20 Times A Picture Showed Something Like You've Never Seen It Before

There are some pretty cool and unique things out there. Things you've probably never seen before. The best part? A lot of them are actually pretty common things, just seen in ways we aren't used to seeing them.

Take these pictures, for example. They will for sure show you things you've probably never seen before (or maybe you have, but not in a long time).

Two abnormally large blackberries.

I don't know about you, but I've never seen blackberries that big before. They're easily an inch long each, which is kind of wild when you think about it. I wonder if being that size would make them taste any different, or if it wouldn't matter.

A rainbow reflection in running tap water.

The way the rainbow is hitting the tap water like that is definitely a rare sight. You'd have to have a rainbow that you can direct at the water. Or a window with a perfectly timed reflection. Either way, a lot of effort.

Not so "Strait Up" Bottle of iced tea.

This is what I like to call irony (because it is ironic). The tea is called Straight Up, but...it's crooked. Somehow, this bottle ended up at a slant. And while that in itself isn't anything new, you probably haven't seen one with such an inaccurate name before.

This tomato gradient.

I always find it amazing how all the tomatoes on a single stem can be at such different stages of growth. From tiny and green to regular sized and red, this vine even has everything in between. I seriously doubt this is something you see every day.

A whole transport of fire hydrants.

We've all seen fire hydrants. You just have to walk down the street, and you'll probably already have seen a few. But how often do you see the rest of them? The parts that go underground are a lot longer than you may thing. They have to pump water, after all.

This avocado with an unusually tiny pit.

Like everything else in life and nature, avocados aren't perfect. Their pits are usually a pretty consistent size, but that doesn't mean that they're all going to be like that.

This pit is just so small! Honestly, I can't even take my eyes off it.

A bee that may have taken off more than it can chew.

Bees are important because of their ability to pollinate flowers and plants. But when they go on their trips, they don't usually collect this much pollen. I wonder if a flower, like, exploded on this bee or something. So odd.

A Phil Deville doll, stuck in the gutter somehow.

You know Phil from the Rugrats? This is him now, feel old yet?

How this doll ended up in a gutter is beyond me, but I can confidently say I've never seen a toy end up this dirty before. It's almost sad. Almost.

One town, two skies.

The funny thing about weather is that it can look drastically different from one side of the street to the next. Like this sunset, which is only painting one part of the sky orange. The rest is a sad blue, like it's about to rain or something.

Biodegradable poop bags, in the process of biodegrading.

If you own a dog, you may have used these bags before. You see the bags when they're all tied up and full of poop, but you never see them break down. Well, now you have.

It's good to see that they do the thing they're supposed to do.

This strip of bacon that's looking a little more nautical.

When you cook bacon, it shrinks and curls. When you cook this particular piece of bacon, it makes a seahorse shape. This probably isn't the only shape a person has found in bacon, but it's definitely a sight to see.

Don't trust this stuffed chick.

Stuffed animals are cute and cuddly. Well, except for this one, that looks like it's staring into my soul. I guess it's the fuzz along its eyes are making it look angry, like, angrier than it has any right to be. Looks like a bit of a shady character if you ask me.

Crane or giraffe?

If you live somewhere that's under constant construction, you'll have seen a crane or two. You probably won't see them painted to look like giraffes, though. It makes sense; since cranes are tall, and giraffes are tall, why not combine the two? It makes them so much more interesting.

This sandy beach is covered in seashells.

Sand can be pretty different depending on the beach. Some sand is just tiny pebbles. Other sand is pure white, or even black.

But some sand is made out of tiny seashells. It's probably a lot harder to walk on with your shoes off.

Wait, they come in blue now?

I can say without a doubt that I've never seen a pylon with a blue base before. Do they have any special purpose? Are they meant for something other than directing traffic? Are they, like, more reflective or something? Why are they so mysterious?

"The St. Louis Arch From Below."

I'm sure you've seen the St. Louis Arch before, either in pictures or in person (or both?). But I don't think too many of us have had the chance to stand directly underneath it and look up. Well, now we don't have to, because we have this picture!

The center part of a plate that's actually off center.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is some kind of manufacturer's error. The kind they usually look for in quality control, but since no one is perfect, they still slip through the cracks every now and then. It's really annoying to look at, though.

This gorilla that's perfected his disappearing act.

There's some lighting/angle stuff going on here, making it look like the gorilla is slowly disappearing and got caught in the middle of the act. But rest assured, the gorilla is, in fact, still there.

Not something you see every day, though.

A lil' orange isopod.

I've seen plenty of little blue/black isopods, but never an orange one. It's one shade that I didn't even know existed in the isopod world. Then again, how many of them do we actually see?

It looks like it could be an orangutan's distant, invertebrate relative.

A very old can of Pringles.

This Pringles can is from years ago. Decades, probably. It's from several logo changes ago.

This is definitely something most of us haven't seen before (or maybe we have long ago and just don't remember). Even though it's probably from before our time, it feels kind of nostalgic.