Just More Wild Celebrity Encounters We All Need To Read

Jordan Claes
Drake standing next to a grass wall.
instagram | @champagnepapi

At the end of the day, celebrities are just like us — which is why it makes sense that we encounter them living their normal lives, every once in a while.

Seeing your favorite celebrity can be anxiety-inducing, disappointing, fulfilling — as well as a wide array of other emotions.

So for those of you who can't get enough celebrity encounter tales, here are even more wild encounters that everyone needs to read.

Meeting Neil Patrick Harris sounds LEGEND — wait for it...

Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka posing for a selfie as the sun sets behind them.
instagram | @nph

A little more than three years ago, Reddit user allimariesee was visiting Disneyworld for the very first time. They happened to run into Neil and his family at all four Disney resort parks.

That's not a homeless man — it's Geddy Lee!

Geddy Lee standing in his backyard, holding a signed bass.
instagram | @geddyimages

When Reddit user yungpebis was a young kid, he saw what he thought was a homeless person and become incredibly frightened. It turns out that the "homeless person" was none other than Canadian Rock legend, Geddy Lee.

Would you like fries with that, Mr. Williams?

Robin Williams in 'Good Will Hunting'.

"Working at the Drive-Thru at a McDonald's in Pitt Meadows, Canada, YEARS ago.

Handing out an order to someone in the car, who looks surprisingly like Robin Williams. My face must have looked shocked because he just winked at me and drove on." - Reddit u/deleted

The Doggfather of Rap still does his own grocery shopping.

Snoop Dogg looking up at the ceiling.
instagram | @snoopdogg

Buzzfeed Community member kimmmmmmm0520 used to work in a bank, adjoined to a grocery store. One day, when they were walking back from the washroom, they noticed a co-worker talking to a tall man with dreadlocks. As they got closer, they noticed it was Snoop Dogg!

Colin Farrell thinks your dog is a good boy.

Colin Farrell in 'In Bruges'.

A few years back, Reddit user Jhg2099 rode in an elevator with Colin Farrell and his son. They said that Colin's boy couldn't stop playing with the pup, and Colin wouldn't stop asking questions about the dog.

What would you do after discovering that your aunt was friend's with Paul McCartney?

Paul McCartney taking a selfie with his wife.
instagram | @paulmccartney

"I was in Arizona in my auntie's diner when Paul himself walks inside. Turns out he went often and my aunt knew him quite well." - Reddit u/Darth_Musk

John Goodman is a man's man.

John Goodman yelling "Over the line!" in 'The Big Lebowski'.
Giphy | PeacockTV

Reddit user morganfreenomorph spotted John Goodman hiding in the corner of one of the local bars he owned. Instead of blowing his cover, morganfreenomorph decided to say nothing. In order to show his gratitude, John covered half of the bar bill for the rest of the night.

Mike Myers and his family are cat people.

BuzzFeed Community member bradleyw4 used to work for Disney World, and would often guide people on and off the Goofy rollercoaster. Years ago, unbeknownst to them at the time, Mike Myers and his family walked up dressed in cat makeup looking to ride the coaster.

"This ride isn't for cats," they joked.

"Well, we're cat people," Myers replied. "Is that okay?"

Can you imagine being served tea by Billy Corgan?

Billy Corgan performing on stage with The Smashing Pumpkins

The lead singer and frontman of The Smashing Pumpkins owns his own tea shop, called Madame Zuzu's. He was spotted behind the counter by Redditor cumquat703; rumor has it Billy even performs there on occasion.

Ringo Star wants to wish you a happy birthday.

Ringo Starr giving the peace sign in his living room.
instagram | @ringostarrmusic

"I got on an elevator with Ringo Starr once. During our thirty-second ride, we became best friends," claimed Buzzfeed Community member allenbanks. "To this day he still calls me on my birthday to sing the birthday song. I’ve never had the heart to tell him I’m more a Monkees fan."

Clint Eastwood needs his potassium.

Clint Eastwood chewing on a cigar in 'The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly'.

"While at Trader jJoe's my dad whispered[sic] to me 'that's Clint Eastwood!' And there he was in a yellow polo shirt checking out bananas. I tried to act like he didn't exist because I wanted to give him his space but my parents almost had a heart attack." - Reddit u/zippycabbage136

Taylor Swift is always willing to lend a hand.

Taylro Swift wearing rainbow-colored makeup, shirt, and matching hair.
instagram | @taylorswift

While she was out shopping, Buzzfeed Community member rebeccad9407's grandmother had a chance run-in with Taylor Swift. Apparently, the grandmother wasn't able to reach an item on the top shelf and turned to Taylor for help.

Dan Aykroyd knows the secret to a great caesar.

Dan Ayckroyd in 'Ghostbusters'.
Giphy | Ghostbusters

Reddit user CraigFromCogeco was working at their local grocery store when Dan Aykroyd walked through the door. He apparently wanted to know where to find celery stalks, as he was making caesars that night.

How would you introduce Weird Al Yankovic to someone?

Weird Al wearing a stuffed porcupine on top of his head as a hat.
instagram | @weirdalyankovic

"I was an intern in Burbank in a post production[sic] house. Weird Al Yankovic came in to record a voice for a cartoon show. My job was to call the basement when he came in. He came in, was super quiet. I told him I’d let them know he was here." - Reddit u/level 1


Drake loves ice cream.

Drake looking at his phone, saying "Wow."
Giphy | DJ Khaled

Buzzfeed Community member pinnockleanne6 used to work with an elderly woman. One day, after returning from her break, she informed them that a nice young man had bought her ice cream. That nice young man was the Six God.

h/t: Reddit