13+ People Who Are Out To Get Us

There are some wonderful people out there who just have a way of making life pop! They're the kinds of people who have a delightfully quirky way of living their life; whether it be ordering pizzas to the DMV, pretending that you have a twin brother to get extra photos in your yearbook, or farting in the background of their children's audio assignments.

We all know someone like this in our life, without whom the planet simply wouldn't be the same. So, in honor of these people, here are 13+ people who got us good!

"Our neighbor's Hope sign broke in the best way possible."

Reddit | ChainChomping

Sure, it "broke". Don't try and tell me that you didn't do this to it on purpose whoever posted this!

"So my fiancé had his students email him a recorded assignment. This was an email from one students."

Reddit | beckahhhh_pleaseee

A lot of people strongly requested that this person post the recording, even just the clip of the fart; however, they sadly did not! And I cannot believe that I am genuinely disappointed at not being able to hear a recording of a fart.

"My dad likes reading so I got him a Kindle for is birthday. He's using it as a bookmark."

Reddit | repliers_beware

Well, at least this Kindle got taken out of the box! There are a lot of Kindles out there bought for Christmas that never see the light of day, such as my grandmother's one that is essentially a fancy paperweight.

"Found a unexpected guest in my Green-Bin today."

Reddit | Toonic

"I've trained for years in the art of espionage with the most elite organizations in all of the world and..."

"Is that a racoon in the bin?"


"My friend sent me this while at the DMV. This guy got fed up with waiting so he ordered a pizza."

Reddit | hibarihime

He could have at least asked if anyone else wanted anything ordering in. They could have all had a pizza party in the DMV... which sounds like the worst birthday party ever.

"My Parents Sent Me This From Their Retirement Community Today."

Reddit | Ace497

So this is what retired people do with their time! I knew it! I knew they couldn't just be doing crosswords and saying that global warming is a myth!

"My boyfriend's friend recently got out of jail, and today is his birthday. Of course, this is the only appropriate way to wish him Happy Birthday."

Reddit | lmnopqrtist

Good lord that is a lot of frosting! Although, the sour jellies really won me over. I think I'd have heartburn for a week after eating this... but it'd be worth it.

"I went to Amsterdam a while ago and I found boobs in the Red Light district in an unexpected place..."

Reddit [deleted]

What a ludicrously strange thing to find! Although, I guess you can find all sorts in Amsterdam. One person in the comments explained:

"This bronze was placed right in front of the old church in the mid-1990s and nobody knew who had placed it there or why. The city government wanted it removed asap but finally, after a lot of people agreed to "save the breast" it was decided to only remove it from the entrance of the church; it's now a few feet away from it. The artist remains anonymous to this day but rumors were always strong that it was made by former Queen Beatrix..."

"My friends had to post this on their front porch after getting too many unexpected visitors."

Reddit | toremygooch

A lot of people were assuming that the friend's house was previously owned by a drug dealer; however, the person who posted this wrote, "Unfortunately, they've owned the house for over a decade and the visits are new. They appear to be strung out and going to the wrong house".

"My blind friend got engaged yesterday...he's pretty sure."

Reddit | DownwindDonkey

He's going to make that plug socket the happiest appliance in all of the world. It is Annoying that that woman intruded on the private moment though.

Thinking Outside The Box

Reddit | Awesam114

Where does it say in the syllabus that you can't do this? I mean, there are probably several rules explaining that you can't do this, but until I read them with my own two eyes I won't believe it!

"My niece is in 5th grade and got her first love note. This 5th grader has more game than I'll ever have."

Reddit | dreichert87

This is worthy of Shakespeare! Comparing someone to the feeling of catching every Pokemon is truly inspired, I wish I had thought of that... although, I don't think I've ever felt that strongly about someone.

"Never read the Justin's Almond Butter label before..."

Reddit | MoistCreamPies

Naming a kid is hardly important anyway. I mean, if they don't like it they can always just change it. Hence, why I secretly changed my name to Magnus Magnificent several years ago.

"A co-worker got tired of people asking where Ed is."

Reddit | ImJohnathan

I wish I'd have thought of this when I worked at Costa. The sign would have said: "Are the holiday special drinks still on the board? Yes ⏤ Then you can order one. No ⏤ We clearly aren't sodding doing them anymore, so no you can't have one!"

"There's a bathroom in my parent's house that is lit by a single window and this is what happens every day."

Reddit | scoottehbesht

If you want to be serenaded by a choir of angels while you defecate, then this is the toilet for you! And, I mean, who wouldn't want that?

"My sister got pranked for her birthday..."

Reddit | WelcomeToTheDZ

I think that this is the only thing that you could do to a smart car to actually make it better... cover it with literally anything.

"Husband always got colored pencils for his birthday growing up and he hates them cause he's colorblind. He's wanted an iPhone forever..."

Reddit | jabberingginger

What kind of person would get a colorblind child colored pencils? That is surely just one of the cruelest things you could do to a kid!

"My sweet innocent mother got my sister a thermos with her initials monogramed on it for Christmas."

Reddit | Snowy_Boy

Life is hard for people whose initials spell out something you don't necessarily want them to. Also, how on earth can someone be that naive? I wonder if they actually used it at all.

"15 years ago, this idea got me my first ad agency job."

