15 People Who Executed Their Poor Taste Perfectly

Do you know that old saying, "There's no accounting for taste"? It pretty much explains why some people find certain things attractive while others think the exact opposite. Isn't that so true?

Well, I think you're going to agree with me once you see these questionable ideas that got executed quite perfectly. Let me know your favorites from the bunch.

1. This Home Decor

Well, there is one thing you can say about these homeowners here. They're definitely mad for plaid, ha, ha! I can take a splash of plaid here or there, but for me, this is a tad overkill.

2. This Unusual Shoe

Um, what is going on here? Is this a shoe or an exhibit piece? I guess you can look at it both ways. I think it's kind of cool, but I don't think I would actually wear it.

3. This Sporty Chandelier

This is what happens when you need a chandelier for your house, but you're really into sports. Hmm, I don't know about that. Would you put something like this in your home? Ha, ha, I think I'll pass.

4. This Odd Bicycle Choice

Wow, this is definitely one unique-looking bicycle. I'll give them that. I'm just not sure how anybody could even pedal on that. It does not look all that comfortable to me or useful, for that matter.

5. This Monster Truck

I think somebody took that term "monster truck" to heart here, ha, ha! Either that or this is some kind of dad joke gone wrong or right. What do you think? Would you proudly drive that around?

6. This Doghouse

I feel bad for whoever lives here because it seems that they're perpetually in the doghouse, hee-hee. This, apparently, exists in Tirau, Aotearoa, New Zealand, where the whole street is like this. Hmm, isn't that so interesting or what?

7. This Colorful Paint Job

I have to admit this Victorian-style house has been painted absolutely perfectly. Don't you agree with that? However, what I question is the choice of neon colors here. There's no mistaking this house on the block, that's for sure.

8. This Taxidermy Rat

If you're a fan of Dracula, you'll immediately recognize this unusual sight here. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Gary Oldman as a taxidermied rat. OMG, ha, ha! I can't get over that. What a fabulous job, huh?

9. This Kitchen Choice

What can you get for $8.6-million in the Atlanta area? Well, this kitchen, for example. I don't know about you, but for that price, I would expect better taste than that. Whoever thought this looked good must be mad.

10. This Green Car

I know a lot of people are switching to green cars now. They're such energy savers and better for the environment. However, I don't think this is the same idea here. How did they even do that?

11. This Nail Art

It's been a while since I've had my nails professionally done. So I'm a little out of the loop as far as nail art is concerned. But even I wouldn't be bold enough to put that on my nails. Nah!

12. This Cutlery

What is it with plates and cutlery that looks dirty? Wouldn't it drive you crazy trying to clean this? I know it would do that to me. So is that the point? If it is, then it's pretty silly to me.

13. This Upcycled Bathtub Idea

I've seen people upcycle old bathtubs to use them as planters. That's not that unusual. However, I don't think I've ever seen anyone turn theirs into a dining set. Oh my goodness. Wow! What do you think of that?

14. This Haircut

“Make me look like I go out to the Forbidden Forest and drink Unicorn blood to live a half-life, a cursed life.” “Say no more.”

HA, HA! Great styling skills here for sure but perhaps not that practical, huh?

15. These Lawn Chairs

Lawn chairs can surely be comfy. I just never seen them covered with real moss before. I don't know about you, but I would be very wary of sitting on them. Who knows what can be crawling inside. Yikes!

If you ever thought you had an eclectic taste, perhaps now you've changed your mind.

As much as I can appreciate the execution here, I still question the idea in the first place. What was the weirdest thing you've ever stumbled upon that looked perfectly done?