Unsplash | humberto chavez

15 Hacks That Every Mom Should Take Note Of

Being a mom is a lot of hard work, especially in the early days. Many people struggle with getting into a groove when they have their first baby, so it's important to prepare yourself and get some things in motion before giving birth and starting your journey into motherhood.

Luckily, some other moms are sharing some tips and tricks to help all mommas out there. Here are our favorites!

Don't feel bad for taking some space in the hospital.

Unsplash | Christian Bowen

Many new moms feel bad when the nurse comes by in the hospital and asks to take their newborn baby to the nursery.

Moms say that letting yourself get that space and healing time is so crucial to that moment in your life. Let the nurse take your baby for a little while, they will be okay.

Ask your doctor about a prescription breast pump.

Unsplash | Wes Hicks

Many moms who try to breastfeed and do things the natural way know that breast pumps and other things can be expensive.

However, many times you can receive a prescription for a breast pump, which can save you a ton of money. Ask your doctor!

Make yourself a postpartum kit.

Unsplash | Sharon McCutcheon

Many moms don't give themselves a lot of self-care and time after giving birth.

Before you do, make yourself a postpartum kit with some lotions, candles, relaxation oils, and other essential items for moms and healing bodies. It'll be your savior!

Nap when the baby naps.

Unsplash | Zohre Nemati

If you need some time to get some shut-eye, try to nap when your baby naps.

This way, you can both be rested and relaxed to spend some one-on-one time together. Keep that monitor close, or even sleep in the same room and you can keep an eye on them.

Start routines early.

Unsplash | Jessica Lewis

Schedules and routines are important early on. The sooner you do it, the easier your parenting and mommy life will be. Kids will go with whatever you schedule them for, and practice makes perfect.

Their body and their biological clock will mimic your schedule after you get them on it.

Opt for a backpack diaper bag.

Unsplash | Lina Verovaya

Sure, the designer totes are super cute and chic, but it'll kill your shoulder eventually. Plus you don't want to keep pulling at it. Diaper backpacks give you both hands free and don't break the bank or your arms.

Always order more than you think you'll need.

Unsplash | Harry Grout

When it comes to bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and burb cloths, always get more than you think you will need. There are always emergencies and things that can go wrong with babies and pooping, spit up, all the in-betweens. Get more.

Journal during the early days.

Unsplash | Jess Bailey

Many moms miss the times when their baby is young and little, and sometimes those emotions are moving and meaningful. Use a journal to document how you feel and all the milestone moments you want to look back on years down the road.

Amazon Prime is your best friend.

Unsplash | Christian Wiediger

There is nothing better than needing something and having it on your doorstep the next day. Luckily, Amazon Prime is here to help you in all your mom and baby needs. Sign up for it and use it whenever you need something pronto.

Use velcro swaddles.

Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

Swaddling is an art that can take a lot of time to learn and if you do it too loose, your baby can break those arms free.

Using velcro can assure your baby keeps their arms where you want them because it won't unravel.

Try baby mits in the early days.

Unsplash | Tim Bish

Babies are always moving their arms around, which means their hands are all over the place. If you're not ready to cut their nails, or you're scared to cut them too short, try using baby mittens so that they can ensure they don't scratch themselves.

Take time for just you and your baby.

Unsplash | Hollie Santos

When you have a baby, everyone is going to be around and want to be there for you, be with the baby, and visit. It can be overwhelming and leave you with not a lot of time just you and your baby.

Steal those moments and make sure you get them.

Always ask for help when you need it.

Unsplash | Ekaterina Shakharova

Many moms feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help, thinking it means they're a "bad" or failing mom. But, asking for help when you need it can be helpful and powerful. Always turn to family and friends who can support you.

Lean on your partner.

Unsplash | Jessica Rockowitz

Having a baby takes two people and there's a reason for that. Always lean on your partner and let them in when it comes to parenting and needs. You shouldn't feel like you have to do it all alone.

Don't listen to the judgment.

Unsplash | Sharon McCutcheon

Moms feel bad if they don't do everything that everyone else does. Some moms don't breastfeed, while others do.

Some moms go all organic, while others don't. When you listen to the noise too much, you'll end up hating yourself.