15 Everyday Geniuses Who Shared Their Smart Solutions With Us

Life is super weird.

That's why I'm so grateful for the little things people share on the internet to make it a little easier, you know? From keeping your fly up to conquering paper straws (those things are the WORST), these helpful tips might help make your day just a bit better.

Let's dive in, shall we?

Smart solutions for weird problems.

"This rooftop for bicycles so the saddle won't get wet."

A wet seat has to be a big frustration for cyclists, so I love this ingenious solution! It's little things like this that make such a big difference.

5-star Lyft.

"My lyft driver made sure I was able to feel the nice cool A/C."

The genius of this! He attached one end of the hose to the passenger side A/C, then piped it back. COVID really does demand we get creative with... everything, tbh.

Hulk approves.

"We use hulk hands to move cacti at my work."

There's a joke about having a green thumb here, but damn if I can't find it.

Anyway, Hulk does not smash — Hulk gently handles pointy plant with care.


"Have a slat bed that creaks and squeaks? Slide cotton swabs under the slats where it meets the frame."

BRB, doing this to my IKEA bed. That thing is great, but boy does it squeak.

Honestly, this is genius.

"A customer mailed this tube with a tongue depressor attached to it to prevent it from rolling around."

A postal worker elaborated:

" I’m told they do this so that the tubes actually get scanned going through the machines (basically a conveyer belt that scans on the top and bottom). Otherwise they spin and/or don’t get scanned correctly."

Anything for some daylight.

"My flatmate placed a mirror to get sun into their room."

Some people pointed out they'd only get about 12 minutes of sun, to which someone else replied:

"As someone who only gets maybe an hour most of good light in his apartment, those 12 minutes keep you sane."


Give this woman an award.

"The way my wife eats Cheetos without messing up her mouse."

I don't know what award she would get for this bit of genius, but I know she deserves one.

Restaurants innovate like no one else.

"This restaurant puts a mesh net over your lemon so when you squeeze it, no seeds get in your food."

To say I'm obsessed with how smart this is would be an understatement.

Need a place to put a temporary library? No problem.

"My town’s library is under construction, so they’re using an old grocery store as the temporary library."

I love how humans solve odd problems. The books actually look pretty natural in their new deli environment.

Can't see the small writing on a remote? No problem.

"This massive remote that my grandma uses."

I actually had one of these because I thought it was hilarious, but it turned out to be an AWESOME remote. It's so big, so accessible, and such a good solution to those who can't read small text!

This toast will never go soggy!

"This is how I let my toast cool, so one side doesn't get soggy."

I'm totally going to try this the next time I make toast. Post buttering, of course.

This is way better than mowing.

"My apartment complex rented out 200 goats to eat away at the overgrown path and riverbed behind our buildings!"

It's good for the goats and your back! Why don't we do this more?

Goodbye, fly jokes.

"Zipper always falling down? Use a key ring to keep it up!"

See, this is why I wear leggings. I don't need to add extra hardware to them to get them to stay up, and they're comfier than jeans. There's MY life hack, from me to you.

Now that's good door maintenance.

"This maintenance guy's shirt doubles as a sign."

This is so hilarious and so smart. Why set up a sign that people will ignore when you can plainly see the notice at eye level? Obsessed.

These straws are made from pasta.

"They last a whole lot longer than paper straws that disintegrate before you finish your drink AND are much better for frozen drinks and milkshakes that take longer to finish drinking. Paper straws go soggy less than halfway through the frozen drink and collapse on themselves when you try to suck."

I want to see these in real life!