30 People Who Snapped A Pic Of Something That Seems Incredibly Unlikely

I, for one, am really glad the internet exists. It's, like, the one place where we can document all the random and unlikely things that can happen to us. We no longer have to suffer through telling stories, only to have people shake their heads in disbelief.

These people get it, though. They did us all a favor by showing us the undeniable proof that the unlikely thing they snapped a shot of really did happen.

"I found glacier water so clear you can barely see it."

Water is so very rarely just water. Because of the different minerals present in bodies of water, H2O tends to take on murkier, less clear appearances.

So, suffice it to say that I find it hard to believe that any water anywhere could look this clear and pure. But I'm so glad it exists.

"Ordered a pizza last night. They accidentally gave me the mesh pizza screen."

I find this hard to believe, simply because I can't see how someone would box up a screen without noticing their mistake. Then again, I've never worked at a pizza place so I have no idea what it's like at the peak lunch or dinner rush. I wonder if they want the screen back...

"This glitched out Mr Clean bottle."

Uhh, Mr. Clean? You doing okay there? Why does he look like you need a pair of those blue and red 3D glasses to see him properly?

Like, the kinds of paper and plastic glasses you get at a 3D screening of a movie. I'm pretty sure they don't even use those anymore.

"My eggs smiled at me today."

I, for one, absolutely hate it when I'm cracking eggs and the yolk breaks. For some things, it doesn't matter. But for other things, like if you're trying to separate the yolk and white, it's a whole mess. On the plus side, these eggs are radiating nothing but good vibes.

"I can bend my first two toes independently of the others."

I know you just tried to do this. I know because I also just tried it, to no avail. It looks like this skill (if you could consider bending your feet a skill) is extremely rare.

Either that or it's normal, and I've just gone my whole life thinking my toes are normal.

"The wood grain on this plank looks like a pair of scissors."

That's actually so cool. This doesn't even look like some kind of sun-bleached imprint, like when you leave an object sitting in the same spot for months or years on end.

In fact, it looks like it's ingrained into the wood. Maybe a pair of scissors somehow grew into the tree that eventually made this plank.

"This leaf looks like magma."

This leaf looks really cool! It's so amazing how nature can randomly do things like this. By the looks of the pattern, it's almost like parts of the leaf received sun, while other parts didn't, and that's why it changed color so specifically.

But I'm no leaf expert, so who knows.

"Massive Earthworm I found this morning."

I know that regular old earthworms can get pretty big, but to actually see one that's longer than an average human foot is something else.

I firmly believe that worms aren't even from this planet. They genuinely look like they came from outer space. By that logic, I guess this shouldn't surprise me.

"This beach is entirely made of shells."

I've always loved collecting seashells along the beach (on the rare times I go to the beach). So seeing this many shells line a shore is just, like, so cool. I would imagine it's pretty uncomfortable to walk on it, though. Still, someone's seashell collection just grew by a lot.

"Face on the cliff face."

On this episode of "Things That Took Their Names Too Seriously," we have, well, a cliff face that looks like it has a human face on it. You can see a nose, the mouth, chin, and even the eye/brow area. It's just so cool how nature can make things like this.

"My daughter dropped a can of seltzer water *just* right."

I've dropped a few soda or seltzer cans in my time. But I've never had one open up right at the lid. Usually, the impact of the drop punctures a hole somewhere in the side.

Thankfully, though, this person saw this incredibly rare occurrence and documented it for all of us to see.

"I can move my pinky down without moving my ring finger."

Just like with the toe one, I bet you anything you just tried to do that. The last two fingers on our hands tend to move together, so it's really hard to bend your pinky all the way down into your hand without your ring finger following suit.

The best I can do is get my pinky halfway down, and only with my dominant hand.

"These clouds looks like a guy taking a bite out if something."

I think cloud watching clubs should be more common. Just looking at different clouds and seeing cool things is actually a lot of fun. Take this cloud, for example, which really does look like a person who's about to take a bite out of something they're holding.

"This dart it threw into the back of my other dart."

