30 Times Jerks Got On Our Last Nerve

As soon as we're of the age where we're able to grasp the concept of human interaction and connection, we learn very quickly that some people are just jerks. It's human nature in the worst way, and it's a lesson we never forget.

In this list, we'll see people who were victims of jerk-hood, and the varied ways it can be expressed.

"Was at Walmart and somebody stole all of the bike tire repair stuff I had in a little pouch. Not even 5 minutes later on my way to get some boba, my tire popped."

You don't know what you've got until it's gone! Well, this time you did, you knew what you had before it was gone even.

"There’s an ashtray on the table."

But why use the convenient, provided answer when they can kill a plant instead?

"Was at a friends house and this abomination caught my eye."

Only two types of beings are capable of doing this, madmen and children. Same difference though, really.

"Someone parked their electric scooter at a stop sign."

What makes this even worse is all the empty spots in the background, but I don't think this driver is observant enough to even spot those.

"My 'Window' Seat."

What a view! But really, on the bright side, this would be the best seat to sleep on, all that space for leaning!

"Two cops in the middle of the street chatting. Road is open, cars have gone by, including a bus that had to maneuver past. Been there 15 mins."

You know that workplace saying that's like 'this meeting could have been an email'? This conversation could have been a text message.

"I'll give you one guess which plate is the one my wife just loaded in the dishwasher."

Hmm, I think I'll guess the first one on the right side. What? I'm wrong?

"So I asked the dude at the deli to cut it into four triangles..."

He was going to cut it so you could build a house out of it, like a gingerbread house, but forgot how roofs work.

"Guess I should have stated 'straight' in the contract..."

Now it has...character...? It has its own unique little spin. Or tilt, rather.

"Someone cut the cake that was for me today at work without telling anyone in the break room."

Not only did they cut it, but they cut it in the most horrific way possible. Twice!

"Finn brought a LIVE mouse into my mom's office and released it. Hours later and we still can't catch it."

I wanna say he looks like he regrets it, but we both know he'll do it again.

"I paid $23 for a 'small' (not personal) sized pizza to feed my gf and young daughter."

A pizza the size of your hand that's also around 70% crust for $23. Some businesses deserve to close.

"The way my sister cuts brownies."

I've never seen someone so desperate to not get an edge piece. They're not that bad, I promise, you can eat them.

"I told my brother to leave some marshmallows for me."

Is your brother extremely vindictive or just six years old? Maybe both?

"My cat loves wet food but only licks the sauce and leaves the meat."

The human equivalent of this would be ordering stew but only drinking the broth, leaving all the meat and veggies in the boal.

"Three semis going the same speed taking up every lane of the highway during morning rush hour."

This is actually what the highway to hell looks like, but it continues forever and you never reach your destination.

"Humans really do suck."

They didn't even try. If you're going to be a jerk and litter, at least put the effort in to do it away from the sign telling you not to. Or, better yet, use that same effort to walk to a garbage can.

"My sister’s art project’s waste, all brand new printer paper."

You mean not everyone tries to cram as many images onto one page they can? Maybe everyone should, then.

"The fact these anti-homeless attachments were added to a fountain with this message."

How tone deaf did the people who designed these benches have to be? Because if that was on purpose, they've reached mega-jerk status.

"Why... Just why?"

They even managed to use every single weight as well! Just to be the maximum level of inconvenient. Must have been quite the workout to end up too weak to put the weights back!

"A 10 minute walk in 91 degrees only to see someone locked up two of the nets. What's the point of this?"

I cannot work out why anyone would want to do this? Is it just out of pure spite for the rest of humanity?

Or Do They?

I reckon that the people who run this place have an alliance with the seagulls, this sounds too suspicious!

"Pushed my wheelchair uphill for several minutes only to get blocked off by [someone's] trailer. Forcing me to go all the down again."

It might have been a wasted couple of minutes, but those are some added reps for those arm muscles you're developing.

"Hmm...guess nobody needs to use the sidewalk."

This is the perfect height to cause unimaginable pain to your shins! Just thinking about it is bringing tears to my eyes.

"I don't know Lauren, but I know I don't like her…"

I would be prepared to put a lot of money on the fact that Lauren has never read any of those books.

"Used to sit here while waiting to be picked up and then they added these."

Dear God, why is the world suddenly so violently against people simply being comfortable?

"Spray painting a new sidewalk for their birthday."

I think that reads 18th birthday, which means they probably heard about guerilla marketing in one of their high school media classes and decided to give it a shot.

"An unknown reservation has been declined..."

How needlessly enigmatic! This is sort of like a game now...a really boring game with no real winner.

"I was getting the hottub ready when the farmer cut his wheat."

I do not know why you would put a hot tub that close to a wheat field in the first place, because what's the farmer supposed to do, just not ever cut his wheat? Still sucks for that would-be hut tubber, though.

"Rabies R Us!"

Open to front doors at your peril, you will be swarmed by bats before you know it!