Reddit | dustin1776

And I can see why! I hope that Dan's Big And Tall, or another tall person clothing store, took this idea! Also, is it only me that finds that a strange business model. Why don't regular stores just make bigger sizes? Then these shops would be redundant?

"Our friend got fired today."

Reddit | NRS1

People were curious about what the friend had actually done to get fired, and apparently, "he was co-mingling with guests on the cruise he was bartending. He got a flight back home."

"My buddy’s wife got an embroidery machine, this is the first thing he made on it."


That is actually incredibly impressive for a first go! They should get this tattooed on themselves... imagine cracking that bad boy out at the gym.

"Friend of mine got a complaint from her HOA about a dying shrub on her property."

Reddit | Idontlikejokes

Don't farm harder, farm smarter! Also, who are the people who make these complaints? How sad does your life have to be that you actually report someone for something like this?

"So my sister got goalie gloves for Christmas from her boyfriend for 'being a keeper'..."

Reddit | slizzers

Wow, that is a palpable look of disappointment right there! Can you imagine the irony if this gift was the thing that made her snap and break up with him? That would be positively Shakesperian.

"I got bored waiting to get help at Lowe's."

Reddit | Ting80

Holy hell, that's one hell of a saving. Although, if you look at it, it only gets 2 stars, so maybe avoid that one! See... being a refrigerator salesman is easy!

"Saw this cat fueling up off of the Interstate. They've clearly got the essentials, and are not looking back."

Reddit | GirthyBurritos

I often think that if my cat could drive and get a job then they would move out of my flat in a heartbeat.

"If You Can Read This…"

Reddit | Gokuvirus

Ah, Janet M. I can only hope that when I go, I can think of something as fun to write on my gravestone. Although, in reality, it will probably just be something depressing like, "Thank God, I'm shattered."

"My dog got a little excited when I arrived home for the holidays."

Reddit | -GremlinDVa-

What on Earth did they do to create that pattern? Did they run around peeing, or just sping around on the spot? Either way, that's very unsettling. Is this a common thing for dogs to do, 'cause I've never seen this before?

"My co-workers are very gullible (I actually heard them saying this out loud)."

Reddit | rand4711

Sometimes the simplest pranks are the most satisfying! Have you ever fallen for something like this? I mean, I definitely haven't... I'm just curious.

"I found this from my husband in the bathroom."

Reddit | AJBHcats

Signing as 'housekeeping management' was a nice touch, makes you feel like you live in a really brutal hotel.

"Just finished making rice crispy treats to share at work!"

Reddit | buterbetterbater

The detail put into this is amazing, really excellent execution but I don't think I'd be able to psych myself out enough to eat it.

"Even dogs float down here."

Reddit | DREW1113

I'm not fooled. I saw the movies, I know Pennywise's whole thing is shapeshifting, I'm not about to let his tricks get me.

"Just bought a standing desk. I'm 6'4". GF is...not."

Reddit | DylanPierpont

If this is where his desk is his head must almost be touching the ceiling.

"Someone decided to stack candy corn like corn on the cob."

Reddit | genzkiddo

With some time, dedication, and crafting skills, this could be an absolutely devastating prank.

"I think he made his point very clear."

Reddit | GetInMyJetSki

If you have time to draw and tape this whole scene together, you have to time to tell your partner you don't like that syrup. But this is way funnier, I'll admit.

"A spoiler for the ages."

Reddit | GuruLuka

Now I'm not claiming to be a car expert, but I'm pretty sure no car needs this. Ever. For any reason.

"Better safe than sorry."

Reddit | m5k

He is following the sign! If we're talking on a technicality here, he's in the right.

"Meanwhile at the local zoo."

Reddit | MrBrianWeldon

You can still see them abundantly in their natural habitat, these ones must have been brought in because they were sick or needed rehabilitation.

"I give you so many gifts and this is what I get back."

Reddit | northead

I think cats are hardwired to ignore the nice things you buy them and just play with trash instead.

"Someone decided to build these scary snowmen outside a restaurant."

Reddit | seven_critical_blows

Can you imagine opening the next day, coming in through the back and you go to unlock the front door only to be met with horror in its purest form.

"Found a round die."

Reddit | shewa_boi

Round die? Round die. My brain is having major issues processing this, hold on.

"Birthday card receiver from work colleagues."

Reddit | ShyPurpleCat

It's efficient, it's easy, maybe a tad impersonal but I think that's fine coming from coworkers. This is the ideal work birthday.

"Woman buys an 'ugly lamb' cake and manages to make it even uglier."

Reddit | SmilingAssassin23

I can't wrap my head around people who aren't cake decorators thinking they can improve a cake. You reap what you sow.

"In high school my friend got two pictures in the yearbook by pretending to be his own twin brother."

Reddit | Dr_Martin_V_Nostrand

What a needless yet amazing prank to pull. However, there is also the chance that he really does have a twin brother, and you never knew...

"Someone decided to be a madman."

Reddit | Wildman8

You can tell they did this purely to be evil. Karma will come back for them someday in the form of a minor inconvenience.

"This is exactly why I hate online homework."

Reddit | secondaryaway

I wonder how many keyboards will get smashed as a result of computer pedantry like this? Because I know for a fact that I would have smashed the hell out of mine. Math is annoying enough as it is!