Looks like we have a modern day Robin Hood over here. Except with a dart board, not an archery set. Still, you either have to be really skilled, or really lucky in order to make a shot like this one.

I, for one, have trouble even hitting the board, let alone the exact same spot twice.

"My wife and I had plane snacks that matched our books on our way to our honeymoon."

I can't believe this isn't planned. Then again, I can't imagine it'd be easy to find books with covers that are the exact color of the snacks a specific airline carries.

So, let's just chalk this up to an incredibly unlikely coincidence. But once that must make the flight a little more fun.

"Nearly perfect circle rock."

I honestly can't stop staring at this rock. Like, it's literally just a rock. And yet, the fact that it's so smooth, and the fact that it makes a nearly perfect disc shape is just so mesmerizing.

Against the black wallet backdrop, it almost looks like the moon. But I don't think this could be considered a moon rock.

"My father peeled an apple in one go and this is the peel completely intact."

I've never seen such a perfect sight in my entire life. In fact, I probably won't ever see something as perfect as this again. That's it, society has peaked. Someone peeled an apple in one go without any of it breaking off. It isn't going to get any better than this.

"This full rainbow in the sky a few weeks ago."

I've seen plenty of rainbows in my time, but nothing like this one. The phenomenon is called a solar halo, which occurs when clouds are overhead in a very specific way. Apparently, something similar can happen around the moon, which is aptly called a lunar halo.

"Got the claw machine stuck at the back of the door opening."

If I've learned anything about crane games, it's that they will grab anything except the thing you actually want to grab.

Getting caught on their own frame is a new one for me, though.

"Luckily for the people in the truck, their search for a lawyer is over before it began."

Considering the sheer amount of "personal injury lawyer" advertisements I see on a day-to-day basis, this probably isn't that unlikely a turn of events.

But that doesn't mean it isn't funny.

"Wasp gets killed while closing garage door."

You'd think this was an unlikely event, since most insets would fly away as soon as their perch began to move, but apparently not. After one of these images was shared, multiple other Redditors began sharing their own pics of poor bugs who got squashed by garage doors.

"Nothin' but net on this gutter ball."

Technically, I don't think it's a "gutter" ball in this case. Maybe a "foul"?

If you can't find the ball, look just to the left of the hook the net is attached to.

"That’s an unfortunate lighting outage..."

I know that getting signs like this fixed is more complicated than changing a light bulb. Just getting someone up there to safely complete the job is an undertaking.

That said...I'd probably prioritize it in this specific instance.

"Found this at my grandparents house."

Presumably this was a manufacturing error. Maybe the conveyor belt didn't move forward properly.

Even so, the amount of quality assurance that goes into every part of a manufacturing process makes this kind of mistake surprising.

"I took a timelapse of my flight and caught the plane getting struck by lightning."

Planes are engineered to withstand this, since it would be pretty much impossible to avoid ever getting hit by lightning.

That said, it would be very unnerving to see it happen while you're on said plane.

"I took this picture of the ocean the exact second my phone died."

While the comments beneath this image argue about the exact cause of this specific result, I don't really care about that.

It's just really cool to see how the camera app and sensors can react if the power is cut at just the right moment.

"A yellow ladybug crawling on my wife's amber bracelet."

This is one of those images that will have you doing a double take. If you're not paying enough attention, you may actually miss the little yellow bug on the bracelet. It really does blend into the other small, round, yellowish stone beads.

"Superb owl timing."

Animals are classic photobombers, but how often do you see an owl so perfectly time their bomb that they replace the groom's head in a wedding photo?

"I tried swatting this fly and thought I missed."

It looks like a teeny, tiny Whack-A-Mole game.

I kind of feel bad for the little fly. It almost escaped to safety, but not quite.

"I opened my can of soup and none of the soup stuck to the lid."

Honestly I can't believe this one. The amount of movement cans go through, from transport, to being shelved, to being put in someone's cart and then brought home in a grocery bag, there's no way some soup wouldn't stick to the lid of the can. Yet, here's proof of it actually happening. So cool!