Unsplash | Sharon McCutcheon

A Mom Accidentally Wore A Car Seat Cover As A Skirt And The Internet Is Loving It

Life can be a little overwhelming when you're expecting a new baby. It's basically nine non-stop months of shopping, planning, and doctor's appointments.

It's easy to understand why an expecting mom can get confused, especially when they probably aren't sleeping as well as they could. During this period, mistakes will happen.

One pregnant mom just shared her epic baby gear fail with the world and the internet is relating hard to this mom's mix-up.

If you've ever been pregnant or are currently expecting a little one right now, then you know that people loooooove to give you their hand-me-downs.

It's like some sort of parenting rite of passage: giving your old baby stuff to one of your expecting friends.

Now, when women are gifted these bags of clothes, there are usually a few questionable donations.

They've made a lot of weird baby products over the years and if you're expecting your first child, it's easy to get confused when you're not familiar with baby gear.

That's exactly what happened to Lori Farrell.

Facebook | Lori Farrell

The expecting mom was given a bunch of second-hand clothes and came across one item that seemed to be for her and not her little bundle of joy.

Lori figured the item was a stretchy, jersey maternity skirt and wore it to work.

Facebook | Lori Farrell

Honestly, this looks like a cute outfit! I like the pattern and it looks comfy, too!

However, she soon realized that the item was not a skirt and was actually a car seat cover.

Itzy Ritzy

These car seat covers have become very popular over the last few years and help block out the sun and wind. Most of them also double as breastfeeding covers, so yes, you can technically wear them (just not as a skirt).

Lori shared her hilarious fail with the world on Facebook.

"If you feel like a failure today, just know that I wore a car seat cover a friend gave me because I thought it was a skirt," she wrote in a Facebook post.

Since sharing her mommy mistake with the world, Lori's post has been shared about 65,000 times!

Facebook | Lori Farrell

A lot of other parents related to her error and said that they would probably have done something similar.

A lot of people agreed with me and thought it looked good on Lori!

Facebook | Lori Farrell

Hey, who knows? Maybe Lori will start a new fashion trend with this look. Really, it's only a matter of time before we see a car seat cover that doubles as a skirt being pitched on Shark Tank.

Lori's fail also paid off because the company that makes the car seat covers gifted her a whole set!

Facebook | Lori Farrell

And this time, there will be no confusion on Lori's part when it comes to how they should be used.

In any case, I'm sure this post created a lot of smiles online and I'm so glad Lori shared this hilarious mistake with the internet.

Parenting is all about making mistakes and it's important to have a sense of humor about it! Congrats on your growing family, Lori!