't the issue, physical ability is. NTA 👍

chrisse_99 | chrisse_99

Hired fairly, but lesson learned for future hiring practices. 👍

Caitmk | Caitmk

Misleading title addressed, hiring based on capabilities, NTA verdict.

bab_101 | bab_101

Practical suggestion to add weight-lifting requirement and test during interview. 💪

Advanced_Meal | Advanced_Meal

Clear job requirements for physical farm work. NTA for hiring.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Specifying physical attributes in job ads: NTA or ESH?

Ak40-couchcusion | Ak40-couchcusion

Clarifying strength requirements for job: fair or discriminatory? 🤔

lickmysackett | lickmysackett

Training pigs is easier than hiring female farmhands 🐷👩

leldridge1089 | leldridge1089

Female candidate not fit for farm work, job description needed 🐷

wendys_cats | wendys_cats

Female farmhand can't lift pig, but wheeled cart is suggested 🐷

Proud-Papaya | Proud-Papaya

Female zookeeper calls out farmer's poor wording and attitude 👏

karakins21 | karakins21

Testing physical strength with hay instead of a pig. 👍

Mera1506 | Mera1506

Male-only hiring policy based on job requirements, not gender.

ollieclark | ollieclark

Gender discrimination in farming? NTA but upper body strength matters.

ferociousFerret7 | ferociousFerret7

👩‍🌾👨‍🌾 Gender-free pig lifting test. NTA gets the job done.

Appeltaart232 | Appeltaart232

College farmhands doing extra work poses liability, ESH 🤯

alphawhiskey347 | alphawhiskey347

Woman calls out farmer's sexist job ad, suggests training pigs 🐷

jwhitney06 | jwhitney06

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