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Julie Andrews Says She's 'Too Old And Crotchety' For 'Princess Diaries 3'

There are certain people who are essentially royalty at this point, having evolved beyond national treasures into the world's darlings, and I don't think I'm alone in saying that I would nominate Julie Andrews as one of those people.

Julie has been an icon in the film world for ages.

She was absolutely legendary as Mary Poppins in the original film, and Maria Von Trapp in The Sound of Music, but the film a lot of us know her from takes place in the magical land of Genovia.

Julie played Queen Clarisse Renaldi in the *Princess Diaries* series.


Julie played a mentor and maternal figure to Anne Hathaway's Princess Mia Thermopolis as she learned how to become a princess while staying true to herself. The idea of a third Princess Diaries movie has been floating around for a while, and fans are excited.

Julie acknowledged these rumors on a recent episode of *The Talk.*

“It’s long been talked about but nothing sort of been on my desk or anything like that," Julie revealed when asked about the possibility of a second sequel to the beloved franchise.

"I think I would," Julie said of whether she would want to participate.

"I’m getting awfully old and crotchety. I’m not sure if it’s the right timing, but I think to work with Annie [Hathaway] would be lovely again," she said.

“And yeah, sure I would be up for it," Julie repeated.

"We should wait if the script comes in — just wait for that," was Julie's advice, although according to an interview Anne Hathaway gave earlier, a script does exist, although Anne explained that they “don’t want to unless it’s perfect because we love it just as much as you guys love it.”

I don't know about you, but I think I need a *Princess Diaries 3* in my life.

And if it was anyone but Julie Andrews herself calling her old and crotchety, they would have a fight on their hands!

What do you think? Should there be a third movie, or should we let the two stand as they are? Let us know in the comments!