20 Couples Who Trolled Each Other Mercilessly

The longer you are in a relationship with someone, the more you can find new and inventive ways to keep one another on your toes!

So, from people who gave all of the insects in their house their own backstories to individuals who used their photography skills to pull pranks on their significant others, here are 20 coupled who trolled each other mercilessly!

"Boyfriend kept stealing my ice cream! This is my solution."

I feel as though this is just begging for him to break this flimsy box and steal the ice cream that is being held within. Although, with a box of Eggos right there, who would really be that bothered about the ice cream?

"Wife's interesting choice of words for our anniversary cake!"

I think that they should consider having this as the decoration for each of their anniversary cakes, obviously with the number changing of course. You cannot argue with the fact that this is what they are technically celebrating, it's beautifully accurate.

"I buy my husband a nice new toy, he just wants to play with the box."

What is particularly tragic about this image is that, shortly after this was taken, this person discovered that their husband was actually a load of cats in a human suit. If you think that your husband may actually be a gaggle of cats in a suit, then reach out to a loved one today. Do not struggle alone.

"My boyfriend used my computer for a zoom call with his buddies and then I had a meeting with the SVP of a major insurance company..."

This person's boyfriend needs to learn how to set up his own Zoom account, which is something that I thought everyone had done given the current climate! Also, this person is lucky that the lobby let in someone with that name!

"I am picking my wife up at the airport after a long trip, and a good friend said to bring her some nice flours as a surprise."

Yep, as the person who posted this went on to add, "I am bringing her a basket FULL of her favorite flours!" Something tells me that this couple may have seen Stranger Than Fiction a fair few times before.

"My girlfriend is a monster..."

Those are such meager bites to have taken out of each. Somehow it is worse that she didn't commit to the bite, and I am not exactly sure why that is. It is amazing that she only liked two enough to actually eat them as well.

"Friend's girlfriend moved out and took everything, including the drawer handles."

Apparently petty things such as this are to be expected as well, with one person recounting: "When my wife moved out, she turned the temp on the hot water heater down. It took me a bit to figure out why the water never got very hot."

"My husband, everyone..."

Is this person's husband Homer Simpson? To be fair to him though, no one eats the strawberry out of the chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla ice cream. Strawberry ice cream tastes like a strawberry got amnesia and is trying to describe its past to you.

"Wife got me a cake, I'm having my rectum removed on Tuesday."

This is one of those multi-purpose cakes, a cake that is good for all manner of varied occasions! This is perhaps the most specific use for a cake such as this though, they really thought outside of the box with this one.


I can imagine the marketing people at Apple already salivating over the idea of whatever "iDo" would entail. They could sell custom SIM holders for your beloved for the reasonable price of $80 and your eternal soul. What a bargain!

"My wife said he wouldn't get that big, but he got big."

Just look at that little guy in the top picture, and look at how big his paws are. Even for a dog that small, those are some big paws and that is one hell of an indicator that he was going to grow up...well, massive.

"Girlfriend and I enjoyed the Illusion Museum very differently."

I admire the amount of effort that this guy put into capturing this image! That is dedication right there! Of the two, I know which one would be going on the front of the fridge...if people still put pictures on the fridge that is.

"My wife recently booked us a pirate room to celebrate our anniversary…let's hear those one liners."

I love the idea of booking something weirdly themed for an anniversary. Do these people love pirates or something? I hope that they have no strong feelings towards pirates actually, as that makes this whole thing even more funny for some reason.

Date Night!

I have never even considered that you could eat Domino's at a table, as though it were an actual meal. This has completely the changed the landscape of mine and my partner's date nights going forward! This is the start of a new age.

"Day 37, Wife still hasn't noticed the Death Star I photoshopped on our wedding picture."

It took me longer to spot the death star in these wedding pictures than I thought it would — and what a great sentence that was to write down! It is not ever day that a sentence such as that comes up organically.

All About Cage!

"My wife has had this photo frame hanging on the wall for too long without any pictures in it. Tonight, after she went to sleep, I decided to take this matter into my own hands...I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm still married," explained this daring husband.

"Left a note for my boyfriend before I went to work this morning. Came home to this."

One individual who was a little invested in the toaster wrote, "Probably just needs a cleaning. There is a magic door at the bottom. Open it and dump the crumbs into the trash bin and shake it. Physically remove any large pieces of material stuck against the heating element. If you want to be thorough, use a toothbrush inside to really remove debris. Good as new." So, there you go, the more you know!

"My wife agreed to help me test the Scoville heat rating for some chillies I bought. I doubt she will agree again."

There have been few people who have managed to accurately nail the "face of regret" quite like this woman. I am truly awful with spicy foods, so this would be my worst nightmare. Even certain loaves of bread are too spicy for me.

He Needs A Name!

"Lil web slinger setup shop in our kitchen so I put some fruit fly bait nearby to help a brother out and my wife decided he needed a name and backstory," wrote the person who put this up. I love that they're looking after the wildlife!

"My wife likes to leave sweet love notes around the house for me to find."

I like that she took the time to tick the task, meaning that it has safely been competed! However, I really want to know what kind of couple just has an empty drawer lying around? How is it not filled with random crap?!

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