Unsplash | Helen Shi

22 Completely Unnecessary Packaging Fails

There are finally steps being taken to help the environment such as reducing waste and getting rid of plastic. But there's still so much that can be done and areas that need more attention.

One of them is the overuse of packaging. You wouldn't believe how big of a problem this still is. Here are just a few examples that show you exactly what I'm talking about and it's so pitiful.

1. This Apple At Burger King

Reddit | TheThirdStarkat

Seriously? Are they kidding here? Why not just put the apple in the paper bag alongside all the rest of the food?

2. These Biodegradable Sponges

Reddit | l1ttle_m0nst3r

So you think you're being good when you order these sponges made out of recycled materials, but then they come individually packed like this. Ugh!

3. This Beauty Bay Purchase

Reddit | AlenPlayz

Why do companies do this? There's no point putting things as little as this in a huge box. Is there? No sir.

4. This Organized Chaos

Reddit | MilkyWhiteDischarge

If it wasn't bad enough they used plastic to wrap every item here, they all had to come in their own individual paper boxes.

5. This Online Grocery Order

Reddit | ProbablyUncleJesse

Ordering your groceries online sure comes in handy these days, but did they really have to put every single item in its own individual bag?

6. These Screws

Reddit | ACES_II

Imagine receiving 700 disposable screws only to realize that they're all individually packaged with plastic thread protectors. Yeah, have fun opening up that stuff. Screw this!

7. This Grocery Store Fail

Reddit | houseoffools11

Hmm, doesn't this sign seem so hypocritical? I mean, they say they care about the oceans and then do this to the canned lobster. No thanks.

8. This Cartridge Packaging

Reddit | AusJonny

I could understand if these ink cartridges were all from different orders, but when you order them at once, then why? I don't understand this.

9. This Brilliant Target Idea

Reddit | peachesofjoy

I had to do a double-take on this one because I couldn't believe my eyes at first. Oh, Target, what are you doing to us?

10. These Peppers

Reddit | prettehkitteh

Please tell me this isn't some sort of crazy trend we're seeing here. First the sweet potatoes, then these. Let's not go backward, pretty please.

11. This Hoarding Situation

If this happened to us every time we received a package, we might be looking at some sort of a hoarding situation. Thanks, Amazon.

12. This Screwy Idea

Reddit | steveabraham

Do me this solid, peeps. Instead of ordering four screwdrivers online, just pick some up at your local hardware store on your way home from work.

13. This Tea Packaging

Reddit | vegetariansnowflake

This lucky person ordered two boxes of their favorite tea and now they're a proud owner of 30+ feet of bubble wrap. This is just ridiculous.

14. This Masking Tape Situation

Reddit | Little_Lorelei

During their mating season, the masking tape must be separated to avoid unnecessary violence.

Ha, ha, ha. No seriously, is this some kind of a joke?

15. These Guitar Picks

Reddit | Ironcymru

My fiancé is a guitar player, so these are very familiar. But, I gotta tell you even he would get aggravated by this overuse of packaging.

16. This Kid's Toy Packaging

Reddit | Nicoledhearted

I wonder how long it took to get all the pieces out of this egregious packaging. Talk about taking the fun out of gift-giving.

17. This Salad

Reddit | OminousMusicBox

This Dominos salad comes with every single item individually wrapped, including the lettuce. Can we stop doing this? I think this is a tad excessive, right?

18. These Reusable Straws

Reddit | Pamdwyr

When you try to be good and save the planet by ordering four reusable straws and then they come packaged like this. What a shame.

19. This Total Waste

Reddit | Grumpy1981

It still baffles me why companies use so much packaging to ship something so small. Just use a smaller box and ditch all the extras.

20. This Label Packaging

And here's another fabulous Amazon shipping fail. Why in the world would they use so much stuff to send a label? This is beyond crazy.

21. These Batteries

Reddit | iPattyR6

Come again? Are my eyes really seeing this? I thought the previous picture was bad enough, but to put two batteries in a box like this...it makes no sense!

22. This Candle Wrapping

You'd expect to see this long wrapping on a lamp or something fragile, and not for a candle. OMG! This is just too much.

Okay, I've officially seen enough of this.

This is the stuff that can give you nightmares. Well, maybe not. I'm exaggerating lol. But still, this is pretty crappy, right?