
13+ Disastrous Bathrooms That Need To Be Flushed

Bathrooms: they can be big, they can be small, they can be open, they can be stalled. Point of the story is this: everyone needs bathrooms. Some of these cursed rooms need to go back to the drawing board, though.

Sneak preview.

Reddit | Vegsivir

This bathroom door could have been a total disaster if they'd used regular glass. But a savvy architect used frosted glass, so you can see an artfully blurred image of whoever's inside doing their business.

Good enough.

Reddit | NNZ_5454

The point of most stall doors in public bathrooms is to provide the person inside the stall with a bit of privacy. This door, on the other hand, offers a convenient viewing window.

I'm so happy for them.

Reddit | Krombopulos137

I'm not actually happy for them, btw. I was just riffing on the wedding joke. No, I'm truly horrified that they would fill their bathroom with porous, odor-absorbing lace.


Reddit | pukey

Not every bathroom has a convenient place to put that TP roll, so sometimes you get creative. This person did just that, and when a lone roll of TP looked lonely up there, they added a bunch more.

High-traffic area.

Reddit | P_mp_n

Having once rented a cottage with basically the same bathroom, let me tell you that nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like being inside and wondering what side you'll get interrupted from.

Toilets of the world.

Reddit | EiffelBlue69

The locations of most of these bathrooms isn't known, but I can confirm that this zero-privacy bathroom is located in Romania. The more you know, right? Also, I think I'll avoid Romania.


Reddit | ShadowsGirl9

Honestly, on first glance I thought those logs on the wall looked a bit like, well...logs in the toilet. Then I saw that this bathroom is also a spider sanctuary. Hard pass.

The ol' switcheroo.

Reddit | AdmHornblower

The person who installed the signage at these toilets at Toronto's Pearson International Airport was either lazy or some kind of prankster. After this image was posted on Reddit, the airport corrected things.

Who needs privacy?

Reddit | DickChicken1

At least this isn't at ground level, but it still isn't ideal. It looks like a pretty nice new building to be making an architectural mistake like this, too.

Not worth it.

Reddit | Kittysue3279

Look, it's not worth it for a couple of reasons. First, there's no good reason to wallpaper your toilet. Second, no one needs their toilet to look like it's made of white brick. Third, won't someone please think of the hygiene issues?

Mission: Impossible.

Reddit | alex91s

If you want to lower the seat here, it isn't as hard as it looks. Just bring your tools into the washroom, disassemble the seat, do your thing and put it all back together again.


Reddit | notalotofthought

This is perfect when you want to have a seat on your toilet like a respectable member of society, but want to imbue that toilet with a slight sense of danger.


Reddit | dawidoxus

If there's ever a surface that demanded a wrap making it look like it's covered in giant, gross puddles, you could do a lot better than a toilet in a public restroom.

Spoiled for choice.

Reddit | Destrolliex

I'll be honest here: this isn't a great look, visually speaking. But for the true toilet paper connoisseur, this might be the only way to have quick access to the exotic TP selections of the world.

Less than ideal.

Reddit | Edin_Bar

First, the urinals could use a divider between them. But that's not a dealbreaker. What is a dealbreaker is the fact that anyone using the stall will have to wait for the urinal-user before they can politely exit.

The toilet of Flavortown.

Reddit | exithell

Those gaudy flame-looking details aren't for everyone. In fact, if you're not Guy Fieri or the guy from Smash Mouth, they're probably not for you. Maybe that explains why this toilet's been kicked to the curb.

One-stop shop.

Reddit | PowerBottomYea

All the plumbing is already down here for the laundry, so why not throw a toilet down there as well? You can save valuable time by doing your business as you fold your sheets.

That's unfortunate.

Reddit | WiggelingOversnipe

This doesn't look like anything much, but then consider the fact that this washroom is intended for disabled kids, many of whom are wheelchair-bound. That's a bit of a faux pas.

I'm seasick.

Reddit | Joald

There's a fine line between freestyling when it comes to home renovations, and just completely messing everything up. If your washroom looks like a house of mirrors, it probably falls into the latter category.

You're probably wondering why I gathered you here today.


For the important executive who won't let anything, not even a potty break, get in the way of giving that big presentation, have I ever got the toilet/conference room for you.

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