16 Pics You'll Need A DeLorean To Fix

Most of us wish we had the ability yo turn back time. That dance in the 7th grade where your crushed turned you down? Don't ask her to be your date. That time you broke your arm because you were doing something stupid? Go back in time and don't be stupid. See how awesome that would be?

Unfortunately, they don't exist quite yet and these pictures are proof of that. They're filled with things that you'd need a time machine to reverse.

1. This elderly wall that's showing its age.

Geek Fill | Geek Fill

Pretty sure they don't make Botox for walls, and we all get a little wrinkly with age, so I don't know why this would be an exception to that rule. The good news is that the clock looks hella comfortable.

2. That is one dread-ful head of hair.

Reddit | Sterlingbaby

Oh, honey. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this looks a lot less like dreadlocks and a lot more like you shoved your head into a cotton candy machine.

3. If I were this cold, I'd wanna turn back time and head indoors, stat.

Daily Mail | Daily Mail

I can't even function properly if the air conditioning is too high. Going to and from work every day in weather like this? Absolutely not.

4. It's just a piece of paper, what's the big deal?

Reddit | MochaPaws

They sell them in boxes of 1,000 at Staples, and those fonts look pretty standard to me. Can't she just print another one? I don't know how it works, I don't have a degree.

5. I get wrinkly when I spend too much time in water too.

Reddit | JeboCekic

The rainfall still has this spaghetti looking al dente, but when I get out of the water, I look like a 60-year-old raisin. Life is just unfair.

6. Honestly, I don't know what kind of addiction is worse.

Reddit | TrueSplendor

Sure, drugs are terrible, but rhinoceri grow to be, like, 5,000 pounds. I honestly don't know which of the two is more dangerous.

7. If you get a ticket from the police and it fades in the sun, you don't have to pay it.

Reddit | tallguyyouknow

I have no reason to believe that is true and I probably just made it up, but I'm standing by it.

8. At least it only took her six years.

Instagram | @_randomness_27

Eight years ago, I gave this dude my number after a Protest the Hero show, and honestly, I'm still hopeful.

9. Congratulations to this street formerly known as Prince.

Reddit | TuteOnSon

I'm not sure who he married, but I hope they're happy. Much like Harry and Meghan, I had zero idea that this royal wedding even happened.

10. The owner of these shorts claims they were solid blue when purchased, but then they began to reveal a flower pattern as they faded.

Reddit | jadcloet

Let's be real, the company probably just took some shortcuts during the manufacturing process.

11. Thankfully, I never intended to.

Imgur | Imgur

It doesn't sound appealing at all. Why would I want soggy, hot cereal? If that were the case, I'd visit my grandma so she could force-feed me Shredded Wheat.

12. Are we really gonna act like this isn't the start of a zombie apocalypse?

Reddit | LeinelBlaun

Whoever took the photo claims that the roots of the tree pushed this gravestone up over time, but I'm not willing to take that risk.

13. I mean, it technically wasn't a marriage for another 218 days.

eBaum's World | eBaum's World

Breakups suck, no one will argue with that. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill, though, shall we?

14. Let the man do his job, he was instructed to not leave his post!

Reddit | kart22

This is basically the construction site equivalent of when you try to make your bed, but your cat won't budge, so you just bury her in it.

15. This man's finger crease disappeared after only four months of his knuckle not working.

Reddit | Hednik4am

He never explained why his knuckle stopped working, so let's just hypothesize. Maybe he shook hands with the world's best hand shaker and it crushed his finger.

16. So that's how they make low-fat Cheez-Its!

Reddit | Angelo_Enagic

Just leave 'em on a piece of paper over the weekend and by Monday, problem solved. All the cheesy taste, and none of the guilt!

17. A thousand flushes later and it still looks like a unicorn threw up in your toilet.

Imgur | sNice

Not sure I've ever seen a toilet cleaner that looks like a bath bomb, so maybe this dad would like to rethink his move.

18. Well, at least he's still eating it.

Reddit | ComplimentShark

I'd tell you to employ the five-second rule, but unfortunately, the size of that sandwich makes it pretty much impossible. You'd be lucky to pick up 10% of the toppings in that time frame.

19. Someone's getting in a lot of trouble!

Instagram | Instagram

If a shirt looks like Justin Timberlake would've worn it in his noodle-hair phase, then it's probably way too old to be returned.

20. Well, the good news here is that the bread actually looks like it turned out OK.

Reddit | basshead541

So at least somebody will have a nice, fresh snack while they're busy banging their head against the wall...and eventually scraping melted plastic out of the oven. They sure learned the hard way.

21. Eh, put it in some rice.

Me.me | Me.me

Or try turning it off and then on again. Everybody knows that all cell phone problems can be fixed by one of those two solutions.

22. Oh, boy. There's a lot of damage we could prevent by getting this person to knock it off.

Reddit | swear_words_and_smut

I can see two cars behind the photographer in the rearview mirror, but I'd be surprised if anyone was riding behind this mover and shaker.

That would take true bravery.

23. Maybe he could go back in time just to let himself out! 

Reddit | 3fallin

No one wants to be a prisoner of their own home — at least, not involuntarily or whatever.

24. I know it's so hard to see, but this guy left this tag on his suit...right before a job interview.

Reddit | balf92

Granted, this isn't really a big deal. That is, unless he described himself as "detail-oriented" on his resumé — then it might haunt him.

"While we're at it, you're an expert at Excel?"

25. I wish unfortunate things like this happened to me more often.

Imgur | Imgur

My unfortunate circumstances are things like fractured ankles and missed trains. Not even on the same level, if you ask me.

26. I don't know about y'all, but I can't really see another option here besides sacrificing this ladder to the construction ghosts.

Reddit | LMac8806

Because yes, technically they could undo all several hundred of those bolts just to retrieve that ladder — and anyone who suggests that solution just volunteered to do it themselves.

Haha, I'm just hearing crickets now.

27. She had to have seen that coming.

Twitter | @Heba_1123

Was there really no indication that a giant tidal wave could come crashing in at a moment's notice? None at all? Seems legit.

28. I suppose I've seen cars with worse decorations on them, but I don't think anybody will be hanging this on the fridge.

Reddit | UserNameIsBack

And yes, smarty pants, I know they couldn't if they wanted to. But unlike you, they're too busy sobbing to correct me.

29. Well, well, well, watching Netflix in the tub was all fun and games until this happened, wasn't it? 

Instagram | @streetcatto

I told y'all you were being too extra for your own good when you thought of this one. Rice is your only hope now.

30. Aww, I gotta give at least a little of the blame to the tattoo artist here. 

Instagram | @pablopiqasso

I can understand making people live with their dumb typos, but can we just let this young man give his sweet message to his mama without letting him do this to himself?

31. What would possess you to do this?

Two Eggz | Two Eggz

If you want to turn up the volume on your music, you just use the knob on the front on the stereo. You don't have to reach into the speaker and try to yank out the sound.

32. Well, I think that's a pretty good reason to cut the rock climbing expedition short.

Reddit | TheShoosher

It's not that I don't think he can make it without his glasses, but the breathtaking view probably won't feel that worth it when it's in real-life 240p.

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