
19 Pranks People Worked Hard To Pull

Some of the simplest pranks require little to no effort to pull off, but there are some pranks that take hours of dedicated work and effort!

So, from people who went to strange lengths for some tiny clogs to individuals who used their artistic skills for evil, here are 19 pranks people worked hard to pull off.

"My wife called me into the bathroom claiming that the sink was clogged... She was right."

This person explained the lengths that their wife went to, by writing:

"After asking if my parents owned a pair of clogs that [my wife] could borrow. I replied that they did not. Upon my rejection she took to eBay to find a cheap miniature pair. The prices where incredible. Scraping the purchase route she dug my printer out of storage, set it up, & printed a sheet of pics."

"This is pure evil..."

You would have to really hate the people that you lived with to try and pull this off!

"My daughter just bought a house that was built in the late 1800's, we found this doll and she threw it out. I got it out the trash and let the games begin..."

I can safely say that I would not be able to sleep in this house with that terrifying doll lurking around every corner!

"There's a Weiner Bandit in my daughter's neighborhood. I kind of hope the person doesn't get caught."

I kind of love how weirdly specific this is! Why weiners? And why so many of them?

"My boyfriend can be a real asshat..."

He's technically correct though... In the very worst possible way that is.

"So today is my last day at work, and my coworkers know how much I hate these two people."

I sincerely hope that those plastic bags haven't melted onto the car, as that's gonna be real fun to get off if so!

"My wife thinks she can hide donuts from me."

When you get married to someone, you're meant to share your donuts from then on! It's all part of the deal!

"My girlfriend: The smartass."

Ask and you shall receive! And this is the exact same context that phrase was first used for in the Bible as well.

"Made me laugh..."

An individual with a similar idea replied with:

"Did this to my parents back in the day. '*FREE PET MONKEY call... ' After 200+ phone calls parents were none too pleased."

"High School Senior Prank makes it look like a car crashed into the school using black tarp, some bricks and a car cut in half."

Like most good pranks, this one can be done with the stuff you just have lying around your half a car.

"And y'all were worried about masks in the airport…"

Any level of goose warning is a warning that needs to be heeded! Those ruthless killers are not to be taken lightly.

"My girlfriend has been taking pictures of us together when I least expect it for 7 years. She knows I hate it. I finally returned the favor."

This guy really knows how to pick the big moments! This one will have them even for a long time!

"Someone ordered me 28 large Dr. Pepper's at midnight."

Why would anyone ever want twenty-eight drinks of Dr. Pepper? It's the worst soft drink!

"My wife and I decided to mess with our contractor..."

Unsettlingly, someone responded, "I work for a land development company. Unearthing a body isn't super rare. I mean, it's not a monthly occurrence, but we've come across 2 in the last 4 years."

"Canceling plans excuse generator."

My personal favorite one is, "This is going to sound like an excuse but a sad clown found my box of human teeth."

"Husband asked what I was eating and I told him raw calf liver is really healthy, he almost wretched into the sink."

One person added, "Now poke him in the liver with your finger and mutter, 'Nope, not ripe yet.'"

"Day 10 Of Nobody Noticing This..."

Wow, this bathroom is also one of the only places still using actual fly-paper! I haven't seen anyone using that for ages.

"My friend knows I like cake so she baked this for me. We're no longer friends."

That is some genuinely incredible artistry on that cake! Still terrifying, but impressive nonetheless!

Classic Prank At Work!

I love the idea that there are still people out there who fall for this kind of thing!