
30 Weird Things People Found And Shared With Us

Sometimes, when you find something really weird, you may have an urge to show it to as many people as possible. That's why the internet exists (or at least, it's one of the reasons why).

In any case, the people who found these weird things saw an opportunity and took it. And we get to sit around staring at these pics, so it's a win-win situation.

"My Welch's Fruit Snacks were all grape."

To be honest, the grape ones are my favorite, so I'd love this. Still, it's so weird when there's only one color in a pack of assorted flavors. Like, what are the odds of that happening?

"This candle melting off to one side yet never dripping…"

I don't know about you, but something about this is mighty suspicious. Like, who does this candle think it is, defying the laws of physics and stuff? Just doesn't make any sense.

"This CSI Themed Christmas Tree at a Forensics Lab."

For a holiday that's about family and joy, this tree sure is morbid. I mean, it's still kind of cool, even if it is a little creepy. Who needs presents when you could have biohazard bags?

"This Christmas decoration I bought."

This cute decoration is trying to wish us a marry Chris Amts, I think. Either that, or it got printed really wrong.

Okay, it definitely got printed really wrong. And that somehow makes it even better than if it was done right.

"My brand new never used glue stick had crystals of some kind growing on it."

This is... strange. Something must've gotten on the top, like maybe some glitter or something, back at the glue factory. Still, I'd feel weird about using this glue. All those crystals would definitely get in the way.

"The clock in my gym. No clock watchers here."

I feel like having a fake clock so that people wouldn't try to stare at a real one while working out would be kind of moot, considering the fact that people own phones. I feel like the actual clock just broke and they were too cheap to get a replacement.

"My friend's doorbell looks like a happy sloth."

I swear, you can find a face on literally anything. Though, they don't usually look like sloth faces, so this one is pretty special. Hopefully it doesn't mean the doorbell rings slowly (whatever that means).

"A little discovery trying to plant a garden bed today."

It isn't every day that you find a stone paver that was once someone's grave. Or, I guess in this case, the gravestone for a family grave. Which is double the unexpected.

"Bridge troll."

I've heard of trolls living under bridges, but I've never actually seen one until now. And sure, this one is a sculpture, but it probably still counts.

Apparently, this bridge troll lives somewhere in Seattle. Good to know.

"This dish that I ordered that kinda looks like Homer Simpson!"

I mean, it's kind of like a super abstract Homer Simpson. The round head made of tortillas, the yellow cheese and fries. Even dipping sauce eyeballs. It works. Not super well, but it still works.

"The bathroom sink at my uncles house looks like a face with a runny nose."

Like I always say, you can find random faces in the most random things. This one, though, looks a little sick, what with that running nose and all. It would probably make me think twice about washing my hands in that sink.

"This disco-ball-looking flower in Australia."

This flower kind of looks like a dandelion had a baby with a virus. According to Redditor Scyfyre, it's called a Leichhardt Tree Nauclea orientalis. And believe it or not, it actually isn't poisonous (like everything else you find in Australia).

"All the snow is making this photo shoot at midnight look like it was taken during the day. No long exposure."

Ah, it's that wonderful time of year again. That wonderful, dark time of year. You know, unless there's some snowfall at night, then it's kind of bright outside, even in the middle of the night. And you know what? I'm not complaining.

"This nifty little fungus is called Dog Vomit."

I'm sure that, like actual dog vomit, you probably shouldn't put that in your mouth. After all, it's a bright yellow fungus, and bright yellow fungi don't usually strike me as edible.

"I’m the only apartment with the holiday spirit."

I guess depending on where you live, Christmas isn't that big of a deal, and neither is putting up holiday lights. Maybe the one person who put the lights up is the weird one.

"Sky was purple after school today."

I've seen plenty of orange skies, sometimes pink ones, but never a purple sky before. This is... actually so awesome. I wonder what kind of weather conditions you need in order for the skies to turn purple.

"7 years worth of bugs. Should be full by 2030. Will update."

I get that cleaning the bugs out of a light isn't very fun, but this is kind of ridiculous. Then again, I would absolutely not be cleaning that light out.

"This tree that kinda looks like Godzilla."

On one hand, this is pretty cool. But on the other hand, imagine driving or walking around and seeing this tree. It'd probably give me a bit of a jump. You know, before realizing it's just a tree.

"Years ago I found a chicken nugget in the shape of Winnie the Pooh. Brought him home and gave him a red shirt. I still miss him."

I'm not gonna lie, I'd probably have a hard time eating this. I wouldn't be able to think about anything other than Winnie the Pooh, and that would just make me feel bad.

"This sign in the bathroom of one of the local restaurants."

If you don't feel like trying to read that, I'll just tell you that it says, " Pee in the bowl not next to the bowl, thank you." Weird, but hopefully effective.

"The TV remote in my hotel room has a 'magic' button."

Is this... like, the name of the company that made the TV? Or is this an actual magic button that's supposed to do... something? You know what? Maybe it isn't worth finding out about.

"Physics room changes color depending on the angle I take the picture from (no filters)."

I guess it's fitting that this is a physics class room, since lights are, like, physics and stuff. I bet someone in that class could explain what's going on there.

"Saw this car while walking around the neighborhood."

There are plenty of ways to decorate the front of your house, and this person seems to be doing all of them. Topiary, American flag, Christmas decorations, a... car. It's all about that curb appeal.

"This seedpod crying for the sweet release."

I'm not going to lie, I feel kind of bad for this little plant. It didn't ask to be born. It didn't ask for this life. It's just a cog in the machine, like the rest of us.

"These Cheez-Its my mother found the other day."

This is just a sheet of Cheez-Its. It's a giant Cheez-It made of even tinier Cheez-Its. It's... well, it's a lot, both figuratively and literally. But, like, I'd still eat it.

"The layer of snow on our table kinda just… fell off?"

I know that snow can be pretty sticky, but I still feel like it shouldn't be able to do this without completely losing shape. How did it even slope down like that, anyway?

"This drop of pancake batter looks like a shrimp."

I always find it so funny how random things can end up looking like other things. Like, this drop of pancake batter looks like a whole shrimp, legs and all. At least it doesn't mean the pancakes will taste like shrimp.

"This Taco man."

You know, I've never put two and two together until now. But Tacoma really is just one letter away from taco man. I don't know what to do with this information now, but I'm glad that I have it.

"Water froze in my fire-pit cover and made this wreath!"

Finding an ice ring is one thing, but finding one that also happens to have leaves on it is pretty special. This seems like the kind of thing that you'd have no choice but to keep up for as long as you can (you know, until it melts).

"A double banana."

Okay, but how often do you really see a double banana? Or any fruit, for that matter? This seems like the exact kind of thing they try not to sell at grocery stores (even though they probably couldn't check the bananas anyway).

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