'SNL' Dragged Pete Davidson's Absence This Season So Hard

Well, there's always room for some good-natured ribbing on SNL, apparently. Even when it's to their own cast members who have been absent for a while.

You know, working on a real career.

Ever since he broke up with fiancee Ariana Grande, Pete Davidson has kind of changed.


And why wouldn't he?

A breakup so monumental would be heartbreaking for anyone, especially if it's as public as his was (and she even put his name in a song for flip's sake).

So, since then, he's been working on a film career.


We saw him in The Dirt, where he played a wiener music executive.

He was a good juxtaposition against the Motley Crue guys, 1) because he was lame and they were cool.

And 2) because Pete Davidson could actually act.

Ha ha ha.

Anyways, since then he hasn't shown up for the season premiere of SNL, nor did he show up for the second episode.

Apparently, he was off shooting the new Suicide Squad.

So, they commented about him on "The Weekend Update".


Saying that he wasn't there because he was “a man who drove his car to a music festival and still cannot remember where he parked his car, a week after the show.”

He also added: "We hope you make it back soon, Pete".