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This Photo Of A Rare Curly-Haired Cat Is Going Viral For All The Right Reasons

The question, "Have you ever seen a curly-haired cat?" is probably not one that you've spent a great deal of your time thinking about.

However, I'm here to highlight why this question should absolutely have been at the forefront of your brain since the first moment that you were capable of rational thought!

One painfully adorable curly-haired cat has been taking the internet like a — well, like a curly-haired cat actually.

Images of the cat were posted to Reddit with the caption, "Here's a curly-haired cat for those who haven't seen one", and needless to say the post quickly reached over 49,000 upvotes.

Seriously, with a title like that who on the internet isn't going to click that — it's like asking a toddler not to open a box that has "Do Not Open!" written across the top.

People were definitely not disappointed with the results, as they were met with this little gem.


There were hundreds of people quick to share the images and express their amazement at the curly-haired feline. There was also something of an explosion of people wanting one for themselves:

"I want that kitten more than I've ever wanted anything."

"This is wonderful. I want one."

And my personal favorite response, "You're not supposed to put them in the dryer".

While they are rare, the main breed of cat with curly hair is known as Selkirk Rex.


Yes, and thank goodness they gave it such a powerful and fear-inspiring name, look at that face after all. There are four breeds of curly-haired cat in total; however, the Selkirk Rex is the most common variety that you will see on social media, according to The Dodo.

The Selkirk Rex's roots are widely thought to be traced back to one specific cat from Montana.


Yes, the Selkirk Rex is widely believed to be the product of one particular rescue cat who goes by the name, "Miss DePesto."

Miss DePesto (and yes that _is_her real name) was found in a rescue center in Montana and given to a breeder called Jeri Newman, according to The Cat Fancier's Association — because of course, that's a thing, and has been a thing since 1906 apparently.

However, when Miss DePesto gave birth, there was a far higher percentage of curly-haired kittens than normal.

According to the CFA, "[Miss DePesto] produced three curly kittens out of six – proving that unlike the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex, [Miss DePesto's] mutation was dominant. Because the gene is dominant, curly kittens can be born in the same litter with straight-haired kittens.

"The Selkirk Rex is being developed as a large, heavy-boned cat rather like the British Shorthair in conformation."

Selkirk Rex cats are often referred to as teddy bears, and can be a highly prized breed.

Instagram | browneyedgirlphotography

They can usually be identified very quickly after birth, due to the fact that — wait for it — their whiskers will be curly. Yes, even the whiskers on these adorable things are curly.

Considering that the Selkirk Rex was only officially identified as a new species back in 2012, these curly teddies are highly sought after. The fact that this species wouldn't exist if it wasn't for one cat, Miss DePesto, being adopted, also highlights the importance of adopting cats from shelters.

h/t: The Dodo